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Friday 31 October 2014

Friday Fitness Fact: Swimming

      Did you know that Swimming works out every major muscle group in your body from your legs, you arms to even your heart. Some athletes and models take advantage of the fact that it targets so many muscle at once in either, maintaining their physique or sculpting their body even further. So next time you take a dip in the pool bear in mind that you are not just having fun, you are actually building a good body.

That's it for today's fitness fact. TGIF!

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Labeling is for clothes not people

   I was listening to the song "I am not my hair" by India Arie earlier when the idea of this post came to me. Many times we have been called names and  labeled things we know deep inside that we aren't. The big people are called lazy, the skinny people are anorexic, you dress good they say you are a show off and when you are open minded and confident you are called proud.  Follow me and click the link below and let me share a very short story with you guys...
Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: How can I gain some meat!

   Dear Ralph, I really want to gain some muscle, I am slim and want to increase but I don't want to have like fat muscles. I just wan to be buff. There are people that are so big with big arms and really large muscles but I don't want that . I just want to be fit and okay not thin. . I have lifted weights, done push ups, lifted different things but it seems I keep shrinking, I don't know how else to do it. I am just too skinny for my own liking, I have muscles Ralph, what sort of skinny person has muscles everywhere? Ralph I don't know if you get me, I am bad at explaining myself, Anyway just advice me let me know if you can help.


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Happy Halloween

        Happy Halloween to all my readers!! Halloween was initially called "all hallows eve" or "all saints eve" by the Christians as it fell on the eve of the all saints celebration,  a time of the year dedicated in remembrance of  of the faithful departed. Kids usually dress up in costumes and go "trick or treat" from door to door usually asking for candy and sometimes money. .
       My personal favorite event is the costume parties held during this period when people have to show up dressed as any monster or character of their choice.  So if there was a Halloween costume party organised in your neighborhood and your were to attend what costume will you attend in?

                                                                                            Happy Halloween from Ralph...

Thursday 30 October 2014

Jumping Rope Only for Kids? Think again!

    We all jumped rope while singing to some rhythmic tunes back in the day, but did you know that jumping rope is a really effective cardio exercise. I personally think it is the most efficient yet most neglected fat burning exercise out there. Did you know that you would have to jog for approximately 30 minutes to be able to burn off the same amount of calories you can burn in 10 minutes with a skipping rope? It isn't just a "girl sport" as I have heard some people refer to it, it actually isn't as easy as you might remember especially if you haven't done it since your youth days.
    It easily torches all that extra fat and tones your shoulder muscles but there are many other benefits you can get from this simple exercise.
Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: My friends Kid brother already has a Girlfriend

Dear Ralph,
                I have a friend who stays with her little brother within the school environment. Early this morning she called me to go over to her place and find out what was wrong with his phone because he wasn't picking he's calls. Since it was too early and I couldn't leave the hostel, I called her neighbor to find out about him because my friend actually traveled and left him all alone. The neighbor later called me to tell me that the little boy gave his phone to he's supposed girlfriend because he didn't want her to get a phone from the other guy that is struggling for her with him. The boy is just 15 and I don't know if I should tell my friend because the neighbor has been telling me bad stuffs about the boy.
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Dear Ralph: He wont use his Fingers!

Good morning Ralph,
         I came across you blog and I wanted to ask for you help. By the way your blog rocks and I am already fan.
       My fiance doesn't like to use his fingers on me! and I really like that a lot. He says it scares him, he thinks he would be hurting or injuring the female that's why. I have asked him severally but he won't budge. Now I am going to miss that for the rest of my married life and I don't deprive him of any thing.

