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Tuesday 30 June 2015

Two Wrongs...(Pt 2)

Please read the first part of the story by clicking THIS LINK

On a Saturday morning, Mathew left for work and as usual dropped money for food with his wife. He always gave her more than enough but he wasn't scared that she would save up and run away because she hardly knew how to manage money. She would always squander it in buying clothes, although he never thought of who those clothes were meant for impressing because it sure wasn't him.
       He had been gone for about an hour and wasn't going to be back for another 7 or more hours. As usual his wife had brought her lover over to the house for their usual mid afternoon rump which she had missed for a while now. This was happening more frequently because their office was going through some renovations and their departments where greatly affected so they had to stay home for a week or two.  They had all the time to meet up and seeing that Daniel was married to a house wife that was always at home, they couldn't do it in his house. Daniel had only gotten back from his travel a week ago and she was dying to see him again. Even though they had seen and engaged in their lustful acts a couple of times after he came back, she couldn't get enough of him just yet. They were still sitting at the living room and before they could start she was already feeling the rush of blood down in her genitals and she felt her organ below throbbing in anticipation. She paid no attention to his words as he spoke, she just wanted to have him.

Mathew was a couple of blocks away when his boss called and reminded him of the meeting that they had with the foreign investors in the company that very morning. He reassured his boss that he was well prepared and just to make sure he quickly went over his files to be sure he had everything he needed. However he discovered that he had forgotten an essential document, he quickly looked at his watch, calculated the time it will take him to retrieve the documents and decided to head back for it. He turned his car around quickly and started speeding faster than usual towards the house to grab the document and make it back on time...

Let's do this! »

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Last Round of Reminders

Hi everyone? How has the day been going so far? I hope you have been fully dedicated to what you set out to do today be it fun or work. What you decide to do today, how you decide to spend the day and how serious you are about it will determine the way you will end this month and might play a huge role in determining how you will start your next month. Remember that the way you start next month could also determine your level of success for the next month or how things might move be it smooth or rough for the whole of next month. Choose wisely, your energy has a lot to do with your choice and it's outcome...

Well that's just a couple of hints. This post is on just a few reminders so let's do this...

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: My boyfriend wants a break up.

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Morning Coffee

    30th of the month huh? Wow! I don't know who caused it, I don't know how the person did it, I know I am suspecting Sodiq or Funke for it but this month ran away. Maybe it was Esit because she has been awfully quiet recently, so quiet that I think she is up to some mischief. Whoever is responsible for making the month go by so fast sure did a hell of a job. Just simply because I set the months focus as Hard work and dedication, the person decided to manipulate life into moving so fast....smh.

Good morning Fam. How is everybody doing? If you are all doing great this morning then cool. If not the you will need a sip of this morning coffee to kick start your day.

let's gist...

Let's do this! »

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Monday 29 June 2015

Morning Coffee

       Hello and good morning fam! Sorry for the late morning post. Had to fight that evil boss of mine off practically.

So how was the weekend for everyone? I just hope it was as fun as mine. I had a very crazy one, so crazy that I got shocked when I looked at my watch this morning to realize that the month was already over. When I discovered it was the 29th I just lost it. I looked at my calendar hoping for this month to have 31 days or maybe 35 if possible, you can imagine my disappointment huh?.  I still have a lot of things i'll like to accomplish before the month runs out, plus the month just kind of ran away so fast. I can't believe we would be going in to the 7th month of the year in just 2 days time. Crazy stuff. Oh well, you know what they say about looking at the bright side right? Well I did that and I discovered that since the month ran so fast and would be ending tomorrow, that means my salary would be coming very soon. Awesome stuff right?!

Let's Rant A bit...

Let's do this! »


Saturday 27 June 2015

Two Wrongs...

