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Thursday 30 April 2015

Dear Ralph: He promised to change

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is one of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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April End...End of Appreciation?


 Good morning fam, readers, subs and fellow beer heads. How is everyone doing today? Hope you all are as excited as I am this morning. Wanna know why I am super duper excited?...well you should guess. If your guess was that I am thankful for life and my blog are WRONG! I mean yes i'm thankful for life and every single one of you but that 's an everyday thing. I'm talking of this morning in particular. Well today spells the end of this month that's why I'm happy! Still don't get it...? Well it means that my salary is coming soon. If there was a way to combine Shoki , Galala and Azonto, i'll be doing all of 'em all at the same time right now but since I stand a chance of breaking my hips then i'll just pass on that. Hopefully the boss man wouldn't duct my pay this month, I will try to reduce my late coming but i'm not promising anything. Lol. Alright enough of the rant for this morning, moving on....

Secondly I want to remind you guys that today will be the last opportunity to vote on this months poll.  The pole is on the left side of the blog and is titled "What is the number 1 reason for Marriage Failure"...Only those browsing via PC, laptop or tablets would be able to see it, those on mobile devices won't. It was introduced on THIS POST HERE so you can still read up on the post, drop your detailed reasons on the comment section (especially mobile phone users) and still vote on the poll. By tomorrow we will remove that one, call the results and put up a new poll. Hope you guys will keep participating, you all have been great so far. Okay then with that said we move on to the main topic for the day... Is today really the End of appreciation?

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 28 April 2015

2 days 2go!....Confront 'em

Good morning everyone!  Hope everyone is doing okay this beautiful Tuesday. Today i'm going to do a quick one and hope that i'll have enough time to drop a "Tuesday Tip" before today runs out. As I told you guys, we have some external auditors in the office and they are really a tough a bunch.   Before we move on to the topic of the day, I'll like to ask your opinion of a little something I wanted to add to the blog. You see i'm a crazy fan of music. I was thinking of bringing a music category into the blog, not just any type of music....I mean yeah I can listen to any music as long as it's good but I won't be bringing in just any type. I'm talking of songs with a message, be it obvious or hidden.  I was thinking of extending my inspiration through the music that artists have already dropped. I think a lot more people would be able to relate to the messages I want to send if I can extract some lyrics from these songs and use them as inspiration. So if you think this is a good idea then just let me know in the comment box below. So are we good to go? Awesome!

Alright on to today's post....

Let's do this! »


Monday 27 April 2015

Dear Ralph: Mysterious girl

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is on of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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What will you tell and do to Monday if it was human?

      **yawwns*...Good morning fam, how is everyone doing this Monday morning. I kind of did a disappearing act after my post on Friday and didn't even get to put up a Friday Fact for you guys last week *hiss*. This work, I have to say is the best and the worst thing that happened to me at the same time. It was quite stressful on Friday and on Saturday because of the whole presentation at the office. You see my presentation carried on till Saturday but be rest assured that I did very good, I showed them who's boss. So thanks to everyone that wished me luck on the presentation, your wishes helped...*high five*. The weekend was also quite fun for me, I got a lot of surprise visits from old friends, it was like an alarm somewhere in everyone's head went off and they all remembered me at the same time. I met with old friends and it was all really exciting. Well at least it was until I remembered that today was Monday *sad face*. I then had to leave my friends early and go back home or else I wanted to risk going on suspension at work today. They kept calling me to come back and had lots of stories to tell about the fun they had after I left. I still couldn't push my luck though, if I show up late at work this time i'll surely be penalized and I love my salary very much.
Let's do this! »

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Friday 24 April 2015

Take a load off

   Good morning everyone! Its Friday again and we are going to be TGIFing! Can't wait to go out and let loose this evening. I had a Freakishly exhausting day yesterday and that's what I get for coming to work late the previous day and piling up my work. It's not like today is going to be any better but all the same we 'TGIF'.
      So first of all let me apologize for my absence yesterday and advice you guys, please don't leave so many things unattended to, there is always time for everything, work now and laze about later. Now thinking of our topic this morning i'm beginning to think I contradict myself a lot with advicing you guys to face your work...hmmmm. Well that's life for you, it's full of contradictions, you can't lean to one side, you have to learn to balance things out. Alright moving on...before I start sounding like a school teacher.

