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Wednesday 31 December 2014

Flight 2-0-1-5


    Good day ladies and gents. Welcome to Flight 2-0-15, this is your captain Ralph speaking. On behalf of the Ask Ralph Crew I am happy to welcome you all aboard. From here we would be cruising at an awesome altitude so just relax. Thanks to experience from years of flying, I would like to tell you that there would be no turbulence in this flight but then I would be lying. The truth is that the weather would test us through the course of our journey to our destination but we would pull through like nothing ever happened. We should touch down at our destination in about 365 days so hope you all prepared well for the journey. Please enjoy our refreshments, the cabin crew would soon go around to fulfill your every need as long as we can provide it. I have turned on the fasten your seat belt sign for take off so seat back for now as we lift off. In about an hour we would be out here. I have instructed my cabin crew to go around and collect anything you would like to drop off. So please leave behind any negativity as we won't be allowing any of that at on this flight. We have an hour before lift off so take this time to reflect on anything you want to leave behind before we take off. Oh and one more thing, Hold on to your hats! your captain cruises like Cowboy riding a wild horse. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Happy New Year Guys!

End of year wish chest

Want to participate in our end of year wish chest? It's actually a really simple concept.

As we wrap up the year if you know the things you wish for in the year we are about to enter then drop a comment on the two most important for you. Then think of the thing you want to leave behind as you step into the next year then select the two most disturbing and drop them in the comment section.

So that's. 2 wishes and 2 regrets for each person. We would repeat this every end of year. Don't just read guys, participate!

Dear Ralph: My wife doesn't us want to circumcise our son

Hello Ralph,
       Please I and my stubborn wife have been having a problem. She is a very stubborn person usually and I am not someone that gets violent or talks too much when you start arguing with me. I simply just keep quiet and leave her to do what she wants as long as it won't affect me. Recently she gave birth finally after making my life a living hell during her pregnancy. She gets almost impossibly unbearable when she is pregnant. This is our third issue and finally we have a boy. I have said to myself that I do not want children any more because of how she acts when she is pregnant. Do not get me wrong, I know the pain women go through when they are pregnant but her own is too much. I have sisters that have been pregnant before and it wasn't this bad. Anyway, my main problem is that she doesn't want us to circumcise our son. I have told her that this is just tradition and this is the way things are done. It is in the bible and she goes to church more than me. I don't know if this is another way for her to get me frustrated but I am getting very tired of this woman. I do not want to involve any external family members yet because I don't want it to be like I cannot handle my wife. Please I need your advice. At this point I can loose my mind and do something that I would regret. I beg you, help me out in this situation.

Let's do this! »

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After the success of her debut single “I know What You Like”, Toni Tones caps the year and starts off 2015 with a bang, with the release 2 hot new tracks, ‘ABA’ and ‘I know what you like’ (the REMIX).

 “ABA”, produced by ‘DMM is a beast’. Is different from the norm and will have you dancing, and laughing, ensuring you’re highly entertained.
The remix to “I Know What You Like” produced by Mavin Record's Baby Fresh, features rap heavy weights Vector and Eldee the Don, alongside Ajebutter. The four come together to give IKWYL a whole new spin and is guaranteed to keep you wanting more from Toni Tones. Enjoy these two tracks and look out for a lot more from her in 2015!
Let's do this! »

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Dear Ralph: My man confessed he wanted to cheat

Dear Ralph,
        I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 9 months now. We used to be very happy and everything seemed perfect. I never suspected anything until a couple of weeks ago when he opened up to me and told me that he almost cheated on my one night that he went clubbing with friends. According to him, it's not like something has gone wrong in our relationship. He says that he is perfectly happy and wouldn't change anything. Our bedroom intimacy is still top level. He says there is absolutely nothing wrong but that for some reason he almost still cheated on me. He had too much to drink that night and was dancing when some girl started flirting with him.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: I want to be with more men

Dear Ralph,
        I am 26 and about to get married and at this point in my life I feel I didn't have enough fun as I should have. I have been with only one man and that is the man I want to marry. I want to explore more, be with more men. See if other people feel different and better when I am with them. Have a one night stand. Just generally loose myself and be wild for a bit. I feel I am suffocating in my "good girl" image.
Let's do this! »

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Give yourself a break before the new year

It's about a day and some hours till we hit the new year. I am sure there are lots of you out there waiting for the cross over so you can make another attempt at starting over again and hopefully have a new chance to make things better in your life. Here is one simple tip that could help you. Give yourself a little break before the new year.
Let's do this! »

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Monday 29 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Am I making the right decision?