Kindly advice.
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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Speak Gently to Your partner

    At times the reason why it seems like your partner never wants to consider anything you say and always goes ahead to do what they want to do regardless, is the manner in which it was said. You see in an adult relationship, the partners expect to be treated like what they are; adults. You scream too much and you make the person you are talking to look stupid. Try to take the gentle approach when speaking to you significant other in other to pass your message across.
         Keep reading and let me tell you a little about my personal experience...
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Dear Ralph : I think I love someone But I don't trust her

Hello Ralph,
       I came across your blog and honestly I love your work and I must say keep it up. I have a problem and would really need your assistance here.
      I am 26 years old and never had a serious relationship. My reasons are: 1.) I have trust issues especially when it comes to women
2.) I get tired of women especially when offended I feel irritated easily and I stop taking their calls or replying their texts
3.) I am afraid of commitment because I am really scared of heart break.

Continue for more...
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Tuesday 28 October 2014

No regrets, Just lessons Learnt

"Nothing compares no worries or cares , regrets and mistakes they are memories made" - Adele

   We all listened to the song "Someone like you" by Adele and and almost all of us know the lyrics, but the part where she said "regrets and mistakes they are memories made" really got me thinking of how far I and i'm sure you all also have come in this journey called life, with all the experiences we have had, we all have stories of great times, bad times, good memories and of course mistakes and regrets. I always hungered for mistakes in a way, I can be very cautious but when that sense of adventure activates in my head I find myself actually hunting for clarity and experience by exploring this life with my mind open to mistakes.

Keep reading for more...
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We are here for all of us (unedited)

Writing by the talented Mr Paul Amayo and not me.....Keep reading
We are Here for All of US!

As I listened to the song, by multiple award-winning singer and songwriter, Alicia Keys, titled "We are Here" and at the same time read the heartbreaking,but hope-filled letter written by the president of Liberia, Her Excellency, Ms. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on the epidemic that threatens the very existence of mankind - Ebola; I realized that this is just another opportunity for mankind to show its resilience and to fight back against anything that threatens our existence, but so far, we've fallen short.
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Tuesday Tip: Distract you workout with some music

    Try adding some music to your workout to take your mind off what you are doing at the moment, the distraction that listening to music provides helps in redirecting your concentration away from your present actions so that you don't tire your self out psychologically. Most of the times the reason we can't keep up with the exercise we are doing is because we are concentrating on how long we have left, or how many reps we have remaining, we start placing doubts in our mind and then our mind convinces our body that it is tired when it really is capable of much more. Music can redirect our mind to concentrate on something else. Use this when you are working on something that doesn't require any complex movement or that demands extra concentration to complete, while running or skipping I found out that I go longer when I try to concentrate on the beats per minute (BPM) of the song playing.
   So next time you are going out for some laps around your favorite route, grab your ipod and select a playlist. You will have more fun while getting in shape, plus you'll look cooler than the other people working out with you...*wink*

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Monday 27 October 2014

Dear Ralph: Secular Music

   Good Evening Ralph, I've been told by many that secular music is bad and that I should go and buy christian CD's and listen to. This mostly comes from my family and I don't really have friends and i'm 12, this is all that keeps me company. Do you think I should go ahead and delete all the "worldly" songs on phone and replace them with Christian songs?

Let's do this! »

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Good Stats Equals Happy Ralph

   Just 3 weeks old guys and you people have made it all worth while so far. Thanks once again guys, i'm sorry for the delays in replying bbm messages and emails, they have been flooding in so fast that that they caught me unawares but I promise to get to everyone. Thanks again guys.

I blurred the bottom in case of people with crazy hacking skills. Lol


Dear Ralph : I am confused

Dear Raphael,

   Please I have been in a relationship for more that 7 years and finally last year the guy asked me to marry him, which I accepted. the problem is that none of my family members is in support of me marrying him. He is a graduate and have not gotten job for 5 years now and I try my little best to help out small.
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Saturday 25 October 2014

Stop playing the victim

      I listen to a lot of rap music so i'm going to quote a line for this one from one of my favorite songs of all time. In the song "C U when U get there" by Coolio, the rapper PS of 40 thevs said " You gotta face responsibility one day my brother, so wrap up your pity and turn it into ambition" And that's what its all about today.