Before we move on to our topic for today I wanted to point out something and someone. *waves at Thelma*... Do you guys realize that in a week Thelma has beat Esit and Freeborn to be the Top contributor? I mean she is leading Esit with 12 whole points. I think she deserves a reward but only if she is able to hold that position until it's time for our next GIVEAWAY. So do I sense competition from any other people? Y'all are going to let her snatch the winning price so easily? I don't think so! Okay that's also my way of bribing you guys to participate a little more, you can't blame me. I need the comments. lol

Enough of the ranting. We are talking RELAXATION! Taking a load off. Breathing out, exhaling, recovering from the crazy week. Switching up the routing from work to play. We don't want no dull Jacks and Janes up in here do we? Alright let's do this...

Let's do this! »

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Wednesday 22 April 2015

Toni Tones stuns in Tiffany Amber

Artist / actress and celebrity Photographer Toni Tones was spotted over the weekend at writer and producer, Tari Ekiyor's wedding, looking  absolutely stunning in this Neon and black ball gown by Nigerian iconic designer, Tiffany Amber.
She complimented the look rocking her natural hair in an up do bun, smokey eyes and nude lips! Gotta love that natural look.

Absolutely stunning! Love it!

Photo credit - @iamtonitones (instagram)

More photos after the cut

Let's do this! »

Venomous Sad Mind state


       Hello and Goodmorning AskRalphfam! Wonderful Wednesday we have right here right? I think it's time we introduced something new to the blog or maybe i'll wait till later when the blog has grown more so more people can participate. I'm thinking of something more interactive. We already have Monday Myths, Tuesday Tips which aren't very interactive. I'm thinking of something more engaging, not like the traditional Woman Crush Wednesday(I hope that's what it's called). Just something absolutely new and exclusive to us right here and interesting . Anyway if you have any ideas please comment below or contact me. Alright moving on...

Before we get on the topic for the morning I want to remind you guys about that dangers of diet pills. The obsession about weight loss these days is really crazy. People will buy anything they see online if it promises magical weight loss. I read a news online of a pill called  Dinitrophenol that killed a lady by burning her up from the inside, it has killed about 6 people and counting for now and people are still buying it. Please I want to remind you that you are beautiful just the way you are. It is good to maintain a good and healthy weight but please for the sake of you, do not buy any pills. Eat healthy and exercise, you will be fine. If you keep obsessing over your looks, you will never be satisfied, instead develop your character. Please ladies and gents, take better care of yourselves. I think I should do a full post on this later in the week to help more people that need it and create some awareness.

So today we are talking about you and the importance of you staying happy! Or should I say the importance of you starting your day on a good note and not allowing anything ruin it for you through the day. Let's get this started....

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tuesday Tip: Get your figure back after child birth

   As a lady, do you have a naturally slim physique? Are you one of those lucky people that never have to workout or go on any kind of diet to look good or loose weight? If your answers are yes then fine...let's move on. Do you have that fear of losing your shape or your body being stretched out of the usual shape and never returning after you go through the physical changes of child birth? Yeah I know!...lots of women have this fear and it is very understandable. However I have a solution to this, I actually sat down with someone a couple of years back and she explained to me how this works.

The solution to this is actually simply, the answer is EXERCISE. But before you start complaining of how I won't shut up about exercising let me just

And even if you don't have the natural slim physique this will still help you.

Let's do this! »

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AskRalph blog Monday Giveaway Winners...

 .....It was quite an interesting contest yesterday and I want to say congratulations to everyone that won. I was going to give the prices to 5 different people which were going to be my top two contributors so far, the 1st to comment on my post, 50th and 75th. Unfortunately there was no 50th and 75th comment, we only got 14 comments.  I clearly over estimated my viewership...oh well.. lol.
However we are going to keep growing and it's going to get even better. It might just be 14 comments today but we will have hundreds of comments tomorrow. I just have to limit the number of comment I used to determine the winners of giveaway at least 'for now' till our family grows larger. So with that I want to encourage you guys to not give up, i'll be doing other giveaways and it will eventually get to you.