Hello Ralph,
        Hope you are doing okay, without wasting your time I want to go straight to my problem. I am confused about a decision that I need to make because of pressure from my friends and some members of my family. You see I have been with my boyfriend since we were in the university. We have argued, made up, fought and laughed together. We love each other deeply and thought we were inseparable. The problem is that he comes from a poor background. I never minded this, truth be told I was the person that took care of him through his schooling and never complained. He was always very grateful and treated me no different regardless which I admired very much. I saw and believed in his abilities, his talents. He is a very smart man and I still see potential in him. But it has been three years since we got out of school and he still hasn't gotten a job yet.
Let's do this! »

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Photos from Traditional wedding of Dr and Dr Mrs Akaolisa Anyogu

The Couple got married late November 2014. A big congrats to them as they start their journey together. Welcome to the family guys.  See more pics after the cut.

Photo Credit: Spaco Media
Let's do this! »

Monday Myth: Using the word "X-mas" is an insult

       There is a myth surrounding the substitution of the word Christmas with Xmas as an insult on the Christian religion and the sacred date. But there is a history behind this that many do not research on. The word Christmas comes from a Greek word Χριστός meaning Christ. The X being the first letter of the word is also pronounced as "chi". So dating back through centuries the word Xmas has always been an acceptable variable or should I say another name for Christmas.
Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: He isn't a man of his own

Dear Ralph,
        I have been seeing my boyfriend for 5 years now and we are set to get married soon. Although he hasn't proposed but we always talk about marriage plans and make family decisions and the rest. I love him very much but there is something about him that annoys me. I think his mother controls him too much. He listens to her too much and because of that, I fear that he wouldn't listen to me after we are married. It is as if he is scared of her and would do anything she wants when she commands it. I am a very outgoing person and I know he is also, but his mother would never let him make a step out of the house on her watch. He still lives in her house and the way she controls him freaks me out.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: I ruined my home

Hello Mr Ralph,
         I am a mother of 2 children, 34 years old and recently divorced. I and my husband separated because of what I did. I do not blame him, all the blame is mine but I want to know if there is anyway I can get him to speak to me again. As for what happened sir, it isn't something I am proud of and if not for the constant temptation, I would have stopped a long time ago. You see while growing up, I never really had much friends. The people over here in London easily bullied me because of my physical looks and bone structure. I grew up never knowing love but that of my sibling and parents. I only had one brother who I loved very much. I never had any boyfriends or male friends that could help me explore my femininity. I do not want to go into details because I still feel bad about it seeing that it has driven my husband away and looking back at who I was I feel very dirty with myself. Here is what happened.
Let's do this! »

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Sorry for the absence

Sorry for the long absence everyone. As I said before, I had a lot to organize this festive period. I still have a whole lot to do especially with the new year very close but I would start up on the emails I have received so far, starting with the oldest ones. Hopefully you all would still understand with me if I have to take another short break, just be rest assured i'll come back shortly if I have to leave.  Thanks for your patience guys and I apologize for my absence. I am back now and that is the most important thing. Let us ride out the rest of the year together and see how our 2015 would be. I'll get a little sleep now and start posting in a couple of hours. See you guys then.

You guys Rock.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas From Ralph

       Wishing you all a very merry Christmas this 2014. I am sure you are all out having a good time. Do not let anything stop you from enjoying Christmas this year. You are a member of Ask Ralph and it is forbidden to wear a frown or not have any kind of fun today. Nothing is allowed to pull your spirit down today. I Wish you guys all the best, and as you round up this year in style, I am expecting pictures of activities and fun times that you had through the holiday season from you guys. So make sure that when the pictures come in, the fun you had would be felt through the picture. Make sure to enjoy this as much as you can.