He pushes her on the cotton sheets and she lands with a soft thud as the dun-lop mattress masks the intensity of the fall. He climbs on top her and she hears the sound of her skirt as its ripped from her waist. She thinks about struggling but just lays and stares at him, he pays her no attention. He undoes his trousers fly, slips his stud into her and starts going at it without any intention of giving pleasure, he concentrates only on receiving the pleasure instead.
      She looks away from him in disgust to her right as the force of his movements pushes her body back and forth on the queen sized bed. She closes her eyes and forces the tears that are building up back in, she is tired of struggling with him all the time that this has to happen. She bites the nail on her index finger in anger and looks to the ceiling. He glances over at her and as he maintains his back and fort motion on top of her, he wonders why she isn't putting up a fight today. Sweat drops from his fore head and explodes into tiny and vanish quickly into invisible drops as they impact on her left shoulder one by one. He smiles to himself, in his mind he has won her, he has succeeded in showing her who's stronger. But the thought doesn't last for more than half a second, all he is concentrated on for now is receiving pleasure. He thinks about it for another second, It's been eight years into their marriage and she had stopped fighting, she had learnt how to obey her master. He was proud of himself. He again acknowledges his strength and pumps harder.

Let's do this! »

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Music: Baby Face ft Desiree - Fire

Wow...This song brings back memories. Memories f the good times and of good music. When we had music that was sang straight from the heart and artists that are present day Legends. This is a real classic tune and I don't know if any of you would know it but you should because it's as recent as 1998.

The song "Fire" Tells a story of two lover in denial of their love for each other. They know how much they love each other and want to be intimate but yet they try hard to resist. They try to stay away and say that they don't want to be together however they always fail in their resistance. It is told mostly from the perspective of the lady with Desiree being the voice of the lady and Baby face supporting and playing the man.

This is a classic and I though you guys would use it to step down the mood this afternoon to a cool one. I also have the lyrics below. So get the song and lyrics right after the cut.

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: Stomach hurts after s3x

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Morning Coffee

Hello Everyone! How about that? That's like the second time I remembered to post something or even have the time to put up a post before my morning workout. I have to tell you guys, there is nothing like a good workout in the morning to get the day started. The sweat is like a ritual to wash out all the toxins and negative energy form the previous day both physical and spiritual. hehehe... So did any of you get to work out this morning? Anyone at all? Nobody should lie o, you are being watched so the moment you lie a piano will drop on your head. lol

Ready to drown this cup of coffee? Alright then let's gulp it down real quick...

Let's do this! »


How about a little fitness this morning?

Hi everyone? Just before we get started for the day how about a little workout. I have a little time to type before I do my usual morning workout so I thought to put up a little something for you guys. Just something to keep you going until you have the time to workout properly. Make sure that every single day or at least 3 to 4 times a week you do a little workout. Also remember to set at least one day aside for rest and at most 3 days aside for some rest.

Well this morning I just want to tell you guys of some workout routines that will keep you physically toned until you are ready or have the chance to go into proper and intense workout sessions. They will help tone every single part of your body or at least most of the major areas.


Let's do this! »

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Friday 26 June 2015


Who and who has finished up with their work for the day? Abi I told you guys that there would be time for fun. Well my own has almost reached and you know I don't miss things like this right? I'm just counting down now till I leave this office.Y'all know I have a sacred rule about not missing out on having some fun right?

The week has been very hectic so once you step out of that office, you have to drop the headache behind. Leave it at work and go home happily to your family. Go out with your friends and do not bring up any discussion of work or else it's about making fun of your boss or a co worker. Have a little fun with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Have a family outing with the whole family. Go see a movie today with your siblings or whoever just make sure you do something to take a load off in the evening today. If your idea of fun is being at home then knock yourself out, either ways just make sure you are relaxing this evening. It's the weekend for the love of beer. You guys should be out there having fun. They say you only live once right? Well they also say that if you live it well then you wouldn't have anything to complain about so go out and make the best of today.That's the only way you would have no regrets. Working hard without giving yourself a break isn't the right way to live. The work time was here but now it has gone. It's fun time!

Have some fun people. TGIF!


Dear Ralph: I go both ways

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Friday Fact: Width to length

      Hiya everyone? How has the Friday been so far? Are you ready for today's Friday Fact? It's on the preference a lady has on what a guy is packing on the down below. So guys and of cos ladies, get in here. I'll drop the fact and the ladies you can either support or tell me your own opinion.