 Click the link to continue
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Dear Ralph: I Finish too quickly

Dear Ralph

 I abstained from Intimacy for a very long time cos of fear of infection and lack of seeing the one I truly love. Now I have met someone but the problem is that I don't last long. I don't know what to do.

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Know your limit

      You should know your limit while exercising, it is okay to push beyond and go for progression but you also need to stay safe, don't do more than you can handle at a moment.
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Friday 24 October 2014

Dear Ralph: My Yellow Teeth

      Dear Ralph, I just saw the link to your blog a few minutes ago and I have been reading stuffs there, I love it, very cool. Now to my problem, Ralph, I've had colored teeth for as long as I can remember, how it happened? I don't even know. I have tried lots of stuffs just to whiten my teeth but all my efforts have been futile, i'm nineteen, I've told my parents about this but they seem to care less about it. It has affected me in basically every aspect of my life, I can sing but I rarely do so in public cos of the fear of showing my teeth, I've never had a girlfriend, I rarely ask questions during lecture, I don't even argue with people for the fear of being insulted by it. Ralph, is there anything I can do about ti? I like to be anonymous
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We are now on Facebook

We are now on facebook guys, like my page for more posts daily. here is the link .

More beer for everyone!!!

My Note of thanks

  Wow! I never thought this note would come this early into this. I just want to show my sincerest appreciation to everybody that has been visiting and commenting so far. The Love today in my inbox has been something else, I had to call friends and ask if they were paying people to this. Just 3 weeks and this blog is already seeing this number of views, the comments might not yet be up but wow the views. I really never thought Nigerians would adapt so quickly to the idea of sharing problems to a stranger online, guess God knows all right? Please you guys should just manage the beer cos very soon na champagne level we go dey. Thanks a Million once again to you all I remain loyal. Team! let's go plot on getting our comments up!
P.S: Please drop your bottle of beer before you go so I can return it to the shop for my change, thank you!

Friday Fitness Fact: Exercise helps with posture

     Did you know that doing certain exercises while keeping the proper form can correct your posture gradually? Those muscles and bones that are used to assuming a particular position on a regular day get soft as blood circulates through your body and warms them up during your exercise sessions. That is the point when you can start gradually correcting yourself by consciously assuming the correct posture during and after your workout. It takes some time but it definitely gets the job done. Some advanced massage routines also help in snapping your bones back to their correct positions, if you want you can also research more on that or email me to help out. So while engaging in your various workout routines try to keep your posture at the back of your mind, you would definitely see changes if you keep to it. That's all for this weeks Friday Fitness Fact, keep writing me at and your comments would be highly appreciated, lots and lots of gratitude to those that have been writing to me. Goodbye for now and ill see you all next Friday...TGIF *gulps down a mug of beer*

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Dear Ralph: I don't like babies

  Dear Ralph,
                     Kids drive me nuts. I hate to hear them cry, the thoughts of them clinging in my inside before the are born is alarming. How they pee without direction, I think i can actually say that I hate babies, I don't know if that make me a terrible person. What do you think?
                                                                                                                          Rita orazulume
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Thursday 23 October 2014

Don't ever let them make you feel left out

           In this life you meet so many people with different characters and behaviors, now naturally no two people can be exactly the same but there are people that can get along well because of similarities and there are people that just belong in a different group. If you don't belong in your current crowd and you are forcing yourself to be there or feeling down because you don't fit in there then you have to get up and leave. Go look for your crowd because that crowd you are with isn't for you.
      You see back when I was newly trying to break away from my social awkwardness, back then I was just starting to explore and see the things life had to offer away from my private comfort zone, the only place I ever knew. I met a couple of people when I just joined my 3rd high school, we moved around a lot so I attended different schools. Anyway I made a set of friends or more of I admired a set of people back in school, I always used to hang around them and I would try to imitate things they did and their behavioral patterns, because
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Wednesday 22 October 2014

