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Saturday 31 January 2015

Dear Ralph: It's me, my boyfriend and his girlfriend

Hi Ralph,
      I have a problem with my boyfriend. We have been together for almost a year and recently I found out that he has been cheating on me with his on and off girlfriend. He is always telling me to be patient with him, that it's me he wants. The problem is that I am not seeing any sign of him letting go of her. I school in Abuja but I live in Awka, he is also in Awka and I feel I am loosing out because of distance.
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Dear Ralph: Diary of a sad girl

Hi Ralph,
I love your blog and I get to learn a lot of things from you. Well I am a 21 year old girl who just ended a two year relationship with a 34 years old man ( actually the guy stopped picking my calls ). At first my guards were up but with time I let it all fall. Beyonce's HALO can be used to describe me at that time. I was in love, I already knew what our kids would look like and how he would be an amazing husband, father and also someone I can learn from. But I was far from knowing what was coming my way. I ignored all the sings for I knew I was not the only girl in the picture because I had no proof. He dated his EX for three years and still didn't marry her, when his family members are around he starts acting funny and does not want any female around.  Don't worry he is not married, my family knows his family. During one of our casual 'us' time he gave me one silly excuse of " how I would have been the prefect mother for his unborn kids but he just can't get over the fact that I gave my virginity to my EX * lord knows I felt horrible *".
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Who is responsible for the choices we make?

Through your daily struggles and daily achievements. Through thick and thin. Through right and wrong, good or bad and any situation at all you face. Every single day of your life, the choices you make are yours. You alone are responsible for the choices you make. Provocative and disappointing situations might arise but the way we choose to deal with them is totally our choice. I am going to borrow a few words of wisdom from the late Nelson Mandela and it is this.

    "May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears". I am going to tweak this a little and say that "May your choices reflect who you want to be and not who they want you to be". Because at the end of the day its you, not them, that's responsible for your choices

The above quote says a lot but doesn't even begin to say half of everything that your choices are responsible for. It doesn't even scratch the surface.
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Friday 30 January 2015

Friday Fact: Slimmer people aren't always healthier


     Because of the emphasis on weight loss and how the slimmer figure is known to look more attractive coupled with the fact that exercise keeps you healthy and slims you down. Most people believe that this mean, if you are to be health, you must loose a lot of weight. This isn't true, it is not a matter of the slimmer you are the healthier you become.
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Psychological test

Comment if this gets you. This one gets me every single time. Lol


Dear Ralph: My Circumcised Girlfriend

Hello Ralph,
       I trust you are doing okay today, quickly let me get to the point. I and my girlfriend have been together for 4 years and have been intimate for 1 year. We are very happy together and we do the best we can to tackle our problems when they come up. The problem is in our intimacy. You see, she was circumcised when she was born. I really don't know why people do this but she said it was predicted that she would be promiscuous. Anyway that has happened, the wahala is that there is nothing down there, no bud, nothing, it's just clean. I do my best with pre-intimacy by going down on her but she complains that she doesn't feel anything when I am down there. I haven't been able to hit the jackpot and the few times it has happened I wonder if she fakes it to make me happy or if it really happens. She is a really considerate person so she doesn't complain but I know it must be frustrating for her. Please, how do I solve this problem? How do I hit that jackpot and make her happy?


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Muah Signature Beauty (MSB) is a unique freelance makeup outfit carefully designed to render quality makeup services.

MSB was created by two well-groomed makeup artists; who strive to carve a niche for themselves in the Nigerian Beauty industry as well as refine and deliver flawless makeup looks and services.

At MSB we also try to modify and tailor makeup trends and rules to meet YOUR demands and suit  different occasions. This allows us the opportunity to use our creative instincts and initiative to create mind-blowing trends just for YOU.


“Muah” is likened to the act of makeup brushes kissing the face during makeup application. On the other hand in Igbo “Muah” means “Me”; So, in this context MSB is all about creating that makeup look that is unique just for YOU. Each “Muah” brush stroke tells a unique story of how BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE, both inside and out.