Before I continue let me just quickly announce the winners....

Let's do this! »


Abdominal Development?....Cardiovascular workout?....Anyone?

    Good morning and a happy healthy Tuesday to you my people! Woke up late today and had to start hurrying off to work. A certain someone gave me something that could help me sleep better at night so i've been enjoying my nights more *whispers*, thanks Doc Esit *cough*....Anyways trust my boss, he made sure to point out the obvious...'Ralph! you came late!...again!' and i'm sure that won't be last time I'll hear that before the end of the day or week. I'm just glad he isn't one to easily sack a person for any little mistake, he recognizes potential, isn't quick to anger and knows how to manage've just gotta love that dude.

Secondly before I do the post I just want to thank everyone that participated in Yesterdays giveaway! You guys are awesome! I would announce the results later today so stay tuned.

Alright moving on!

This morning or should I say, this Tuesday it's going to be all about you and your health. As I keep saying, the way you start your day could determine the way the rest of your day turns out. So why not start today in a healthy way and have a healthy rest of the day.

Let's do this! »

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Monday 20 April 2015

Dear Ralph: Mum dislikes her cos she can't cook

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more'. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is on of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Monday Giveaway!!!

It's time for the giveaway. Read how to win after the cut... 

Let's do this! »


Monday Myth: Magic 'lintimacy' Pills

Today's Monday Myth applies mostly to the guys. The guys that have been pushed through desperation to prove themselves in the bedroom. Ladies you should listen in also, you could help your man by educating him on this and reducing the pressure on him.

         Have you ever read online about a pill that boasts of being able to give you incredible boost to your bedroom strength and overall activity. You have right? Nice!...Now have you also walked into a pharmacy just to discover it displayed on the table then you leave and come back to buy it. Have you?...Awesome!. Now how did that work out for you? I'm guessing it didn't really meet up to the expectations and everything it promised. The truth about these "Magic pills" that claim to either increase the size of your 'wood' or make you last for a ridiculous amount of time is that they are as real as unicorns...yeap! they aren't real and if at this point you thought unicorns were real then sorry to tell you that they aren't real.

Let's do this! »


Monday's are awesome jare!


     Good morning to you, my awesome family people. I have a couple of things to discuss this morning. But before that, hope you all got a good nights rest. Even my peeps from other time zones, those sleeping right now, about to sleep and those that are already half way through the day. So if you are all good then let's get this post started...!

Before my work swallows me up I just thought to give a shout out to every single one of you. And this is to wish you guys a successful start to your week. Remember, I keep saying that the way you start your week could determine the way the rest of the week turns out. So you should endeavor to start today on a positive note. Attack the day with enthusiasm and with your full energy. No matter what happens, even if your boss or your workers decides to be annoying today, try your best to maintain a good attitude. Try to win them over with a good positive attitude and don't forget the secret ingredient...A killer constant smile! A positive attitude will attract positive outcomes today, you just have to trust and believe that it will happen.

I have two things extra to discuss with you guys...

Let's do this! »

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Sunday 19 April 2015

I've got explanations and news!


Forgive my absence but you will want to read this through till the end!

        Good day my fabulous readers and members of the AskRalph Fam! I know some of you might have been wondering where I went to or what happened and why I haven't put anything up on my blog. Well I'm going to give you guys a couple of reasons but before that I want to apologize and say that I am deeply sorry for the sudden absence, it's just that sometimes it's quite inevitable. I miss doing this every single time that something comes up to pull me away from you guys. Even if you don't forgive me for the sake of me, then do it for the sake of the adorable cat/puss in boots up there.
    You see I had so much stress at work that each time I get on my keyboard to put up a post, I just blank out. So instead I just back off and out instead of putting up meaningless content. I'd rather not write at all than to put out posts that have no up or down to 'em. This is just one reason.
     The second reason is actually the most interesting one! You see I have been working on a couple of things that will benefit you the readers. So while I was away, I kept thinking of ways to make the blog better and 1 particular thing that I came up with had me busy and moving around a lot. You see, I've been talking to a couple of people and companies for an interesting kind of giveaway that I want to do. I'm not talking your usual kind of 1st to comment kind of giveaway, nah! nothing of such(we will do that but that's not the interesting one). I'm talking of something that will keep you people more engaged in the blog. It's still a work in progress and will only improve through time so you all will want to keep an eye out on the blog from now. For now I am only going to give you guys a couple of hints that will help you to win and take note that the sooner you start up on the hints, the higher your chances of winning when it's time....