Wednesday 24 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Is this normal please

Hello Ralph,
       Abeg let me ask you. My girlfriend and I have been quarreling over something recently. It is she and her so called best friend that is a guy. This guy knows me and knows that I am dating her and according to her there is nothing going on between them. She has an attitude that after talking to the guy they end the call by saying "I love you" and "I love you too" depending on who is loving the other first at that point. This thing pisses me off so much and we have been fighting over this particular issue. I have spoken to the guy and gotten to know him a little and guy I won't lie to you, I am not into guys but this guy fine. Me, I am afraid because he could be my babes "under G" runs.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: I do not want female children

Hello Ralph,
         I have this fear of having female children because of my past. I know what I did to girls and I fear that it is going to happen to my own daughter. I changed my ways a couple of years back when I met my wife and stopped everything I used to do. But I just feel karma is going to come back to me. I am the type of person that would love my children to be very free because I know what it is like to have parents that control your life, somehow it is what led me to do all the things I did when I finally got the freedom I wanted. I know how people become when they get a little freedom after being caged in for so long. I do not want my daughter to fall into the wrong hands and at the same time I know that the evil I did would be suffered by her. So instead I think it is better if I do not have a female child at all. I know you would be wondering that since I have made up my mind, that why am I still writing to you? I guess now that I am married, I am scared and was hoping that you would help me with some tips. If I was still to give birth to a daughter, is there a way I would be able to keep men away from her without restricting her freedom totally. Also is there a way to make sure that all my children are boys, that way I do not have to worry at all. I await your reply.

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Dear Ralph: I am attracted to married women

Good day Ralph,
          Ever since I was young I have always found myself attracted to older women. I have been with a couple of them even,although nothing serious, just mostly intimacy and friends with benefit stuff. As I grew older I tried to get into different relationships and I really tried my best but it never seemed to work out. But each time I meet a married woman, we just have this automatic connection and its like something clicks in us and we flow. As you can guess things never last long but mostly because she has to keep going back to her family and its just a matter of time before I can't take it anymore or she has to go back fully to her family and leave me then everything breaks off.
Let's do this! »

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Tuesday Tip: Christmas Secret Santa


Christmas is a season for giving. So why not try something new this year with your family. Here is an idea, I actually picked it up while watching a movie and decided to share with you guys. You write down names of everybody in your family or your office on a separate piece of paper and fold them up. It would help if your numbers are even, it would balance things out.
    Get everybody to draw a piece of paper with a name and when they open it up, whatever name they see on it, they would have to buy a gift for the person. The person who buys a gift for you is your Christmas Secret Santa.
Let's do this! »


An Early Xmas Greeting From Ralph

This is wishing you all a very Merry Early Christmas this year. Also to inform you all that I might not be very available for some time. This years Christmas is looking like it's going to be very busy but every single one of you is important to me so i'll do my best to drop a post once in a while and answer some of the emails also. Please be patient with me. I appreciate every single person that has clicked landed on my website and decided to read up something. Hope I inspire you guys as much as I mean to.
Let's do this! »

Monday 22 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Christmas is not a good time in my family

Dear Ralph,
         Christmas is drawing closer and as usual I am beginning to get very restless. My lovely wife,this woman that I love very much doesn't like Christmas because of something that happened to her, while me on the other hand have always enjoyed the holiday season because of the way I was brought up. For the 6 years that we have been together, Christmas brings her spirit down and it affects the whole family. My kids do not know the joys of Christmas because of this. You see it happened 3 years before we got married.
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Monday Myth: There is a Particular secret to relationships

         I have seen a lot of statements online and even heard some directly from people, stating conclusively, the secret to happy marriages and the perfect love life. I have seen different things from books to seminars. While these articles and gatherings contain a lot of useful information, if there was a particular book that contained all the secrets to a happy relationship, if there was a particular thing or behavior that a man and woman had to use and everything would be fine then I doubt the number of failed marriages in the world today would be as outrageous as it is.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: Duped by a friend

