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Saturday 20 December 2014

My Friend Sam (Continuation)

Read first post HERE

When we were about a street away from the first girls house, Samuels Phone beeped, a call was coming in and he looked at the caller I.D. It was an unknown number, but he didn't have anytime for unknown numbers right now, he was focused on something better. He hissed and cut the call because he hardly picked any numbers he didn't know.
The number called back and he looked up again only to see the same number, he hesitated for a while to pick the call, but then made up his mind. As his thumb made its way towards the green button to pick the call, I hummed the ring tone in my head but the phone cut before he could hit the button and he tucked the phone away again. But something was off, the ring tone hadn't played out it's full length, I knew that particular ring tone because he had been using it for a long time now and I knew when and where the song was meant to end. The call was cut from the other end before it was completed. I told him to try the number that just called him and he hesitated but managed to do it, the number was switched off.

We kept walking and got to the first girls house and knocked, the door was answered by her mum and we asked her if she had heard anything from her daughter. The mum said she has tried calling her a couple of times but it didn't go through, she wasn't really disturbed so we didn't want to get her worried. We left her and made our way towards the second persons house. The second house was a distance away so we got a cab. While in the cab, Samuel was very restless, he couldn't sit in a place and I kept trying to calm him down. We got to the second friends house, she lived alone and as we walked towards the front door, we hoped that the girls were there. Step by step we made our way towards the door and as we got closer I looked to the floor, I kept my head bent to avoid looking at the door to see any padlock and Samuel glanced at me and understood then imitated the same action. Both heads dropped low, we slowed down as we got closer but it was hopeless, we had to still find out if she was around or not and a padlock on the door would indicate that she wasn't. This was our last hope. As we made it to the door we looked up and confirmed our worst fears, the door was padlocked. They weren't there either.

I could see the horror in Sams eyes as he took a step backwards, his knees weakened and as he fell I caught him then helped him to sit down. I glanced at my friend and he was worn out. He was lost, staring into the blank space ahead as he kept on repeating the same thing over and over again like a crazy person "Amaka, please"

Amaka was the name of his girlfriend that he had tried to protect so much and now we weren't sure of what had happened to her, if she was safe and where she was. As we sat on the little step in front of the house it seemed like days had passed. We were out of options and he wasn't thinking of going to the police at all. I suggested it to him once again and he just gave me a nod and got up without speaking a word. We made our way towards the closest junction to get a taxi.
     As we stood at the junction flagging down taxis, Samuels phone started ringing again. He reached into his pocket and brought it out and I looked over to him just in time to see his eyes widen in shock. He then glanced over at me and put up his phone to show me the call coming in. The caller I.D read "My Jewel". I grabbed the phone from him and picked it to avoid any more stories then quickly placed it on his ear, he said "hello". From the other end of the phone a familiar voice responded, "Baby". The voice didn't come out with the usual energy that the owner used every other day but I recognised the voice as amakas own. I looked over at Sam and I could see the life come back into him as he took the phone from my hand while holding it in place to his ear. Amaka told us that she was with another friend and that we should come get her. She gave us directions to the place and we wasted no time in rushing over there.

We got to the address and made our way into the house, there were two girls and Amaka making them 3. One of the girls that went out with Amaka wasn't in sight, she was in the rest room. We greeted everybody and Sam couldn't wait, he rushed and hugged his girlfriend and she held him tight. Her face was pushed into Sams chest in the hug but I could make out tears and knew that she had been crying long before we came. Samuel started asking questions and she tried to brush them off but he insisted and kept asking. I tried to keep my ears out of the discussion so all I could make out was that she tried his phone from a business centre because her phone was down and the call was cut, then tried again and cut it in the middle of the call remembering he never picks unknown numbers. She said everything was okay and that the most important thing was that they were together and that she needed to go home and rest.

We waited for the third friend to come out and after about two hours we had to leave but the third friend wasn't out still, so we told the two girls to greet her for us later. Amaka led the way to the door followed by Sam and I followed shortly. As I pushed the curtain in front of the door aside and twisted around to put my leg into my foot wear,I glanced back into the house just in time and saw the last girl coming out of an inner room. I clearly saw her eyes and they were red from crying also, her head bruised from what might have been a fight and she was not looking good at all. I paused briefly and stared at her more but she caught my stare and ran back into the room. I came out and asked Amaka if she was sure everything went okay the previous night and she said yes.
        I decided to let them be and go my own way but I called Samuel aside and told him to ask his girl very well what had happened. He promised to do just that and told me that he wasn't done asking her yet so I left them and got a cab and went home. That night I slept like a log of wood because of the stress we had gone through and I didn't come out the next day at all.

The next time I saw sam and Amaka, things had gotten really rough and unusually uncomfortable between them. She was no more as lively around him and he refuses to tell me what happened between them so I choose to respect their privacy and stop asking. They argued and fought a lot since then and I knew I wasn't being told something.

One Saturday evening I was at a joint around the same road where the house of the girl we met up with Amaka that day was located. I over heard a couple of boys talking of a robbery that happened a couple of days back and how the thieves had their way with three friends. They said one of the girls tried to resist and was badly beaten which showed the remaining 2 what was going to happen if they resisted. I heard they were taken to a nearby bush but the cries where heard by people and that everyone knows what happened to the three girls that night. I didn't know if the stories were linked to Amaka and her friends but I sure hoped they weren't in any way, I really hoped they weren't at all.



At 20 December 2014 at 21:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Ralph, I still dnt understand d direction of dis story.are u done wif d story or we shuld expect anoda part?

At 21 December 2014 at 13:08 , Anonymous Danielle said...

Ralph this conclusion was so,nice story.

At 30 December 2014 at 15:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is heart breaking. I feel so sorry for the girls. I hate rape cases. God help them and heal them.

At 27 April 2015 at 10:56 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...



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