Your Favourite problem solver is now on BBM

     Ok so Lots of people have reached  out to me and told me how stressful thinking about sending emails are these days and i've been thinking of how to improve my reach, so here we are. You can now add me on blackberry and we can talk. I think it'll help me get to know each of you individually and help with the problems better by doing that. So here is the pin: 2995C7F6. Now please understand that I would have to place working hours so that I can cover my other jobs, I hope you guys would understand. The email is still very much open for those that prefer that. I would add this to the side note on the right of this blog. Thanks for the support so far guys can you believe we are just 19 days old?


Dear Ralph : I am scared I might not get married

    Dear Ralph, My parents have always insisted that I stay home. I never go out, I never meet people. I've turned out to be so shy and such a recluse. I don't even know how to get or have a boyfriend. I am scared that I won't ever get married at this rate. I am a girl and I want to remain anonymous please and thank you.
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   We experience stress in certain points of our life, it's just a natural and physical reaction to situations of danger and any other condition that will get you uncomfortable. It is the body's own way of protecting you. Stress could get you into a state of panic and disorder but when you learn how to manage it you will see that it could also be a good thing cos it can kick your body into a state of high alertness and response. You just need to learn how to recognize it when it is happening, accept it and use it for your own good.
  Continue to learn more.....
Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Senior Man

  I just want to try my hand out a little on free writing. So here goes..

    So I was out of town for a couple of days on some business, and on my return I had an urgent need to run into the polo park shopping complex in Enugu to pick up a couple of toiletries that had run out. I stopped by at the phone shop to check if the price of the Samsung galaxy S5 had dropped, it had but who am I kidding, I still can't afford it even at the new reduced price. Anyway I swallowed my disappointment and continued to Shoprite,
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Dear Ralph: I'm a skinny fat person

Hello Ralph, I came across your blog posts on facebook and wanted to know if you can help with this problem, hope you don't mind me remaining anonymous. I have been on a diet for some time now and I have shed some weight which I am quite happy about, but then now I am skinny but my stomach is still big, how do I deal with that?
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Tuesday Tip: Drink a Glass of Cold Water In the morning

Drinking a glass of cold water first thing in the morning has been proven to kick up your metabolism for that day, and a higher metabolism means that your body processes your food faster and converts it into energy quicker. At times your weight problem is simply due to a lower metabolism and all you need to do is kick it up, so with just a glass of water you can have a higher energy level throughout the day and also loose some weight.

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Monday 20 October 2014

Break free from Self doubt

   This one made the list in my top 5 biggest problems of all time. I never believed I was enough, or capable of much. I never used my own talents because I thought they weren't good enough, and to add more to it I took comments from others too seriously so that alone was enough to fuel the self doubt inside me...
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Monday Myth: Targeted fat loss

Most people would love to sell you the idea that it is possible to isolate a particular part of your body and burn the fat there without affecting the rest of your body, they do it either to sell a product or out of ignorance, well that fact is wrong.
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Friday 17 October 2014

Dear Ralph: I Like "IT" a lot

Dear Ralph:
   I am a sucker for good bedroom dancing if you know what I mean, I get frustrated if I haven't had my way in a couple of days, I easily get turned on but I can't stand bad love making. I feel guilty most of the times but I can't help it, I'm trying to stop it and control my urges a little more any tips?...oh yeah and i'm female

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Friday Fitness Fact: Lack of Sleep Equals Weight Gain

  Our body usually slows down the conversion of food to energy when we are asleep since we aren't doing anything at that state. But if you stay up at night your body converts the food to energy and releases to you at a higher rate. You might need a quick energy boost when your reserve runs out and you go for a cup of coffee with a snack. Loss of sleep also causes your metabolism to not function properly, so that extra fat you burn when you are doing nothing is going to stay there. Now you might get away with it a couple of times but if you keep doing it day after day it will definitely add up. Get adequate rest at night...Sleep is sweet o! I don't even know what you are doing awake.