Hello Ralph,
         I have a friend that I used to trust but with what she has done I don't think I would ever bring myself to trust her again. We used to do everything together and I used to count her as my best friend but it seems she is just a backstabber. I wanted to start a business selling shoes and it happened to be that she travels out a lot. So I told her of what I wanted, she agreed to it and told me that the next time she is to travel out that she would collect money from me and buy my goods for me. We started things off the way we discussed and although the shoes were more expensive than I thought for shoes being bought in Dubai, somehow I managed to sell them off. I went for another batch and then another. It was one day that I met someone to sell my shoes to and told her my price, when I told her she frowned and asked me if I am the only person that brings things in from Dubai.
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You are beautiful 2

      You think inner beauty doesn't matter? You think it's a must to have an hour glass shape and the perfect face with the perfect makeup to be accepted by people? Think again, because people who accept you for just your physical attributes are people you should be careful with. True beauty comes from within. And if you think I know not what I speak of then click the link below let me tell you a story about my friend from a long time ago.
Let's do this! »


Saturday 20 December 2014

My Friend Sam (Continuation)

Read first post HERE

When we were about a street away from the first girls house, Samuels Phone beeped, a call was coming in and he looked at the caller I.D. It was an unknown number, but he didn't have anytime for unknown numbers right now, he was focused on something better. He hissed and cut the call because he hardly picked any numbers he didn't know.
Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: How do I tell him?

Dear Ralph,
        I have a boyfriend that I have been dating for 3 years.We are very in love with each other and if things go according to plan we would get married soon. I cannot wait to be his wife and he cannot wait to be my husband. Ever since we met he has never been shy about talking of marriage. He understands me well and I understand him also, in fact we are soul mates. The problem is this, whoever intertwined our souls did not try. He gave us everything but did not give my man an understanding for how to buy gifts. I don't mean that I hate him for this, I think it is very cute and I like to see how happy he is when he buys a gift for me and I pretend to like it and scream with joy. I really appreciate his effort, but ladies would understand what I mean. If you do not like a particular color, no matter what, you just don't like it. So now imagine that color in a style that you would never ever wear.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: I don't want just her body.

Hello Ralph,
        I'm writing because my relationship is crumbling as we speak. I and my girlfriend have only been together for 1 year and 4 months. We started out with her not being really interested in me but with constant pressure and persuasion she gave a chance at making something work between us. We have had our good times and our bad times but always manage to make up. The problem now is that recently things have been getting out of hand, it's like we are no more on the same page. We fight a lot and do not even bother to make up anymore. It's as if she is looking for a way out of the relationship but doesn't know how to go about it, that is my first thought each time something comes up but I get too scared to ask her because I don't want to loose her. On looking again I can see that she might be going through the same thoughts and struggles. She makes more money than I do but I doubt that is part of the problem. I don't know if it has to do with marriage also because she is 23 and I don't know if her parents have started disturbing her about marriage and that is part of why she is acting like this. I have never spoken to her about marriage because I kind of get scared when they label "marriage" on it.  We no more connect the way we used to and it's like the emotions are all faded away. The last time we had a fight was because of something insignificant. We disagreed on food, I am even too ashamed to go into details and before I knew what was happening, we weren't talking to each other again. Right now my main concern is that all we ever do is just make out and get intimate.
Let's do this! »

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Friday 19 December 2014

Lmao! Please watch this

Dear Ralph: Is he cheating? (Update)

Read the original post HERE

Dear Raphael,
        I should have written since but I have been very very busy with work and some issues in my house. I observed my husband more and it seems he is actually interested in another woman. One night he got up as usual and started checking his phone and I left him alone and pretended to be sleeping. This was happening around 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. So around 7 he got up and went into the shower to take his bath. I took his phone and went through it and noticed one woman that he always chats with. She sends him sweet messages and they are very much interested in each other. I usually don't go through his phone but I was pushed to do it this time. From what I have read, they haven't done anything yet and it seems it is the woman that is the one pressuring him to do something. For him to be getting up by that time of the night everyday means that he loves her and no more loves me. He even set an alarm for it one day that he was tired, we were renovating our house and he was helping with the work because he is very handy.
Let's do this! »

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Q&A: Is it okay to re marry?

