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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Midnight thoughts


        Good morning Fam! Hope you all had a wonderful night. Do you guys want to know how mine went? No?....ummmm...either ways i'm still going to go ahead and tell you so take a sit. I had one of those strange nights, you know the ones when you wake up in the middle of the night in utter confusion and can't tell up from down. Yeah, mine was so bad that I couldn't even tell what day of the week it was. This hadn't happened to me in a long time so I was thrown into more confusion when it started. I still wonder if it was the suspense from the whole election thingy or something else lurking in my mind. Well since I couldn't sleep I sat up on my bed and decided it was the perfect opportunity to do something that I didn't do last night before I slept.

Let's do this! »


Monday 30 March 2015

Mid Monday Laugh...

   In spirit of the elections season. Lol

April Polls: What is the Number 1 reason for failed marriages.

From cheating spouses, Lack of communication, No compatibility or understand and  down to Lack of respect. The reality remains that relationships seem to be breaking apart more frequently everyday. Now we don't know if things have been that way ever since but all we can do is analyze with what we have in front of us right?

According to certain people, it would be possible to reduce it if the society to could pinpoint one particular problem from all these that is responsible for this problem.

But before we continue I want you to look to the left of this blog and scroll down a little, especially those on PC (i'll try and support for mobile devices soon). You will see a Poll with 4 categories and the title matching the title of this post. Got that?! Awesome! Alright just keep reading and i'll tell you what we will do at the end of this post.

Let's do this! »


Sunday 29 March 2015

Stories of deceptive looks: Iyke the barber


        I walked into the shop and took a seat then quickly glanced around to observe my surrounding. The shop was as lively as ever with people walking in and out every 2 minutes or less. The air was filled with a lemon fragrance that had a strange relaxing effect on me. On the LG plasma TV that suspended on the wall, an action movie was being shown and I recognized the movie as Marine by John Cena. Come to think of it, anytime  a move was showing in that shop it was always an action movie. I looked around for the young man that always gave me my haircut but couldn't find him. I went over to ask the barber that was present where he went to and he said that he(my barber) left for the market not long ago. I looked around at all the people that came before me for a haircut and my hope dropped. It seemed like Iyke (the barber) read my mind and restored my hope when he smiled and told me not to worry that I was next. I had known Iyke for a while now but he had never touched my hair before but I was willing to risk it. As I went back and took a seat, I glanced up at him to observe him a little more.
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Friday 27 March 2015

Friday Fact: Relationship Fact

     In today's Friday fact we are going to look at a strange fact concerning  relationships. This could help you out in your relationship if you look at it the right way.  But don't worry, i'm going to do my best to explain it very well to you. Alright let's do this...

Let's do this! »


Goldpillars Event Professionals is offering affordable Training for Hostesses

Register now for our training for hostesses in May 2015 and get enrolled with our team of hostesses.

Goldpillars Event professionals, is an event management company fully engaged with the delivery of event services in Nigeria and outside the shores of Nigeria. We understand the need for a seamless flow of events hence we have engaged in the management of activities that make this happen.
Our Academy introduces a training programme for young and energetic ladies between the ages 18 and 25 who have great interest and can develop deep passion to serve in events as hostesses.

We will train and culture them in 4 sessions, with a curriculum we have organized to deliver the working sense behind impeccable hostess services.

In our part of the world, being warm, friendly, courteous and admirable whilst maintaining professionalism must be acquired as a skill, as the majority, do not have any cultural upbringing to naturally deliver these qualities.

The business of event hosts and hostesses, require the cleanest of details in behavior and this is what we have set out to bring out in our girls.

For a token registration fee of N3000 only, you can join our Academy and get trained and enlisted to be one of Nigeria’s finest hostesses.

Hurry while the offer lasts!

What happened to fixing issues?

    Relationships and marriages are failing every single day in the modern world. Our elders tell us that is wasn't the same way with them. They say that back in the days, relationships had a longer life span but that now we know not what we do. I hear this all the time and I keep wondering what the problem might be these days. What changed? Where did it all go wrong. Is it because these days, we pay little to no attention to culture and tradition? Is it technology that's causing a rift between couples? What of pride, could it be responsible? Lack of respect for the opposite gender?
     These questions bug my mind almost everyday as I sort through problems in relationships and it's impossible to place a finger on what in particular the problem might be or if there is just one general problem that could put an end to the issues (highly unlikely). However I can say that there is one culprit that I have been able to locate. This is one of the major reasons why relationships break apart so easily these day.