One major Hint, if you are viewing this blog on a mobile device, try to view through a PC and it would be easier for you, trust me.

Let's do this! »


Monday 13 April 2015

Monday Myth: Relationship Myth - Jealousy and Love

     Hello there my awesome AskRalph family members and new readers. Are you guys ready for today's Monday Myth? We are doing a short one on relationship today. I'll be needing your input on this one. Now the question is this..

 does jealousy in relationships really mean that your partner loves you? Or does it mean something more? I'll be debunking the myth but feel free to agree or oppose my opinion and of cos drop your own opinions  via the comment section. Ready? Alright then, let's do this...

Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: He said she is 'just his bestfriend'

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Click the link to 'read more' but feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or if you have an issues you want me to discuss. I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is on of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Are you crazy enough to succeed?


     Do you have a dream? A positive one? Does it seem too far from your reach or maybe impossible? Then you have to read this post. ummm...even if you don't have a dream at all just read it all the same, hopefully it'll help you set dreams and goals.

Take for example aeroplanes and ships. Who ever knew that a heavy chunk of metal could float on water or even worse fly across countries. The same Metal that sinks when you drop it in water or succumbs to gravity when you toss it in the air. Long before these things were proved to be possible, over 95% of the worlds population thought it impossible and thought of any attempts to prove it possible as simply stupid or ludacris. However see where we are today, these means of transport are very much reliable and even record fewer cases of hazards than the vehicular transportation means.  All through history, it took some 'craziness' to go against what the general public thought as impossible and prove it to everyone that it was possible.

Let's do this! »


Friday 10 April 2015

Friday Fact: You know your body better


Ladies have you ever had that feeling on the first night that he just isn't good enough? Like he isn't hitting the right buttons? Don't worry I have an explanation and a solution for you.

This fact is more applicable to the women but nevertheless applicable to few men. You will notice me making more reference to the ladies but guys you will want to read this also. Ready everyone...? okay then let's get this Friday Fact over with...

 Ladies you know how frustrating it can be for you when your partner is in bed but just isn't hitting the right buttons. No matter what he does he just keeps missing it, from the right spot to maintaining the right rhythm and momentum for you to climax. It leaves you feeling like you have an awful itch that you can't scratch. Well here is the fact about this. You know your body better than your partner and you are the only one that can satisfy you. I don't mean it the way you think.....just let me explain more.

Let's do this! »

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Men are allowed to have pot belly and not women?


     Good morning ma peoples! How are you all doing this morning. I'm busy warming up for the coming elections since it's like a mini holiday for me. So who are you going to be voting in your state?
   Now before I move on to my topic of discussion for the day, which of cos is a very juicy yet confusing one I want to say a big congrats to Esit. Esit passed her medical exams and is now a medicine!!!...sorry doctor!!!. Big congrats to you Esit. Now the AskRalph family has an official doctor, I declare free medical diagnosis through Esit for everyone. Don't worry we will make her do it whether she likes it or not. Alright then on to the main event....

     So yesterday evening I had a sit out with some of my friends and a discussion came up that I decided to share here. First of all, I just want to say that I am no fan of pot belly, be you a Man or a Woman. I personally feel everyone has a responsibility to take care of their body. Now here is what went down...

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 9 April 2015

Dear Ralph: What do I do with my baby now?

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is on of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this!

Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph: How busy can a man get

The famous DEAR RALPH section of AskRalph blog is dedicated to real people with real life struggles. Feel free to contact me by using the email form you will see when you CLICK THIS LINK  or writing directly to my emails or I would also want to encourage everyone that reads to drop their comments and inputs on the issue. Feel free to object or support any advice I give and drop your own thoughts. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the AskRalph family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. This is on of the main reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT have all the answers so your opinion counts a lot.... Alright let's do this

Let's do this! »

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Dear Ralph Day!


    Good morning my beautiful readers. How is everyone doing this morning. I am having one of those very lazy mornings and to make it worse, my work load just keeps piling up. Oh well...I remain ever grateful for the fact that I found a job in this maze that is called the labor market. 

Oh yeah! do you guys remember that pic above?!! lol.. Yes! that was my very first blog icon/logo. That represented AskRalph blog for a while before I got my logo. Those of you that have been with me for a while now or from the very beginning would recognize it. How time goes by right? It's just crazy! Anyways moving on....

 Well I have a couple of things to talk about today but first of all I want to say that today is going to be a 'Dear Ralph' day.  You see because of my absence during the Easter period I haven't been able to attend to some mails and even the ones I have replied I haven't posted. Well all that is about to change as I have decided to shove it all out today and of cos reserve some for tomorrow. lol. Please if I haven't answered your e-mail, try to understand with me, it's been a crazy week for me. I stay ever grateful for the fact that you guys are able to rely on an anonymous person to help you through your day to day struggles and be rest assured that I will never betray your trust. 
Let's do this! »

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Find the mistake.

    Simply drop a comment when you see the error. Lol. This one got me for like the first 20 minutes.

You find kindness in the oddest of places

     Did you watch the video? If you don't have enough data on your laptop to watch it then it's fine. I'll explain what happened in the video for you before moving on.  Just click the link to Read More...

Take note, I don't know how original or genuine the video is but it sure sends out a message to all of us regardless. Alright then lets do this...

Let's do this! »

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How did you spend your Easter?


      Good morning my everyone! I hope you all had a beautiful Easter Holiday or at least one that was nothing like how mine was. You guys are all rested up and ready to rumble right? Awesome! Also, preparation for the coming elections? How are they going? Drop a comment on who you are going to vote for in your state this coming election! At least we would love to believe that through the sacrifice of President Goodluck Jonathan that elections would be free and fair from now on in Nigeria. So if you used to shy away from elections you don't have to anymore. At least let's try this one out and see where it leads us. So once again I ask, who are you going to vote for in your state?...Moving on...

Let's do this! »

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter!


 Good morning and a Happy Easter to you beautiful bunnies out there. Wishing every single one of you the very best this Easter season. Make sure to surprise your friends,family or loved ones with a good gift today.  I would also like to use this opportunity to apologize for not posting anything yesterday. I had a whole lot of work that tied my hands. However do not let that hold you back from sending me a mail if you wish to. I'll always make out time when I can to respond to your mails.

Remember 2015 won't come again and that means this is the only Easter you will get to experience this year, make the best out of ! So with that i'd like to are you spending your Easter this year?

Happy Easter once again!

Friday 3 April 2015

Friday Fact: S3xercise

Want to bridge the gap between your "bedroom business" and your gym time? I've got your back. just read through.

     Good morning to you totally awesome set of humans (and creatures) that check in on my blog. Hope you guys had a wonderful night. I had a dream last night and in that dream I saw you, yes you and guess what you were doing, you were commenting on my blog!!! So if you don't want my dreams to come to life then just read and not comment (best blackmail ever).lol Anyway on to the main event of the day. It's been quite a while since we put up anything in our BEDROOM BUSINESS part of the blog. Today I have decided to base our Friday Fact on that category. Also this could be the motivation you need to get up and start your workout.

So are you ready?  Alright then let's do this...

