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Tuesday 20 October 2015

The stories behind their stories

You feel you understand it all? You feel you know everything about that person you judge constantly? Well just read this and you might just realize that you might have had it wrong all this while. These are some of the stories behind the stories...

You might look at my face and see the spitting image of a frog but the problem is with your eyes not my face, to me I am good looking. You walk into my house and it is scattered then you spread word to people of how disorganized I am but you didn't witness the fight I had with the armed men yesterday so remember that I am not the state of my house. The limp in my step makes you laugh all the time I pass you by but what you don't know is that I was pushed from a tall height as a child. I talk funny and sound weird but you aren't aware of the throat surgery I had to go through to speak at all. I come to work late and you and other colleagues gossip about my scattered hair but you don't know that my violent husband is addicted to a substance and I am dealing with a lot to even look in the mirror before I leave the house like you. You see me silently walk the hallways in school and label me an outcast but you have no idea that my step parents molest me everyday and affected my mind state. I am socially awkward in your eyes but you haven't the faintest idea of the psychological damage that came with having to live with abusive parents.

I talk to myself and you look at me as a psycho but what do you know about the loneliness I am dealing with. You take advantage of me and feel i'm a fool because I forgive easily but my friend passed away when I was younger and it still haunts me that I never forgave him before he passed that I swore to forgive no matter what. I sing to myself all the time and you cover your ears and complain of how bad my voice is, keep covering those ears because I am not stopping, this keeps me happy and I will do whatever to keep me happy. I stand with my clear heels and high heels on the road side, hop into a car and go for the night and you point fingers but you don't know of my mother who is very ill and how expensive drugs are to people with no jobs and don't even go on about how I mad a choice because I have a certificate but it was either prostitution or armed robbery. The scars on my body are ugly to you but you never stopped to question and find out how I got the scars, the belt marks from the bad men that attacked me still hurt my memories.

You heard that I am a drop out and the first thing that comes to your mind is how I am stupid for dropping out and how I must end up as a failure. I can't wait to see your face when you hear of my success and you find out that I dropped out because my parents couldn't afford my school fees. I sit at home because I have no job, then you spread stories of how my wife feeds me, did you know I built the house we lived in and that it was because I refused to sleep with my boss's daughter that I got fired

You heard of that scandal with me and because i'm a public icon you believe and criticize but what do you know about my family and what really happened. You point your accusing finger at me for that scandal when you have done worse things in your life, the only difference is that no one knows you. I entertain and you clap, the moment something goes wrong you pull out your book of accusations and assault me without finding out what actually happened. You play judge, jury and executioner in everyone's life but the same you would complain when you are misunderstood. Do you not stop and think for a minute that maybe all these people you judge also have a story that isn't as black and white as it appears.

We as humans are afraid of anything and anyone we do not understand. There are many things we do not understand about situations and people in them. Its quite Pitiful that the only way we tend to resolve that lack of knowledge isn't by seeking knowledge of that thing or person, instead we turn to criticizing and out-casting. None of us should judge another persons lifestyle. Everyone has a story, understand it first and even then, never judge if you see something wrong, instead ask to understand more then offer a solution. If your offer is rejected then walk away and allow the person live his or her life. Your constant habit of misunderstanding and misjudging kills people or drives them closer to their end that you might realize. If you knew how many deaths and suicides you might have contributed to by simply criticizing, misjudging and labeling people falsely you just might change your habit.

Trust me when I say that there is always a story beneath the surface story you see and hear...



At 22 October 2015 at 08:11 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Wow, this is deep, everyone out there is facing a struggle u know nothing about, be nice always!

At 22 October 2015 at 08:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very beautiful piece. I saw myself in some of the instances

At 22 October 2015 at 23:22 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Tanx for dis!! Rili mind blowing....

At 2 November 2015 at 16:43 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks so much everyone, thanks for your comments

At 8 November 2015 at 08:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks ralph..every morning i wake up with 1 kwns my story...dont judge me pls

At 11 November 2015 at 08:50 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Neva judge a book by it cover, rather be the reason behind someone's smile..... Be the reason why their day is/was made....
Passing tru lot too and its only God that will see mi tru it all...

At 11 November 2015 at 11:42 , Anonymous lady H said...

Very deep and was written on my bday, how I missed this for thoughts but it's not too late.m thanks Ralph

At 25 November 2015 at 22:08 , Blogger Jemima said...

Really nice, thanks ralph.


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