Let's do this! »

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Happy Birthday Brielle!

      Happy birthday to one of the Top members of AskRalphFam. I know you guys would wonder why I call her a top member when she doesn't comment as frequently as a couple of you. Well I'll explain to you guys.

 You see I can say that among everybody here that I know of, Brielle was the first person to discover the blog. We got talking and she has become a very close friend of mine. She comments very few times and that's because of her tight schedule. I am sure you must have seen her drop a comment every now and then on a couple of posts. You see this wonderful Lady here is a Computer Science student, a coming up make-up artist, a fashion design student and a wonderful cook. I think she is also an astronaut but is refusing to admit to it but do not worry I will find out soon, ill get a confession from her. Generally she is a really wonderful person and even though she hardly comments, she always hits me up on BBM and gives me an encouragement every single day. Yeap, you heard that right, she hits me up every single day to know how the blog is doing, encourage me to keep doing what I do and apologize for not commenting and I appreciate her concern very much. 

Let's do this! »


Morning Coffee

Morning Fam!!! Ha! Best day of the week right? It's Friday my peoples. You guys have to see the way I was dancing into the office today. Immediately the boss man saw me he started laughing and was like  "so just because of Friday you have come in to work early and turned from grumpy to happy". Do not mind that man! I am not grumpy as he would suggest. I am a jolly good fellow, it's just that he gives me too much work load. Plus you all know that I come in to work early right? I am the most punctual worker in that office. hehehe...

Anyway whatever he says doesn't change the weather and neither does it change Friday to Monday.

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 25 June 2015

Michael Jackson

         I can't believe it's been 6 years already since a true Legend left us. Look into those eyes and listen to that man's music. You would hear the true voice of passion. You would understand what it means for a person to be truly in love with what they do and to do what they love straight from the heart.

on 25th June 2009 Michael Jackson Passed away and the world would remember him for generations to come. A King even in his absence.

Let's do this! »

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Morning Coffee

    Breakfast is served!... And it's looking awesome I must say. Imagine having this right here as breakfast? If I don't get fat then i'll know that it's an attack from my village people plus esits village people. It has to be a collaborated attack I tell ya.

Good morning guys! How is everyone doing today? I know I didn't post yesterday but honestly I am thinking of walking up to my boss and telling him about this blog so he can cut me some slack. Maybe give me a little break in the morning so that I can put up at least one post before carrying on with the craziness of the day. This month has been the busiest for me since like ever and I think this is the universe's way of sticking its tongue out at me and mocking me for making this months focus hard work and dedication. This is also usually the moment during a post that i'm meant to say something reasonable and inspire you all but I just choose nah so....

Let's Rant!....specifically about Esit!

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 23 June 2015

Morning Coffee

Top of the Morning Fam! How is everyone doing today?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and had a strange feeling of confusion? Like the room is very dark without the tiniest glitter of illumination from any source be it artificial or natural. Then you have a hard time figuring out where in particular on your bed you are. You finally get up to discover that for some mysterious reason you have turned around and your leg is on your pillow. Also that you are closer to the wall of your room than you are with your girlfriend or boyfriend. You ever had those kind of nights? Well I did yesterday so yeah...those kind of nights are just creepy...

Y'all know what this is right? It's our breakfast with coffee time where we get together as a family and just talk randomly and rant about anything and nothing in particular. So are you ready to get those lips flapping? Nice! let'st do this...

Let's do this! »


Monday 22 June 2015

Dear Ralph: When do relationships work?

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Funny Misheard Lyrics

Naija guys in the clubs abroad be like...


Monday Myth: The bigger always means better

Hi everyone, it's time for our weekly "Monday Myth". Today it's all about satisfaction in the bedroom and how it is related to the size of what a man has beneath those briefs.

Y'all ready?. Of cos you are! If it was one of my fitness posts you guys would grumble through it but I can almost see the seriousness on your faces for this post.

 Alright let's do this.

