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Wednesday 28 October 2015

Adele - Hello

.....and she is at it again! This Lady is truly spectacular in her element. From the first sound till the last in this song, you will be drawn in and soaked into the message she wants to pass across. A true diva of our time. Flawless in 'her' beauty and with a talent that would only be questioned by people of chronic delusion... she is simply wonderful. My People here is the video of "Hello" by Adele!

Find the audio and lyrics below.....

Let's do this! »


Monday 26 October 2015

The Dreaded Monday

Hello and Good morning Everyone! How are you all doing this Monday Morning? As i'm sure most of you are feeling down already or tossing and turning in your bed wondering when Mondays will be annihilated I decided to do this post to maybe help you through your hatred for Mondays....Oh and to also let you know that if by the miracle of whoever or whatever, Mondays where somehow to be removed from the calendar, Tuesdays would be the next hated thing to you.

You know the funny thing about the Picture above is that those that actually rise from their beds by 7:35 are the lucky ones. Yeah you heard that right, If you get to sleep till 7:00 a.m and get to work by 8:00 am or an hour later then count your behind as one of the lucky ones because there are people out here who actually have to work more hours than you do, they get up long before you and get home long after you. However we aren't here to compare who has the most time demanding job.

Personally, I believe that you have two choices to make your Mondays good and enjoyable and if you for any reason feel like there is more than 2 reasons then feel free to highlight it in the comments section but before then, read through mine.

The First Choice you have is the choice of your job: There is a saying that concerns Mondays which I believe in. It suggest that Mondays aren't the problem, your job is the problem. I mean just think about it for a minute. Most people think that it's about the pay but I have a friend who is about to quit on a job that is paying him N800,000 monthly because he is worn out. The job demands too much of his time and he hardly has time for his family talk more of himself. He is constantly worn out and it's beginning to tell on his health. Every month he is about 600k (more or less) richer after expenses and still isn't happy. At this point in his life it's not about the money, it's about the convenience. Now I know he might miss that job if he quits and doesn't find something else to do on time but this goes to show you that the dread on Monday and your job isn't just about the Money you are receiving. I believe it's more about the perfect job that suits your lifestyle. I believe if you had a career where you couldn't be bossed around, worked from home and the pay was even less than the figures I've stated above, chances are you will stick to that job for the rest of your life and look forward to every single Monday and every working hour you had to put in.  It's about the career that suits your lifestyle personally.

The Second Choice you have is the choice of choice:  Yeah! you read that right. It's the choice of choice. This is very important and works hand in hand with the first option but can also work on it's own depending on how much you believe in it. What I mean by this is that no matter what you do, you have a choice over your emotions. Life can throw all sorts of situations towards you, as a matter of fact every single day of your life, life is going to throw all sorts of things towards you. I don't know of a single human being who has gone 24 straight hours of his or her life without encountering a challenge or a problem, no matter how minute (minutiae) it might be. However if you never exercise control over your choice of emotions you will find yourself constantly complaining over every single thing that happens in your life or any small challenge you encounter.
      So how does this relate to Mondays? Well its actually very simple, you can wake up today and decide to continue frowning and nagging everyone around you of how quickly the weekend went by, or you can simply decide to put a smile on your face and make a choice not to complain. You can choose to be happy instead and forget that fact that it's Monday at all. You can choose to keep a positive attitude and see today and every other Monday from a new perspective. You can decide to see Mondays as a bad start to your week and stand the chance of ruining the rest of your weeks. You can also decide to see Mondays as a chance at a new beginning. A chance to start over and do things the right way. The choice of choosing is always yours, what you do with it is left up to you. My advice to you however is this...B+ (Be Positive) it'll take you a long way.

I hope you make the right choice today and not only start you Mondays in the right way but every other day. Make a choice today! Choose to be happy this morning and every other Monday morning. Choose not to complain, instead choose to look forward to a productive week....

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Tuesday 20 October 2015

The stories behind their stories

You feel you understand it all? You feel you know everything about that person you judge constantly? Well just read this and you might just realize that you might have had it wrong all this while. These are some of the stories behind the stories...

Let's do this! »


Saturday 17 October 2015

The bad spot

You guys won't believe this but I drafted this post on the 7th of October last year, just 5 days after starting this blog....crazy stuff! Anyways read through. I refused to edit it though so you might see some errors or it might even seem incomplete.

That road that used to be smooth cracks a little and is ignored by everyone including you, the next week while driving you notice that the ground is cracked a little but its just nothing obvious, the crack gets wider as more cars run across it and it expands more, one morning you are going to work taking your normal route and notice cars slowing down at a particular point, they are all cross the point one after the other at a slower pace than they were as at yesterday. In your mind you are thinking to yourself what the issue might be. You say a short prayer to you God hoping that there wasn't a bad accident. Then on getting there you recognize the spot to be the bad spot that had a little crack about a week ago. The thing is, just like every other thing that has been left alone, it has grown the way it likes. It has expanded far wider than you can imagine.
        Months pass by and as you are driving to dinner with your partner or friend of the opposite sex. Almost subconsciously, you pedal down as you get to that bad spot, spin your wheels out of the area of the hole on the ground that is very deep, one tire sinks into the bad spot but is supported and balanced out by the second tire that is still on the good side of the road. Your car slowly dives in but in a couple of seconds, with slow and controlled throttling,  you are out of it. As you climb out of the spot, you zoom off towards your destination. This particular act becomes second nature to you that you don't think of it as you do it, it just happens naturally to you without you taking note of it and on the days you even notice it you stop to think to yourself even praise yourself as a very good driver to be able to avoid those pot holes the way you do. The problem is that as time passes by, the hole still stretches wider and deeper until it covers the good part of the road that supports your second tires each time you cross the bad spot. However you do not notice this until the next time you have to take that route....

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 15 October 2015

Morning Coffee

  *sips tea*...mmmm..tastes so freaking good. Good morning Fam! How is everyone doing today? Hope everyone is doing great and is prepared for the new day. I want to thank every single person that took out time to read and to comment on my blog post yesterday, I swear you guys amaze me with the kind of love you throw my way. I just really hope i'm able to reciprocate when the time comes. You all are so wonderful and I pray for more and more blessings each and every day for every single one of you. I am really grateful to you all. Both those that read and didn't comment but felt some sympathy and to those who took their time to let me know how much they feel my pain. Thanks everyone....

Well...Let's gulp down this coffee before it gets cold!

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 13 October 2015

Back From the Other Side

      I swear I have started this post like a million times over without knowing what to type. Day after day I have place my fingers on these keyboards that were once familiar to me but right now they seem so strange that my thoughts fade right away the moment I make contact with them. I have been away for a Month and some days but it feels like I've been gone for ages. I have been gone for a while but not without reason. I ask for forgiveness with all sincerity and offer my explanation. Hopefully you guys can understand why I had to leave...

Let's do this! »