Q: Ralph how are you doing. Just a quick question. I know a lady who her husband passed away. She has mourned him for 2 years now but recently started seeing someone. She is even thinking of getting married again. What do you think about this? She is kind of confused and I wanted to get another persons opinion on this.

Let's do this! »


Friday Fitness Fact: Honey can be harmful

Most times we prefer to substitute our normal factory processed sugar with natural honey and other sweeteners. But the truth is that this isn't always the best.

While honey is good and contains more nutrients than sugar. It still contains fructose which when consumed excessively can lead to obesity, heart disease and other diseases. So be careful not to consume this in an excess. It might be a good natural substitution but abusing it and over using it could cause you some serious health problems.

Be careful when taking Honey and other sweeteners.

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Dear Ralph: She gave me an ultimatum

Hello Ralph,
          There is a girl that I have been dating for 5 years. I love her very much and I think she loves me also. The times when I had nothing she was there for me and believed in me until I started making something for myself. I am not the richest of people but I can make something for myself and she doesn't complain. I always provide what she needs and surprise her with nice gifts when I can make out the money. I am 31 and she is 26 years but really acts very mature. I am trying to secure a job for her or have been but things have not been going as planned so she doesn't really support the house financially. I also planned on marrying her as soon as I am comfortable enough to take care of children and all the responsibilities that comes with being married. Recently we started quarreling a lot and I never knew where all this was coming from.
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Thursday 18 December 2014

For the girl that is aspiring to be a model

For the girl I advised on this post HERE. I have been trying to reach you for some time now and your emails keep bouncing. I hope you get this because there are highly reliable people that want to help you secure a chance at a contract with a modelling agency. Please reach me as soon as possible via my email or through my channels section on bbm. There are many who have seen your story and want to help you out. Hope you haven't already made the mistake. Reach me through the email so I can connect you and give you the contacts. Thanks

Dear Ralph: The night before my wedding

Dear Ralph,
          Please help me sort this out. My heart is being eaten with guilt, I don't think I can go on like this. I am married to the woman I have always loved for 7 years. Throughout our dating years I was always faithful to her but she cheated on me 3 different times with a particular man. I forgave her each time after she cried to me and we moved on. It is not like I am not wanted, as a matter of fact I am wanted by even her friends but I chose to keep myself. She loves me, I know that she does and I love her too. It's just that people make mistakes and she happened to make 1 mistake up to 3 times. I didn't know this thing was still affecting me, I thought I had gotten over this. As our wedding drew closer I found myself more frustrated at her and I knew it was coming from her past infidelities and my fear of her still doing it after our wedding. We quarreled a lot during that period and we even called the wedding off a couple of times. We finally decided to set a date and I decided to stop causing problems for us and just keep quiet about things. As the bachelors eve came, the groomsmen organized some strippers and I usually wouldn't agree to this but I found myself a little more relaxed and eager to participate.
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After the success of her 1st single, 'I know what you like',Toni Tones is slated to release a multitude of songs, the first of which will be her follow up single , ABA. Watch out for what is sure to be a hit song, different from the norm, this will have u dancing and laughing, keep you highly entertained and keep you wanting more from her.

Watch out for Aba, coming soon!

While you wait, please enjoy as Toni Tones covers Jhene Aiko's  'The worst'

Find Song  after the cut

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You can comment even on the oldest posts

Hello, Please I just wanted to let you all know that my comment threads do not close yet since the comments aren't that plenty. So feel free to comment even on the posts that are old. Take your time and read through to understand the situation then post your comment. The people that need the help would always be looking back to check for new suggestions so feel free. Thanks so far everybody. I appreciate you all.