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 2 April 2015

Does Self Control Qualify you as a 'Fool'


     Who had an interesting time last night? I sure did!  I promised you guys a gist from the results of my pork-nosing yesterday and i'm here to deliver. Grab a seat, popcorn, drinks, empty your bladders and give me your attention. Brielle! I said go and empty your bladder!....All done? Awesome! let's get this started...
    So Tosin dragged me out last night just because he was feeling like it, come to think of it, he has never really had any good reason for dragging me out for a drink. On getting to our venue of meeting/bar of choice we noticed an empty seat near a set of 'flashy' looking ladies. By flashy I actually mean glittering, from their skins down to their choice in color of clothing. They seemed very engrossed in whatever they were discussing and could hardly notice us getting closer to them. We couldn't make out the faces as we got to the table closer to them and not for lack of trying (I was practically looking at them and looking away every micro second).  I pulled my chair out from under the table to sit down, it dragged on the inter locked ground and the 5 ladies turned at once to observe their new company. Just at the right moment I took a quick glance at their faces and wow! not even one of them had a single flaw I could detect, at least not at that first glance. Their make up was perfect and I could swear they'd still look good without it.
Let's do this! »

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Emergency Morning Exercise!!

             Good morning Fam! I woke up very late today thanks to my bad friends that succeeded in seducing me into hanging out till late. By the time I woke up, I was already running late for work and I was so confused that I had to do plenty things at once. The end result?....doing one legged v-push ups under the shower while brushing my teeth *don't even inquire further*.  Anyhow I still managed to get to work but with my hair uncombed and my belt unbuckled. You shoulda seen the look on the boss's face when I arrived. Anyway I've learnt my lesson *whispers, nah not really*...never go out with Tosin *doubt i'll be able to pull this off*. Now the thing I want to  point out here is that no matter how things seem to go in the morning, I always try to get in a little workout right before I head out for the day.

Let's do this! »

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Wednesday 1 April 2015

Dear Ralph: The thin line between Changing my man and airing my view in a relationship

Hello Fam, just before this session of Dear Ralph I want to encourage everyone to drop their comments and inputs on the advice. Feel free to object or support any advice I give. It's all in the best interest of the poster and the family as a whole. So lend your advice and support through the comments section. It'll be really helpful. Remember the Dear Ralph section is dedicated to helping out real people with real issues and it's one of the reasons I opened this blog. If you are reading this then I look forward to your participation. Ralph does not....I repeat DOES NOT know half of what you guys know, so your contribution would highly be appreciated.

 Alright let's do this...

Let's do this! »

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Lol!....Check out these Hillarious updates and memes from AskRalph blog social media contacts


    Yesterday was really hot with the whole election result! So hot that I didn't remember to give out a Tuesday Tip and A monday Myth for the past two days (I apologize for that). The tension was something else and I just couldn't wait for everything to be over. My heart was literally knocking against my chest in anticipation and anxiety. Well amidst the whole drama and tension in the country I had something else that kept me busy and laughing throughout the whole process. Trust Naija people, we know how to make a joke out of the most serious situations. We are like those characters in horror movies that put in humor into even the worst scenes.

I took the time to munch and screen grab some of the updates and Dp's that were used yesterday. Have fun looking through them. Mine is the one above but isn't nearly as hilarious as the ones you will see below.  Some are funny and some are simply inspirational. In all, I am glad to exist among such great people. You guys are make everything so interesting.Have fun looking through and I blured out some for privacy reasons! And if yours didn't make it on there just know it doesn't mean Ralph appreciates you any less.

Oh and did I mention that I have a celebrity rooting for my blog? This happened since last year and I've been fighting to hold it back and not say anything but I can't anymore!. Lol.  She is a wonderful lady that you all know and she gave me a good encouragement to keep doing what I do. I'll leave a little clue in her own munch.

Let's do this! »


Happy April!!...Appreciation

      Is it just me or did it seem like march was never going to end? I guess when your salary finishes earlier than you expected life tends to slow down and test your patience and sanity. I pulled through though and i'm sure you guys...well, some of you at least did. lol. So now that march is gone and all the election fuss is over, we are moving on. It's time to step into a new month, the month of April. A month that favors both nature and nurture. This month is the one that officially ushers in the showers from above (rain)....did I hear someone say blessings?  So just like the rains would pour down this month with little to no effort on our side to wet our crops and bring more favor upon us, I would like our months focus to be on embracing nature and appreciation! Appreciation for the things we hardly notice just because we put no effort in acquiring them. Appreciation for those overlooked luxuries that we enjoy without knowing.
Let's do this! »

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