Let's do this! »

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Music: Wizkid ft Femi Kuti Jaiye Jaiye

It might be an old song as far back as two years ago but I just thought to refresh your memories again with this nice tune from our very own wizkid. The good thing about music, especially good music is that it never gets too old. You can listen to any good music no matter if it's as old as man himself or as recent as this post.

Wizkid featured Femi Kuti a legendary and Iconic musician in the face of the Nigerian Music Industry and wide. He is a son to an even bigger legend by the name of Fela Kuti. This song is said to be a tribute to him.

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: She won't kiss me

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Morning Coffee

*looks at cup of coffee and takes a sip*

Even your cup of coffee is giving you a hint this morning. Just look at the pic and see what it's telling you. It's telling you to go out this Monday morning and chase that paper! Would you rather chase something else today? Please if there is something else out there that you'd rather be chasing this very morning feel very free to enlighten me.

You cup of coffee can throw up Naira, dollar or pound signs for a year straight. The real issue is still something you have to take care of. And what is the real issue you ask? Well you might have forgotten our monthly focus but it has to do with it. Don't worry I'm hear to remind you. It's called Hard work and Dedication

Let's do this! »


Saturday 20 June 2015

How high is you IQ

Hello and good morning everyone! The weekend is already here and I am living up to my promise, doing nothing but have fun. I'm at the office right now so I didn't call in sick as I said I would yesterday just because of the possibility of my boss being one of my readers and firing me because of this *aaaghh*. Anyways, I've been staring at my laptop thinking of what to type and fortunately for me I looked through my BBM contacts and saw that IQ test above. So I decided to find out who and who passed their last exams. Lol

So just use the example given in the pic.

If you see 24 H in a D it will mean 24 hours in a Day
If you see 365 D in a Y it will mean 365 days in a year
and so on...
Remember they all don't have to do with time, they are just everyday things we hear about with a specific number to quantify them.

They say answering 7 means you have a pretty high how many do you know? Write them in the comment box below.


Friday 19 June 2015


Look at that picture above for a second.... I am about to tell you something very very inspirational so you have to concentrate and give me your undivided attention. Take this very seriously because it could spell trouble for you if you do not take it as seriously as you should. So are you all mine? Nice! Now look at that picture again. Do you see the ballet move that dude is displaying on Friday. Well that's going to be me at the end of today. lmao!

You better get your ballet shoes on cos it's going to be a crazy weekend. And if what I said right now isn't inspiring to you then I don't know what would be. I have no hope for you. Lol

Let's do this! »


Thursday 18 June 2015

Do Relationships work like magnets?

     Remember your physics and chemistry lessons? I think if you had a 'not-so-naughty' upbringing, then those classes would have been the first place you heard the saying that 'opposites attract'. It's only after we grew a little more and started opening our eyes to the boy-girl relationships part of life that we started relating that saying to our love life also. Now i'm very sure you have also heard the saying that people with opposite characters tend to stick together more than lovers with too many similarities. For example a cool headed guy would most likely end up with a hot headed girl and a quiet person would most likely fall for a very chatty person. But how true do you feel this is? Is it always true that you have to seek out your opposite to be sure of a happy and long lasting relationship? What are your thoughts?. I'll tell you what I feel first...

Let's do this! »

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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Get and stay dedicated to fitness

Hello everybody! I am feeling kind of physically fit this morning. As a matter of fact I got into work late because I took my time to exercise today...properly. From a stretch, to a warm up then proceeding to the main workout I made sure to keep my mind on my form and techniques. Finally I rounded up with a cool down and light massage. It was fun I must tell you guys. It was fun until I cam in to work and the boss man decided to punish me as usual with a heap of work. Like the one I did last week wasn't enough? Can't a man get a little rest? I'm getting too old o! Anyway cos of  that, this morning I want to do a short post on fitness.

Ready?...Yeah I know fitness is boring but just get in here and read this, it won't take you more than 2 minutes. It's a short one.

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Toni Tones Flaunts New Look!

Isn't she simply Stunning!