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Thursday 16 October 2014

Dear Ralph: To quit or not to quit

Dear Ralph
          I work at this company right now, the job is really stressful and we work long hours, the pay is fair and I am okay financially, not doing it so big but not broke. I am not exactly making enough savings to pursue my dreams though, I don't plan on working in this company forever. My boss is nice and my co workers are also really great, but I just feel I am wasting a lot of time here, there is a job opportunity at another company and I think I might make it if I try, the pay is far better but I can't be absolutely sure of the working conditions. What do you think I should do?
                                                                                                                            Ebuka Onoh

continue for my reply
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Help her out once in a while

   To the men out there, I know its not easy going out in the morning to work for the money and you only get to step into your house at night, you might even be spending more time in your office than you spend at home generally. But just once in a while try to help her out with some of the chores, she would really appreciate it, she works hard also,
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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Dear Ralph: My girl still feels for her ex

Dear Ralph, I just discovered that my girlfriend is still clinging emotionally to her ex. What can I do to help her do away with him and face me totally?

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You are beautiful

    You are beautiful and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tuesday Tip:Keep proper form while exercising

To get the results of your workout quicker and better you would have to learn to imitate the right position when doing a particular exercise. You cant afford to see great results with lazy efforts. Keeping perfect form could be the difference between working your targeted muscle, working an entirely different muscle group or not getting in any work at all.
Let's do this! »


He moved on too fast

     It's just been weeks since you guys broke up, your head is still not in the right place, you are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that it's over, probably trying to consider giving it another shot with him, and then you see him with another person...
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Monday 13 October 2014

Dear Ralph: My Girl is the same age as I am

   My girl is the same age as I am, we are perfectly happy together, we plan on getting married when we are done with school and i'm established but friends are telling me that it isn't wise that by the time I would be ready to settle down it would be too late for her, I know i won't be ready right away but before meeting her I was going to wait till I was really rich before getting married, now I am considering rushing into it, what do you think I should do?
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How do you see yourself

    What do you see when you look in the mirror? When you are sitting by yourself, how do you perceive yourself. Is the way you see yourself and your image of who you are an extension of who you want to be or what people have painted you to be? If the latter is the case then you need to take charge and redefine the way you want to see yourself so you can start your journey of becoming the best you that you can be...
Let's do this! »


Dear ralph: My feet hurt after workout

My feet and knees hurt badly after my workout. I do a lot of cardio like running, skipping and many more, I get really pumped up when I have to workout and at times I bear the pain but recently its been getting really bad. Any suggestions?
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Saturday 11 October 2014

Use the categories option above

To my readers, please remember that when on your computers and laptops the categories option above can help you easily navigate and find what you are looking for. Look through to see if you want to comment on a particular post or keep up with the discussion on that post.For my readers on mobile devices hopefully they update this soon enough to help make thing easier. Thanks to Everyone supporting so far we are a week +

If Intimacy doesn't prove love then why is cheating a problem

This was just  something I saw randomly and decided to write on...
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Friday 10 October 2014

Dear Ralph: My Girlfriend Loves to cook but...

   Good Evening Mr Ralph. My Girlfriend is a really lovely girl, we are very much in Love and she doesn't nag me all the time, we have a lot in common and we have been very happy for the six months we've been together. But here is the problem, cooking is my girls passion, she loves it a lot and doesn't complain about it, she also makes sure she cooks anytime she comes over to my place but she doesn't know how to. I really love my food but and I know the best thing to do is to tell her but I don't know the best way to approach this...
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Friday Fitness Facts : Sweating more doesn't mean losing more weight

Yeap you read it right, if you are sweating more than the person next to you in the gym it doesn't necessarily mean you are loosing more weight. Sweat is simply a biological response to heat, it cools your skin and regulates your internal body temperature. So that you are sweating profusely might be as a result of the room temperature, the weather outside or your own body physiology... Don't be surprised o, Abi I told you people to ask ralph since