Hate the act not the Human

     Are you struggling to find a way to forgive a person for something they did? But somehow you just can't bring yourself to that point of letting go of what they did or even understand why they did it in the first place? Especially if it is a trusted person. Yeah, don't worry it happens to every single one of us. Sometimes the pain,hurt and the thought of what was done to you just lingers and haunts you to the extent that you won't be able to get it behind you. Even if you tried to, you sometimes hold back from forgiveness because you never want to be seen as a fool. Well I have a method or trick that I use which I call "Hate the act, not the Human". Click the link to read more
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Dear Ralph: About to be a single mother

Hello Ralph,
         Seasons greetings to you, your email was given to me by a friend whom you helped off the blog recently (remalicious is her bb name). I am in a very serious problem. I met my boyfriend when I was in my 1st year in school. We started dating but I was being careful regardless of any kind of pressure he put on me to give up my innocence to him. I kept it up for about a year and gave into pressure after some time. We have been at it since then and he personally doesn't like to use any protection because it "feels better". I tried to talk him out of it but find myself powerless most times when we talk, he is very good at persuading me. So I just went with it saying that since he plans on marrying me soon that we have nothing to be afraid of, I was very stupid for that. Well our luck ran out and I missed my "red alert" for some weeks. I called him and told him of this and he didn't say anything.
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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Dear Ralph: I don't understand her signals

Hi Raphael,
        I have an issue right now, there is a girl in my school. I have had a crush on her for two years now but haven't been able to say anything about it. I am kind of shy and afraid of facing rejection. She is really pretty, smart, possesses very good features and I really wish she was mine. The problem is that sometimes she confuses me with the signals she throws at me. Sometimes she acts like she likes me and wants me and other times she just acts like I don't exist at all. There are times when we are close and I just feel like she is beginning to understand my intentions and then other times it is like she is a totally new person. She would then treat me like I am just a friend in front of her girlfriends and It is so embarrassing for me. I really want to be with her but don't know how to go about it. Is there a way I would be able to understand the kind of light she is shining for me or what she wants at least. I don't even know if I should ask her out or not. I await your answer, Thank you.

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Are you prepared for it? (conclusion)

Read the fist to here. 1st post and 2nd post

  So later that evening just when you had managed to get your mind off things, a text comes into your phone. And as you read it you keep flashing back to what happened in the job you had quit.

    Dear sir, We are happy to inform you that we have finished reviewing your result. However...*Heart rate goes up and flashes of you standing outside your old office and waiting to be late on purpose*.....We regret to inform you that....*flashes of the back of your managers head*.....we cannot have you .....*flashes of the sack letter*.....In our company....*Flashes of the dirty slap you gave your manager*....We do not see you fit for the position you applied for....*intense headache and running stomach*....Thank you for applying and have a wonderful day ......*Big flash of your village people congratulating your manger on a job well done*. This last image is going to linger for a while so be prepared.
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Tuesday 16 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Bulking up For Bullies

Hello Ralph,
          Just discovered your blog when I came back from school last week. I am a secondary school student and I have been suffering from bullying since I entered school. I thought that when I entered senior level things will be better but it is as if the thing is even getting worse. I live in a boarding school and my seniors are something else. With the way we are handled I really do not blame my class mates that are saying they will do their own when they reach SS3. Anyway I was looking at your fitness section and was wondering if there is anything I can do to become stronger under a short period of time. If it is a medicine or anything I will do it. There is a particular senior I am timing and I want to surprise him when I come back. My school resumes in second week of January so I have less than a month. Please help me out. I need this.very much, the bullying is driving me crazy in this school. I think it is mostly because I am very thin that is why they take advantage of that. I have mates that only because they look bigger, the seniors don't go near them anyhow. So now you see why I need to grow bigger, hope you get this soon. Thank you sir.