Toni Tones is sporting a new look these days, The celebrity photographer, turned artist and actress, has trained in her signature big curly hair for 'Naomi Campbell-esque' long straight locks and we have to say, she looks gorgeous!  way to show off those cheek bones. We are completely loving it.

Check out some of the photos she posted on instagram sporting the look.

More pics after the cut...

Let's do this! »

Should your hubby really be your job?

I took the time to pour 2 extra cups of coffee this morning for you guys. So who and who would like to join me this morning. You know what? Let's make this more interesting. Every morning I do a morning coffee session right? Or at least every once in a while. I rant during these sessions but I always have a message I am trying to pass across. So today the first two people to drop comments that are directly relevant to the topic we are discussing this morning would win a shopping coupon from It's worth 3k each.

So are you guys ready to sip this coffee?.... I thought as much! Lol

Let's do this...

During my time out last week and while I was occupied with the external auditors, my mind kept coming back to this blog and you guys that were waiting on me. It was kind of frustrating because I had a lot of work piled up in front of me and I wanted to be done as soon as possible and get back to the blog but at the same time I couldn't afford mistakes while the auditors were around. It then got me thinking of something that I have always believed in.
    You see I have heard people say one particular thing over and over about being happy with your job. They say "Find that thing that makes you happy, that thing you love doing and make it your work then you will never hate your job again". This is a very good advice but honestly I do not believe in this completely. Left for me I would say this... "Find a job, stick to it to feed yourself and your family then look for that thing that makes you happy and have it as a recreational activity". This is strictly my opinion and you are welcome to criticize it but not before I drop my explanation....

Let's do this! »

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Monday 15 June 2015

Monday Myth: STI's are for players and cheaters only

Hello again everyone! I have to say it still feels really good to be back. While I was out on my, should I call it sabbatical leave? Well...I had the chance to hangout a couple of times with the peeps from the office and as usual, I got to learn a whole lot of things from people. The way people generally think, their ideologies and the way they perceive things. I am going to be spreading these things I learnt during this break through my Myths, facts and Tips as the weeks go by. So today we are starting with if STI (s3xually transmitted infections) are for Player and cheaters only.

Let's do this! »

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Morning coffee

Hellloooooooo!!!!! *deep breath*. Wow! These keys on my keyboard look and feel so foreign to me right now. It feels like it's been ages! But before that... *looks at everyone* What sort of family is this sef? So because I traveled small on business you people now left the cobwebs to grow to this extent eehn? Thelma I am disappointed in you. And the rest of you! In fact let me not start now, I'll deal with all of you later. Lol

How is everybody doing this Monday morning. I am so sorry for leaving without any warning at all. I was taken by surprise and that's why I didn't let you guys know i'll be out for a while like I usually do. We usually get external auditors sent to the office where I work once a month and we had no warning of their arrival this time. It was crazy throughout last week. Once again I apologize for my absence, it's not like it won't happen again but i'll appreciate it if you guys bear with me okay?

It's been a while I sipped on this morning coffee. Hope I don't get burned. Anyways, let's get this going...

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 9 June 2015

Music: 2face Idibia: Dance in the Rain

  Let's take it back to our home country Nigeria for the 2nd Musical entry on this blog. Honestly speaking this should have been my first, I should have started from this song and from this artist. I mean it just fits in for all the right reasons that I don't even want to get started mentioning. This man right here is a light of inspiration that shines bright for the young and old. His music is not just good to the body, it reaches to the mind and whispers a lesson or more.

This song "Dance in the Rain" has also been the inspiration to a couple of posts that I have put up previously. It was the Inspiration to our Focus of April which was appreciation. In this song he simply talks about not getting worked up over tomorrow. He talks about you not ruining today simply because you are worried about what tomorrow will bring. He also talks about being appreciative of the simple things that life has to offer you.

Let's do this! »

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Monday 8 June 2015

Morning coffee

        Top of the morning everyone. Hope everyone had a weekend as wild as or at least close to mine. Well it's time to get this week started so  brush off the weekend effect from your body, it's time to get productive with yourself.

