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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Spread the lessons in life

In our everyday life, we encounter individual and different situations that live us with their different lessons. Through the mistakes we make everyday and the outcome of those mistakes we are able to learn from our mistakes...or let me re-phrase that, It is totally up to us to either pick up those lessons and learn from them or to abandon them and never learn from them. Admittedly one of the problems with these lessons is recognizing them in the first place. That is one of the issues but the particular issue on life lessons i'll like to discuss today is on what we do with the lessons we learn everyday.

I think one of the mistakes we make in life is to apply the lessons we learn on only one aspect or area of our life. Mostly the area which we learnt the lesson. That isn't enough, we have to learn to spread the lessons on each and every area of our life.

I'll explain better...

.Let me start my explanation by starting with how I came up with this topic. Most of my inspiration comes from music so you'll have to excuse me if I make a lot of reference to lyrics from artists verses. You see I was listening to "Sing for the Moment" by one of my favorite rap artists by name Marshal Mathers A.K.A "Eminem". Now while listening to this song I picked interest in a particular line that he dropped that goes like this...
      "....See what these kids do is hear 'bout us toting pistols and they wanna get one course they feel this sh*its cool not knowing we really just protecting ourselves, we're entertainers of course this sh*its affecting our sales you ignoramus..."
     You see what he meant in this line is that he knows he sings about guns but that it doesn't mean that kids should take his music literally. It doesn't mean that simply because he talks about guns in his songs that he wants kids out there to go out and get them. He then goes on to explain that "we" (he and other rappers) are entertainers and that adding those "tough guy" lyrics that talk about guns is their strategy for promoting sales of their albums and tracks. Generally the advice he sends out here is that he is just making music and that he isn't encouraging kids or anyone to go out and get guns or anything like that. Now let's look at this as regards our topic.

First of all when you listen to this song, you are going to hear him specifically mention "guns" in the track. However this doesn't mean that the only part of his lyrics you should try not to take literally are those that talk about guns. Instead you should be able to spread the message to every other part of his lyrics that encourages any kind of social vices. Meaning that if he talks of murder, rape, robbery, violence or alcohol and drug abuse you shouldn't take those literally also or better yet, just learn to listen to the lyrics and move on without letting it affect the way you think.

    Now that was one way to look at it but we aren't done yet. The second way you can look at it is this. As you know we have different artists out there that use these social vices to promote their music. I'm talking  Eminem, Kanye West, Meek Mill, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar and so on. Hip-Hop and rap has as of recent times made their way and gained recognition through promotion of these social vices and acts that are wrong in the eye of the society. Now here is what you should consider. Just as Eminem has explained that these things they sing of shouldn't be practiced, it doesn't mean that you should only not practice what Eminem has said. Instead you should be able to spread that knowledge you have gained form him to every other artist that you care to listen to. If any of the other artist were to try and encourage any of these things, you should deal with it the same way you have learnt to deal with Eminem's lyric which is by simply enjoying the tune, forgetting the wrong things it preaches and realizing that they are only passing those messages to make money.
     Now do you understand a little better?Simply because Eminem said you shouldn't take the words in his lyrics literally doesn't mean that you stop taking only Eminem's words literally but then continue to take the lyrics of Jay-z, Kanye, drake and the rest literally. Instead that thing that you have picked up from one person, you have to learn to spread it to other parts of your life. Your lessons in life are to be applied in all areas of your life.

We make mistakes everyday of our life and I want to believe that we learn our lessons from them...i'm talking of the right and positive lessons of course. These lessons that we learn from each area of our life shouldn't be limited to only those areas. We have to learn to take them farther than that. We have to learn to apply them in any area of our life at all that matters and that needs them. The lessons you learnt from your relationship believe it or not could get you a promotion at work, and the lessons you learnt at work could save your marriage or even help you win the lottery. Generally I just need you to be more open. Do not restrict yourself by holding back the lessons you have learnt and applying them only to that particular area of your life where you learnt them....

Have a lovely lesson filled day Fam!

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At 10 November 2015 at 14:55 , Blogger esit said...

Wow you know all these people? Mighty impressed!

At 11 November 2015 at 08:29 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lesson learnt

At 18 November 2015 at 09:43 , Blogger esit said...

Daddy we want new posts!

At 27 November 2015 at 21:32 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Gbam! Seconded....


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