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Dear Ralph: My depressed Roommate

Hello Ralph,
         I have this friend who is constantly depressed, he is unable to go for lectures once it kicks in and I have been talking to him to go to a hospital but he refuses. I think it is something about his home that affected him. He is my roommate and honestly, his mood gets to me. For the 3 years we have stayed together in school, I cannot tell you of up to 10 days straight that he kept a happy or normal mood. He is either lost in thought of something or curled up on his bed for another. He complained of his uncle that he stays with that maltreats him. His parents aren't really having so he was sent to live in his uncles place from a young age. He stays with his nephews and nieces and he complains of the difference in treatment.
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Tuesday Tip: Try this out this years christmas

Is it me or did the harmattan come in like a wrecking ball? Good thing is that I like seeing people walking around in their jean jackets, sweat shirts and hooded sweaters. Christmas is in the air and it's a wonderful season that brings people together. So the Tuesday Tip for today is going to be on something you can do this season to create a close bond between you and your loved ones.
Let's do this! »


My friend Sam

I have a friend who has this very lovely lady as his girlfriend and companion. Although he hasn't tied the knot yet, he plans on doing that soon enough. You see this my friend has always been very possessive of his girlfriend, but not overly possessive. He just never wants to see her get hurt. He tells her what to do and what not to do. Where to go and where not to go and people to befriend and not to befriend.He just makes this as a suggestion and tries his best not to force it on her, although there are times when he does this without knowing but they sort it out quickly and make up. Now his lady being a couple of years younger than him, would love to listen to him but the rebellious nature and spirit of adventure in her plus a dash of thirst for freedom wouldn't let her pay him her mind, all the time. He knew he didn't have a right to hold her back but didn't know how else to go about it. All he knew was that he wanted to protect his woman from any kind of harm.
      One day I was asleep and my phone rang by 11:30 p.m, I looked at the caller I.D and it was Samuel, I grunted and hit the volume button on my phone to silence the call and turned around to continue my sleep. As I was drifting back into my dreams the phones ringtone echoed loud again, I could have sworn it was even louder this time, perhaps I pressed the top volume button and had increased the volume.
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Monday 15 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Is it wrong to leave my church and join my wife to be in her own?

Dear Ralph,
        I am about to get married to my fiance. We have a very okay relationship, just like every other couple out there we fight and make up. But one particular thing has been a major problem. We are both Christians but we attend two different churches. I wouldn't mention the churches here because I know how these disputes about religion can be but all you need to know is that we don't go to the same denomination. My mum has been really angry and at first wouldn't even let me get married to her.
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Dear Ralph: I go both ways (Men and Women)

Dear Ralph,
           I Am quite ashamed That's why I am not sending this mail myself, the reason being that I am bisexual. I have had boyfriends and girlfriends but I prefer d gals though because I know I can't get pregnant and I feel more satisfied with being with a girl. I Am not proud of it that's why I want a way out plus I am engaged and not okay with the 14 years prison law in Nigeria. I also find myself touching myself if you know what I mean and the thoughts then are purely female thoughts just at times its about my man. Is it wrong to touch myself especially to quench ones desire for intimacy?
My friend who sent you this mail is quite aware because we've been friends since our university days and she doesn't judge me with it that's why she suggested me talking to you about this. I don't want her to give u my email or number cos I can't face you but please just kindly advice and put it on your blog too in case anybody who has to over come this is also on your blog. Thanks

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Happy Married Life to Mr and Mrs Eniola Tosin Ajibade

    A big congratulations to our first, blog couple. Introducing to you all Mr and Mrs Eniola Tosin Ajibade. The couple tied the knot on the 6th of Dec 2014. The lovely bride is the junior sister to one of our frequent readers, Mr  Emosu Segun. He requested that their picture be put up on the blog and he wishes all the blessings and happiness that a marriage can bring to his kid sister as she starts a new journey and chapter in life.