 How is your Monday going to be? Is it going to be another lazy one where you wake up late and grumble through the day? Or is today the day you finally decide to get up on time and attack the day with enthusiasm. Either way, the final decision is yours. People can always talk and give you advice, highlight positive effects of the right decision. However at the end of the day the choice remains yours. So what do you choose this morning...?

Happy Monday.


Friday 5 June 2015

Friday Fact: Infidelity is by person not gender

     We have heard it over and over again. The argument is always going on and on, it also seems like it is never going to be concluded. The question is who cheats more between men and women. I have seen it a million times and heard it from the mouths of people. Either they are saying "It is in the nature of men to cheat" or "Women cheat more, it's just that they are more careful about it". At the end of it all we still haven't concluded on who cheats more, of cos everyone would fight for their own gender. However I want to clear up a little fact and maybe give you guys a different way to look at things.

Let's do this! »

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Let's do this! »


Morning Coffee

           .....Not just your coffee, while you are at it make sure to enjoy every single thing about your life. The people around you, the situations you face. Enjoy the good and the even the bad. It's a crazy world we live in. One day you are here and the next you are gone, a couple of years or decades after that, you are forgotten only to remembered through pictures and a few other memory triggering events or object. I know it sound scary but that's the funny part also. The fact that the world is that crazy, that you can be here this moment and gone the next is the more reason why you should have all the fun you want to. It's the reason why you should cherish this moment right here right now. It's good to plan for the future but don't loose this moment chasing the future that you are not sure of.

So how do you cherish this moment and enjoy your life? By getting your TGIF on of cos. By making sure that this evening, when you are done with work, you set all that aside and go have some fun!

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 4 June 2015

Time out with Ralph: Ella

Ralph: Hello Ella, Good morning. If you don't mind, I'll like to interview you on this your D.P, you got my BC right?

Ella: Hi, Good morning, Yes I did get the BC.  Feel free to Interview

Ralph: Aaaghhh, My smileys ain't working. Mcheeew

Ella: Lool. You need an update maybe?

Ralph: I hope it's an update not a malfunction

Ella: Loool.  Be positive

Ralph: Lool. I have to be positive if not I'll break this phone

Ella: Lmao =))

Ralph: So I'll like to know your thoughts on this DP you put up...

Let's do this! »

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Recharge cards from Birthday girl

Yes ooo! The birthday girl Anu Funke has decided to get this party started by sharing recharge cards to you guys. I was tempted to load some o! But we will leave it until it's thelmas birthday then i'll load the ones she will give me. Lol

Now everyone please, she just asks for a few things from you all. Load only one and allow others to load the remaining. Just choose one network. Also please comment when you load one so she can discard the papers Okay? Enjoy!

I have also generously added one Glo 1000 among others and it will be the last one. Scroll to the bottom get it. Ready?...

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: I thought i'll be happy after pushing him away

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Happy Birthday Anu Funke!

   Happy birthday to our very own Anu Funke. If you go down my blog through the past posts or if you have been with us since last year you would notice a particular person called Honeydrop that used to comment frequently but suddenly went AWOL. That my people was when she ran away with the family refrigerator. She later came back and changed her identity to Anu Funke and now we are looking for our refrigerator again. Coincidence you say?...I think not! Lol

Funke has decided to be faceless for today, kind of like me but it's very much allowed. We will mob her one of these days. *whispers* she is a very shy person. Well I went out and personally copied this special cake from google just for you. Hope you like it. Lol.

Wishing you the very best of the best, plenty of drinks, cake, food, favors and fulfillment of all your positive heart desires today. We all Love you very much and hope today brings lots of joy to you and your family. Happy birthday dear!

Up Next >>> Dear Ralph: I thought i'll be happy after pushing him away

Dear Ralph: Will I love him more?

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Morning Coffee

     Hello and good morning to you wild bunch that I call a family. First things first, every single one of you is awesome, just thought i'll get that out of my chest. I mean, I don't know about all of you but I was pretty excited yesterday, with the participation and the new people to the blog. I was really happy to see the old ones welcome the new and the new ones feeling right at home immediately. Thank you everyone, I really appreciate your presence, I don't know how many times I have to say that to you guys to make you understand the depth to which I mean it. Just know that I really mean it. Okay moving on...