Let's do this! »


Thursday 26 March 2015

Please vote for AskRalph blog

Good morning to you my beautiful readers. So something interesting happened on the 23rd of this month (3 days ago) and it was you all that made it possible. I logged in to my e-mail account to read the mails I get everyday and I saw this message...

Let's do this! »

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Dear Ralph: My big brother and his priorities

Dear Ralph,
        Please help me make some sense out of this because I don't know if i'll ever understand how my elder brother will be acting the way he does. We are a family of 4 boys and 1 girl. My father is paralyzed due to an accident and my sweet mother is out of work. I am the second son in my family and I am in my 200 level in school. My remaining siblings are still in secondary school and the girl is going to be writing her common entrance exams soon.
Let's do this! »

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The mysterious rug

The story of this rug is one I have been meaning to share with the world. Please learn from my experience.

   I remember when I was still a child in my parents house. My dad loved to buy biscuits and sweets for us the kids when returning form work. We also had a shop very close to the house and any little money that was giving to us by our dad or visitors was either taken by my mum or spent on chocolates, biscuits and sweets. Because of the rate at which we consumed these things the house was easily a mess with wraps of each item floating around. Mum used to get very angry at this and shout at us to clean up the house. Of cos as kids we looked for the easiest ways to do this and we finally found one solution.

Let's do this! »

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Puzzle time: Escape the labyrinth?

You are in a labyrinth (Maze). There are 3 doors guarded by 3 guards and only one door will lead you to the end of the puzzle. These 3 guards have one strict personality each about them.

The first person Always lies
The second guard always tell the truth
The third one always stabs people that ask tricky questions.

These three guards are identical with absolutely nothing to tell them apart. You have been granted one question to ask. Now the thing is this...

Let's do this! »


Whats new today at AskRalph?

   Your requests have been answered. You wanted a forum to discuss general issues so allow me to present to you, Ralph's Bar.

Let's do this! »

Today it's all about you

Hello and good morning to you my wonderful readers. Hope you all slept good, I for one sure did. So...who is ready for the new day? It's a beautiful day out there, a brand new one and it's a good opportunity to get the best of what you seek. But do not worry, I'm not about to go on and talk about how you should get up and chase your dreams...not today!

So recently I have been talking about seizing opportunities and achieving goals a whole lot but I haven't spoken in a while about the most important thing and do you know what that is? Yes! you guessed right, it's you! You are the most important thing.

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 24 March 2015

Exciting New Features!

    Hello Family! I'm so freaking excited about this post and I just know that a lot of you are going to love it. So here is the thing, I have been looking for a way to improve my blog and make it more friendly interactive for everyone. To make this place look more like a family and it's been giving me some headache for a while. Through some email suggestions I got I finally got an idea and this is what I did.

Let's do this! »


Tuesday Tip: Exercise for the couples

   So last week Saturday I wrote about how fun it would be for you and your friends to head out and have a game of one good team sport of your choice. The aim was to spend some time with your friends while building your general physical health. Well today's Tuesday Tip is centered around something similar but not just for the friends this time. We are bringing in our wives, husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends this time. It's time for a couples match.

If you invite the side chick also then please send me an e-mail stating details of how it went. Lol

Let's do this! »

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30 mins of your time

Why not start today with a healthy dose of  cardiovascular or strength workout. Take out 30 mins of the 24 hours you have today and invest it in a healthy workout. Trust me it isn't going to take too much from you and you will be done before you know it.

Let's do this! »

Stay prepared

  Through our everyday struggle to better ourselves and fulfill our daily goals and dreams we face both success and disappointments. However it is the disappointments that get to us more especially if they come in waves. As I have always said, the key in handling these kind of situations lies in your mental composure.

Let's do this! »


Monday 23 March 2015

Dear Ralph: Troubles with my fiance

Hi Ralph,

        I have an issue to discuss with you and it's about my fiance. We have been dating for 3 years now and he is always flirting with girls on social networks.  He is always telling them that he is single, collecting their numbers and even asking them out. I've caught him on several occasions but he always apologizes. Since I got admission into the university he has been the one paying my school fees and house rent because my dad is late and my mom can't afford my fees.
Let's do this! »

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Talk about living breathless

So how long can you hold your breath? Try it out right now and drop your answers in the comments section.