More pics of the couple after the cut.
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Monday Myth: Food Supplements can serve as food

  Do not get too comfortable with food supplements and do not for a minute believe that they can be used to replace your meals. All the excess medicine and chemicals you take into your body could be causing you some internal damage without you knowing it. I have a policy and it is actually simple. That is the only way I can guarantee for a healthy living.
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Dear Ralph: Should I tell my sister (update)

Get the original story HERE

Dear Ralph,
        I took your advice and told my sister about her man and just as I told you, my sister refused to believe me. I have tried and told her over and over again but she was convinced that it was because he was under the influence. She later confronted him according to her and asked him if it was true and he denied it. He said that he was just under the influence and that there was a time that he used to think about it and then he stopped it, that maybe it was the urge to do it that was coming up again because he wasn't himself when he said it. I don't know the manner she used to ask him but I know she just asked it and maybe even implying that I don't know what I am saying.
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Sunday 14 December 2014

So Far So Good

A big congratulations to us! We just past 1000 likes on Facebook and it is steadily climbing. I thank you all for the love and support so far, you guys are the best. This might look small to some but to me it is a whole lot more than I expected in 2 months. These tiny baby steps would definitely lead us places in the future. Thanks once again for the love and loyalty. You guys Rock!


Saturday 13 December 2014

What do you guys think about this idea?

So it's weekend once again and as you guys know. I don't blog on Sundays, although you should feel free to come online and drop a couple of comments. Anyway I had a thought and felt like sharing it with you guys. click the link to see if you would like it.
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Dear Ralph: Would it be possible to love him

Hi Ralph,
     Love what you are doing for the community. Please keep up the good work. Now for my own problem. Well it is not exactly a problem. Just that I am a little confused on what to do right now. You see I have always been brought up to stay at home. I went to school from home even until my university and I never really saw a problem with it. My parents needed help and I was happy to be around for them. I never really got into any relationship because of my studies. I knew right from time that if I allowed myself to be distracted I won't go anywhere in life so its safe to say I have never had a boyfriend.
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Dear Ralph: My mum wouldn't let me marry her.

Hello Ralph,
        I need a quick solution before I loose my mind. I and my mother have been battling for more than a year now about the woman I want to marry. I am Ibo and she is Yoruba. I have tried all my best to tell her that the girl is a nice person but she wouldn't agree. From the day I mentioned to her that I want to marry this girl and told her where she is from, I haven't heard word. She has been bringing other women for me to see and the mere mention of my fiance's name is like a taboo to her now. She has always been a stubborn woman and I think she only got worse when my father passed away. I am the last of 5 children. 3 girls and 2 boys. Everybody is married to Ibo people but I believe that was their choice. This is my choice and I have chosen my Yoruba wife. I am tired of the arguments and my fiance is even getting scared of us getting married. This is going to destroy my happiness but the woman is too stubborn to listen.
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Are you prepared for it? (Continuation)


    Read the first part by clicking this LINK

   So the next day is here and it's time for the interview and you step into the hall for it. But then something odd is happening, this funny feeling in your stomach won't go away. You are asked the first question, a simple question but you can't provide any answer. The man on suit moves on and asks you a different answer and yet you fumble, a third question comes your way and you decide to answer this one and give the wrongest answer ever heard. You are asked to identify a machine that you clearly know but you just can't remember the name. What is happening to you? Is it the years of being out of practice? Or did your manager connive with your village people under these few hours to bring you down. Either way this interview is not going good at all.
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Dear Ralph: He is small

Hello Ralph,
           I am an unhappily married woman and not because my hubby is a bad person or that he treats me wrong. I am unhappy because he isn't enough for me in the bedroom. His problem is his size, he is quite small for me and I don't even know how to tell him. Although I think the knows this because he keeps asking if I am okay after I pretend to be satisfied. You see I have a very high level of urge and I have always been used to getting it the way I wanted from my younger days and past relationships. But I have gotten married now and I would never dream of cheating on this wonderful man that God has blessed me with. But I still get frustrated because I am a woman and I have needs. I do not want to tell him how things are for me because I am afraid I would drive him away or that he would see me as a freak. I am really confused and stuck in the middle. I want to be satisfied but at the same time I don't want to hurt my man. Is there any pill I can use, maybe put in his food and he can keep growing bigger with time or is there any device I can use. Please advice.

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