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Monday 15 December 2014

Dear Ralph: Should I tell my sister (update)

Get the original story HERE

Dear Ralph,
        I took your advice and told my sister about her man and just as I told you, my sister refused to believe me. I have tried and told her over and over again but she was convinced that it was because he was under the influence. She later confronted him according to her and asked him if it was true and he denied it. He said that he was just under the influence and that there was a time that he used to think about it and then he stopped it, that maybe it was the urge to do it that was coming up again because he wasn't himself when he said it. I don't know the manner she used to ask him but I know she just asked it and maybe even implying that I don't know what I am saying.

        Now the problem is that he called me on the phone and told me that so I went to go and report him to my sister, That he will warn me never to try it again only because we used to be friends. But that if I spoil his relationship that I would answer to him. He said some other threatening things and told me that if I think that internet scam is all he can do then that I have not started. I should just try it again and see. He also made vague mention of me wanting to bring out his past life again. I don't know what the next step to take should be. My sister won't listen to me anymore if I tell her anything because she feels that I don't know what I am saying. Is there any other thing I can do? I want to help my sister even if it costs me anything. I just don't know how to go about this. This guy is far bigger than me and if things were to get physical, I wouldn't even stand a chance. Thanks for the help so far, I really appreciate it so much. Please keep using the fake name I told you to use. I'll be waiting for your reply. Thanks again.


Dear Drake,
        Well it is obvious now that your suspicions are true. The problem is your sister not listening to you. I don't know if you are the closest to her in the house or if you have other siblings but if you do then talk to the person that is closest to her. Talk to some of her friends if there is none close to her in the family or if you two are the only children but with little rapport. She needs to hear from someone she can listen to . Let the person investigate by themselves to find out the truth or at least let the person talk her into paying more attention to the guy.

You can also still try to talk with your sister and at least ask her to find out things on her own more seriously, I know you have tried this before but sometimes it take persistence. Make her aware of what she might be walking into and tell her that even if she doesn't trust your information that she should just try your suggestion with an open heart. She shouldn't go into it doubting you or believing him, let her just find things out on her own without siding anybody. Let her know that this is her future that is at stake. She could get hurt later on if she doesn't look well. At least let him take her to his work place or something if he really works in an oil firm, suggest that to her or at least ask her if she has ever been to his workplace and that she should think about it. She shouldn't do it to show him that she is investigating him if she agrees to check out his work place, instead she should show interest in his work and tell him that she just wants to get to know him more.

Now about the threat you received, you should report this to someone. The authorities or your elder brothers if you have any or even your sister still should be made to know about this. Let your sister know that the person she is planning on marrying is threatening to hurt her brother. But please stay away from this guy, you have found out what you know so I don't think you should have any other business with him. This of cos is just my suggestion and I am saying this for you own safety. Since you already know what you know, what you should concentrate on is how to get your sister out of there without him knowing that your hands are involved. If your parents would be able to handle this in a way that would keep you out of harms way then you might also consider telling them about what has been happening. If you want you could drag your sister to a laptop and show her this post, to let her know that you were serious about it to the extent that you had to seek help online.

Please as I said before always think about your safety and stay away from the man. We don't want things to get dangerous. I also hope your sister realizes what you are trying to tell her or at least tries to find something out on her own. And if she is reading this then let her know that she should please be careful. Take care for now and please stay safe.


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At 23 May 2015 at 12:14 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Tell her


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