Monday Myth: Eggs give heart disease

    Eggs seem to be making a beautiful comeback ever since they were wrongly accused and convicted by some doctors of causing heart diseases. (i'm trying to sound like a news blogger. lol)

There was a medical study some years back that reported that eggs where high in cholesterol and increased the risk of heart diseases. This Myth has been debunked, however with the scare that most people were given back then with the information, most people still find it hard to trust Eggs.

Eggs are an essential part of my food calendar and should be the same for every lover of a healthy lifestyle out there. However...

Let's do this! »

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A positive Monday equals A positive week.

   Good Morning Fam and welcome to the start of a new week. It's going to be a great one and I can almost feel the energy from the new week. If you can't feel it yet it's actually okay, all you need do is to adjust your view and everything will be fine. Remember that it's your mind state that controls most of the outcome of things in your life. It's totally up to you today to have a good day and start off the week on a good note.

Let's do this! »


Saturday 21 March 2015

I've got the perfect idea for you today

   Good morning and a happy weekend to you all. I know the weekend kicked off  since yesterday evening for most of you.

Recovered form the Friday night partying yet? Had enough for the weekend or nah? yeah I know your answer is 'No'. Well then, raise your hand up high if you will go out again tonight. Well I for one won't be sitting at home tonight so my hands are very much up. So before that I was thinking that I would like to also do some exercising before I go hang out. Just to burn off some of the calories that I gained yesterday. While lazying about this morning on how I would have to get up and go do some boring workout routine. I got an idea to make the workout more fun and decided to share with you guys. I said to myself, why not go out with my friends for a game of basketball.

Let's do this! »


Friday 20 March 2015

Friday Fact: Fact about Health, Weight loss and Diets


      Because of the emphasis on how a person should have a slimmer or should I say a thinner structure to look beautiful or "healthy". Most people believe that once anything makes you slimmer, it is relatively healthy for you. So you see all sorts of diets from proteins only diet, water only diet to the one I heard recently "indomie" diet. This last one means that you should eat only a packet of small sized indomie at night to stay healthy. I do the maths in my head each time and calculate the amount of nutrients these people are advising you to miss out on and I wonder their definition of 'healthy'.

The fact is that not everything that makes you slim makes you healthy.
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: I will feed my family under one condition from my boss

Hello Ralph,
          I have put myself in trouble and I don't know how to come out of it.  My boss wants to ruin my marriage and my family's chance of feeding. You see my family and I, we were suffering some years back and I met a lady who promised to help me out. The lady is someone I knew a while ago, she liked me but we never got to date. I got married and she was still bugging me but I didn't take it that serious, I thought she was just joking. She wasn't happy that I married my wife but as at then I thought she was a nice person until now. She brought me into the company that she manages but it wasn't until I agreed to sleep with her after constant pressure. I considered my family and took the decision so that my wife and kids wouldn't starve.
Let's do this! »

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There is no 'perfect time'

I personally, was and am a victim of this, although I have made a huge progress against it. I still do struggle to remind myself that I do not need this character every once in a while when the old habit kicks in.

Let's do this! »


Thursday 19 March 2015

She has made her choice, what of you?


    I left for work quite earlier than usual today because of a couple of things I had to do at the office. As I came out of my house there way something that caught my eye. It was a lady and her son, she was taking the boy to school. He was laughing and running circles around her and she was laughing also and calling out to him to stay at a place. The little boy so full of energy was all over the place and I though about how I was never eager to go to school till even my university days. As the lady limped along the road with crutches by her sides and her son happily leading the way I stopped and admired the way she carried along without caring about her condition. She knew that her son had to get to school and her condition didn't make her stay back or stop her from being happy.

Let's do this! »


Take a chance at change

        Life seems so easy and with less hassle when viewed from your comfort zone. The temptation to just remain there and not make any changes is so inviting that many people settle with that. Now I want to say that there is nothing wrong with mediocrity or being comfortable where you are, I believe it's absolutely fine as long as you do not wish to move any further in life. But if you want to take any step forward in life from the position you are in then you will have to make some changes to your general life. Sometimes the changes required are so massive that when viewed through our minds eye, we almost give up on it. I want to tell you today that it is okay to take a chance at change.