To the new comers....I see and welcome you all to the blog. I hope you guys get to stay long enough to enjoy our crazy family. From Laetatio D, +Queen Emerald , Pepper.A, Miss blackie and every other new person out there. I say thanks for being here. I hope Anu Funke has given you guys the drinks you were promised, she is the one that has it. *whishpers*...She claims not to drink but after I will gist you people, just know that she can lie, that lady is...I'll save the gist for later. Lol

Let's do this! »


Wednesday 3 June 2015

Time out with Ralph: Kayode

I'll be kicking off the 'Time out with Ralph' Section today. I haven't concluded on the name yet though *covers face*.

 A couple of days ago, Kayode on my BBM put up this pic above and I asked him to permit me to discuss it with him. Due to some reason or the other we weren't able to do that on the same day but we finally did it this morning. So here is how the discussion went down...

Ralph : Hello and Good morning Kay. I am sure you got my last BC Right? If you don't mind i'll like to know what made you put this up. Is this something you believe in?

Kay: Yeah, It is something I believe in but ladies should still go about it in a subtle way

Ralph: So it's cool for them to make the first move in your books as long as it's subtle right?

Kay: Yeah, Most ladies believed that they should be chased whereas we have a lot of shy guys around

Ralph: It's true, there are lots of shy guys around but what of their usual fear of rejection or being seen as desperate? I feel that the reason ladies shy away from this is because of that fear of rejection or being seen as loose.They feel their intentions could be misread and that the guy could end up treating them as "what they (the men) feels they (the ladies) are"  Or don't you think so?

Let's do this! »

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Funny Misheard Lyrics

Lmao! I decided to add a funny part to the music section. I am going to name this segment Funny Misheard Lyrics.

As I tour the world I am going to haunt down people that hear the wrong thing in songs and sing it out loud with all the passion in their hearts. We had an Alicia keys Misheard lyrics before. I copied that one from the net but I decided to start making my own memes instead with both local and foreign music.

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: I watch gay P*rn but don't practice

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful to the poster. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Music: India Arie Ft Akon - I am not my Hair

+esit  has succeeded in pushing me to start the Music section of the blog ahead of it's time. You people should blame her o! I tried my best to hold back for a while but she keeps calling me out on this one. Well I went ahead and still decided on an inspirational song against her will. heheheh.  It doesn't mean we won't have senseless music with no particular message or just a feel good music with no meaning every once in a while...of cos we will have all that. This is just done to annoy Esit a little further. Lol...

So y'all ready?

Let's do this! »


Morning Coffee

    Top of the Morning Fam! How are you all doing on this great Humps day. Y'all know it's Wednesday A.k.A hump day right? The middle of the working week is right here. Left for me you have two choices today, you either push further since you are in the middle and maximize your efforts for the rest of the week or you relax and waste all the efforts you put in since Monday. So what's it going to be for you? Maximum productivity or a total down slide from here? It's your choice so I won't push too much. All I will say is...."Be wise".

Let's empty this cup of morning coffee before is gets cold...What do you say?

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 2 June 2015

Stories of deceptive looks: Cristiano Ronaldo

This is my second post on Stories of deceptive looks.

I am not big on football, as a matter of fact the hottest match of the century could be going on and i'll be laying down, sleeping and snoring louder than my Grandma. And if the match gets too loud and interrupts my snoring, I would get up and off that T.V and try to suppress the urge to break it. Lol

Anyway I am not big on football but I know this man. I know Cristiano Ronaldo because his name is everywhere just like that of his biggest rival, Messi. However I find this man to be very very interesting due to some discoveries I made and some bar arguments. That is why I have chosen him to be my second discussed person in my Stories of Deceptive looks.

Let's do this! »

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Lol...confess you are guilty

Lmao! This was a big set up. I am sure nobody even the women didn't notice him in the background at first glance.