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Hearing and Listening

You know how you are maybe cleaning your house or doing a random chore while listening to your favorite playlist, or maybe your workout song selection is on random and the songs are playing till you get to one of those songs that you love the meaning or message behind, like for me one of those songs would be "Hands held high" by Linkin Park and you just have to stop and listen and maybe sing along. Or how you are sitting in your house with your iPod earpods plugged to your ears, lost in deep thought cos of a situation you are in at that period, and a song you hardly listen to randomly comes up then halfway through the song you realize that it is actually relating to that particular thing you are going through, and you just have to rewind the song and listen to every word the artist has to say? Well that's the difference between hearing something and actually listening to it...
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Ask Ralph

Hello Everyone, wanted to explain more about what this blog is all about. Now sometimes you might find yourself in need of a friend or in need of a listening ear, expressing your thoughts without criticism,or someone to really understand the challenges you are facing at the moment, well this is the place to come to. I would help in anyway I can to solve your problems with you, now whether its a family problem, you need advice on a decision or a situation, fitness, relationship, general health and bedroom activites, anything at all you can contact me. Now ladies I might be a guy but you'll be surprised at how much I can relate with your challenges and your daily struggle don't scratch this off cos you might feel a man won't understand that problem just give it a try and see. Remember you can write directly to my email both with your name, a fake name or as anonymous that way you can be rest assured that even if I know who you are personally I wont think of you differently although I promise never to judge anyone> You also get to determine if your message is posted or not,. I am just here to help, now what do i get from doing this? or the price attached? nothing at all, I just want to help you as much as I can and be there to hear you cos i know what it feels like not being heard or listened to. Now if you decide that you want your complaints posted you have a benefit of getting more input from the comments section. I know this is new especially to us Nigerians but just try it out and see the stress relief you can get from having someone to confide in. The email once again is, I would expand to other forms of socialization as time goes by. Thanks Guys


Thursday 9 October 2014


     Patience or Sabali in the bambara tongue of the Malians is not only about waiting but about keeping a good attitude while doing so. You want something done or your waiting for an opportunity, losing your patience or doing something regrettable because you couldn't wait any longer isn't going to get things done any faster, it might end getting you to wait a while longer if anything at all. Take for example...
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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Continuity and Consistency

       I always say that one of the problems in progress is consistency. Think about it for a moment, in anything at all you do you need consistency and continuity to maintain your progress because the moment you let up you are set back a couple of steps. Take building a house for example, you clear the land and start up your foundation, work your way up to the roofing but give that house some time without any attention and come back in maybe a month, its grasses and different plant roots sprouting from every corner. Or a developed city that comes alive at night, street lights are shining bright and you can drive through without putting on your headlights, the roads are smooth and you can cruise your new sports car through without a single gallop, electricity and water isn't a problem they are always there. But what happens without consistency? those street light are ignored and they die off one by one until the streets get so dark, a tiny crack appears on one side of the road and is ignored till it stretches and expands into a big pot hole.
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Exercising + Healthy Feeding + weight loss

    To be able to achieve a high level of physical fitness and loose the amount of weight you want to you have to be able to juggle your gym time, your feeding habits and your general lifestyle. Healthy food and exercises in particular go hand in hand, they are the basics of achieving the best results.
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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Facing your fears

    If you keep running from your fears you'll never outrun them, its time to stop wasting your energy running from your fears and redirect it to facing them. By ignoring them you might feel you don't have to deal with them but that is just a temporary solution and one day its going to come back out of the closet you locked it and you might not be very ready. The thing is most times we are too afraid of the idea of our fears that we start having doubts in our mind and we end up running from our goals because we are too scared, we never really analyse and try to find out if our greatest fears are really as bad as we like to believe they are, like a child scared of whats hiding in the closet at night. Take me for example...
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