Let's do this! »


Wednesday 18 March 2015

Why not change things you don't like?


      Self pity and a state of melancholy is very easy to fall into when it seems like everybody around you is looking down on you because of something about you. This could be because of a particular character or physical attribute you possess. For example if you are an overweight person or excessively thin looking person. Most of the time we stay complaining about the way we look and how people look down on us because of these things. But here is something most of us forget, we have the power to change the things we do not like. We do not have to sit and wallow in self pity.

Let's do this! »


Your starting power



   About 3 years ago I was working in a company and I was placed in charge of a little project. I was meant to meet and discuss prices for the installation of a central stabilizer for the company. You see we were using too many stabilizers at different points and that made our working environment look untidy because of the wires that ran everywhere. I landed the deal because fortunately for me I had a contact in the company that we had to buy the stabilizers from. So I and my contact got talking while the installation was going on and he explained something to me.

It inspired this post.

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 17 March 2015

I'm at 500!

So it's been a really lovely run since I opened this blog. So much has happened in such a short time frame. I only just started but the support and participation I have seen from you guys has been a lot more than I expected. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to interact with wonderful people all over World. To use this medium to do a little good in the world and change some lives. I love doing this and I  just hope you guys love what I do also. So this post is officially my 500th post and I decided to give out a little something.

 I have left a little something for three lucky people after the cut, it's very little you guys have to manage for now.
Let's do this! »

Check out Toni Tones Touching tribute to her mother in complete fashion Magazine

And The Love For Mums Keeps pouring in days after the mothers day celebration. The celebrities aren't getting left out of this either as they show their love and appreciation to their mums. Luckily we men aren't jealous, we know you women deserve even more. Lol

Artist and photographer Toni Tones, penned this beautiful and touching tribute to her mother for mother's day, published in Complete Fashion magazine. So beautiful of her!

The resemblance between Toni Tones and her mum in this pic of her mum from 1982 is just amazing. If born in the same generation they could pass as twins! You can clearly see without doubt where she gets her beautiful looks from.

Pic, tribute and more pics...

Let's do this! »

What are you having for breakfast?


    Good morning my beautiful readers. Hope you had a goodnight's rest yesterday and I know you should be up and out of your bed by now. Looking forward to the new day right? Yeah me too! So I just have to ask you this question. What will you be having for breakfast before you leave your house this morning?  Waffles? Tea? Beans? Sliced Onions with Pap and stew? Lol.
Let's do this! »


Monday 16 March 2015


If you enjoy rap music(uk rap) or you are searching for inspiration to help you out through the tough times you might be passing through. Then this is the right medicine for you. Enjoy!

Funny mid day pic

 Shout out to the annoying brothers out there. May we keep giving our sisters headache out of love. You guys can't get rid of us so just love us back. Lol

Monday Myth: I won't Fit I'm too big...

      This post is going to hurt the pride of some men. Oh well...

Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: My brother is being deceived

Hello Ralph,
       I and my brother are the only children that my parents gave birth to. I guess because of that we became very close and developed a strong bond. I have always looked out for him and he has always looked out for me. Even after my marriage we still communicate very well. My brother recently started talking about a girl that he wanted to get married to and was always gushing about her. I was so happy and excited for him because with his introvert nature I wondered if he was ever going to meet someone. I was very happy to hear this news and told him that I would like to meet the girl. He brought the girl to the family house and when she walked in I couldn't believe who it was. It was someone I knew about.
Let's do this! »

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16th March 2015

It's the 16th of the month and you will want to find out what this means. I found out just yesterday what the significance is and decided to share with you my wonderful readers.

Let's do this! »


What will your story be....

   "Everyday create your history, Every path you take you're leaving your legacy" - Michael Jackson in the song HIStory.  Before I talk about your history, I want to know, what is your story?

Let's do this! »


Sunday 15 March 2015

Happy Mothers Sunday

   A big Happy Mothers day to all the beautiful mothers out there reading this or not. You guys are the best and deserve to be celebrated even more. We love you all.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Pic of the day...

Hahaha. Spot the problem and leave it in the comments section

Durex discovers a technology to help improve your intimate life

Durex, one of the leading companies that produce our rubber protections for our intimate life have taken a step further to help you. They have discover a technology that you can use to improve your intimacy in the bedroom and it works with your phone. So for you couples out there, this is a must watch. Enjoy!

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Start Today.

   "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" - Zig Zagler

    The greatness is right there in you. All you need is to focus on what you want, the zeal to get up and start up, then the daily motivation to keep you at it.

Let's do this! »


Thursday 12 March 2015

What are you made of?

    Remember that even if you do not hit the gym regularly, controlling what you eat plays a major role in your fitness. It is okay to snack on junk food but that should be done just once in a while. Eat more of the healthy things. Do not neglect your fruits and vegetables. Make sure you include protein in your daily diet. These simple steps are the first steps towards a healthier living.

Also remember that it isn't all about how good you will look. It's about how healthy your system will be. So get those nutrients.


Is the vision of your goal the problem?

     Every single day, in our struggle to better ourselves and be the best we can be. We meet many different obstacles and challenges along the way. Some of these things set us off our path and even demoralize and discourage us from continuing our pursuit of happiness. Most times people around us or even we ourselves, attach this to laziness on our own part. But some of the time it isn't about laziness, it's about how motivational your vision of your goal is to you. How exciting it is to you will determine the energy you put into it and the possibility of you continuing for long in that path. Care to learn more and get the best out of this knowledge? Then get it after the cut.

Let's do this! »


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Dear Ralph: I'm caught between two men

Dear Ralph,

    I need help. Two guys are fighting over me and the problem is i'm attracted to the both of.them because the both have the qualities that I want in a partner. I am 20 and the guys are 22 and 23 respectively. Both of them are always there when I need someone to talk to. They encourage you even if you are down. But what differentiates them from each other is that one is more emotional than the other. Also one is closer to my family and want me to get closer to his family than the other. Please the one am closer to his family has been my friend for about two years but I am confused because I don't know how to trust in guys because of my past experience. When I was young I was almost raped and I also witnessed my dad cheat on my mum. So as I was growing up, I had this perception that guys are really not to be trusted and also they are unfaithful. I don't know what to do please help me and advice me what to do or any tips.

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Something for Singles: The Truth about "Someone will come along and..."


Could this truth be why you haven't met Mr/Mrs Right?  

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Dear Ralph: Should I give her a second chance.

 Hello Sir,
      I came across your blog via Facebook. I read through some of the posts and I must say that I am already relieved to find someone like you online. Please I have something that I want to discuss with you that has been bothering me since. My girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me and I have not been able to forgive or forget since then. I thought everything was okay between us but my friends kept telling me that she was doing something with a friend of hers that was always around her. I trusted her so much and boasted that I could leave her in a sea of men and she wouldn't do anything with them. I know it was foolish of me and I have learnt my lesson the hard way. It even almost caused a quarrel between I and my friends when they will try to tell me what was going on. I finally found out and it happened to be that she had s3x with him once and felt bad about it.
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Confidence Levels Peaked!


Good morning my awesome readers. I just have one question for you ? How high is your confidence level this Morning?
    Are you confident enough about what you are going to make today out to be? Do you believe you will achieve whatever you set your mind to achieve? Your level of confidence is going to do a lot for you. It's going to be the difference between you achieving nothing or everything. It's going to determine how far you will go towards reaching your goals today.

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 10 March 2015

Tuesday Tip: Fixing things after the S3x on the First date

   So yesterday I said that my Tuesday Tip will be based on those who have already had s3x on the first date. I have a few words for you. That first night does not determine other nights or the rest of your relationship. There is still hope! So If you really like the person you are dating and you are hoping for a good future with the person. But your mind is in doubt if anything would work because of what happened after the first date....

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Mental Limitations

      "Believing is the first step towards achieving"  How true do you think this quote is? I personally know this to be the plane truth. Your mind has more power than you think. It has the power to strengthen your body and it can weaken it at the same time. You can go the distance simply through your state of mind and how strong you are mentally.

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Monday 9 March 2015

Monday Myth: Intimacy on the first date ruins Love.

     This myth is mostly common among the ladies, although I have met a few (very few) men who are actually scared of this also. The thought that if you give into your bodily desires on the first date that it ruins the chance of Love with the person. This isn't true because Love has nothing to do with when you decide to get intimate with your partner. It goes far beyond that.
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Ladies is this true?

   So ladies, is this the truth for any of you? Say these are the conditions. You either choose to be the side chick to a loyal man (don't know how that works) or a main chick to a cheater. Which do you choose?