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Dear Ralph: Confused

Dear Ralph,
I have this guy I dated but he told me he couldn't marry me. Gave me his reasons. So I accepted, Thanked him for being honest and tried to move on. Thing is, this guy still remains very close to me. Does everything for me like he used to, takes care of my needs and never even misses a call from me. No matter where he is. He's still very caring, still very close, but the "dating" tag has been removed. I don't understand why someone who doesn't see a future with me will still make so much effort to be in my life. Updates me on his movements and travels. Sometimes I wonder if he's confused and I wonder why he still spends so much on me. We are still very close and I obviously still like him. But if I go cold turkey on him, no one else comes even close to matching up to what he does in my life. So I let him be there. Because he's useful. Should I let him go completely? Why does he still act like he cares? Is there hope? Am I stupid?

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Be a star...

    When last did you take a stroll out at night and admire the stars in the sky? If you have done this recently you'll discover how beautiful the contrast between the star light and the darkness can be. So what does that tell you? The star light won't be as beautiful and as noticeable as it is without the darkness surrounding it. Just take your struggles to be the darkness and take your success to be the light.Your success won't be as bright as it should without the struggles you go through. So what do you do when the hard times come? You just be a star...

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Thursday 29 January 2015

Don't forget the Accomplishments

 Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for the participation so far. This is just a little reminder about our accomplishment section of the blog. Feel free to write me a letter to my email if you make it through a particular struggle or meet a goal of yours. It could be anything, a weight loss, weight gain, business achievement, wedding achievement. Anything at all, I don't plan on making our AskRalph family all about the bad times, let's share the good times also.

I hope you guys would participate in this. Thanks again everyone, you guys rock!


Dear Ralph: My hot headed Boyfriend

Hi Ralph,
     My boyfriend is so rude and hot headed, I love him so much and we've had our good times and all but then we fight a lot. Right now we are not on talking terms and his pride takes the best of everything. We have been dating for about 3 years now and it has been the same thing throughout the length of our relationship so far. The recent problem started when I want to see him and I found some "rubbers" in his room. I asked him why he got them while I wasn't with him. One argument led to the other and we went to bed not speaking to each other. The next 3 days I was to travel back to Benin and throughout my stay he was giving me an attitude.
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10 things I hate to love about you

Here is something I want you and your partners to try out today or whenever you have the chance. Maybe during the weekend, just don't put it off for too long and decide it isn't reasonable. This is going to help you and your partner create a closer bond. Ignore the pic above, just trust me and read on.

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: I need to stop being Jealous

Hello Raphael,
       I've been dating a girl since July 15th 2010 and like 9 months into our relationship she cheated on me with some guy. We got over it then and I thought it would be an awesome idea to get even, well she found out then. Fast forward to about 3 year later and she cheated on me again with a colleague at work, her fellow banker. I found out because I stumbled on a discussion the were having on her messenger in her phone. I've been having issues trusting her since then. She says I am jealous and I don't know, sometimes I feel like maybe it's me. I also feel that somehow, maybe if all these things didn't happen I wouldn't always be so paranoid. How do I move on and stop acting all jealous and paranoid because I don't want to end up miserable. I think I am too emotional, I have a problem of letting go. I have even plan on getting married to her soon but the thoughts just keep playing in my head. I am scared this might happen again and I don't want that. I started noticing that she spends all day on her phone, chatting with some guy and when I told her that I didn't like it, it turned to a fight. Not physical of cos. I just feel bad with myself and feel like maybe i'm being too jealous. Please advice.


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It's all up to you not them

Good morning my wonderful subs, I trust you all had a wonderful night. It's time to kick off a new day and I hope you are in the mood for some good inspiration that would help you get your day started. Today it's all about you, yourself and yours.
Let's do this! »


Wednesday 28 January 2015

Dear Ralph: My job is affecting my love life

Hello Ralph,
      I have an issue with my girlfriend. I met my her through my sister because the nature of my job doesn't give me the time to go out and meet girls on my own. My job takes me away for up to 60 day or more and some times about 30 days. When I come back I only get to stay about 30 more days before having to head out again. My sister linked me to her around march last year. She has some serious attitude issues and regardless I am willing to settle down with her. Her behavior makes me doubt if she loves me. One of my main concerns is that I am already so into her family. They all know about her attitude and at times they ask me how I get to cope with her. She is quick to anger but when she is okay she behaves really good. She has complained about my job also and say that I wouldn't be available anytime she needs me, it gives her some serious concern. The problem now is that I don't want to start opening up and telling her everything I don't like. I just feel that if she gets desperate for marriage, she would simply agree to anything to get the ring on her finger. I would obviously start regretting this later on. I don't want her to just accept out of desperation. I also do not want to make any mistakes because of marriage. Please help.


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Champagne bottles and beer pockets


      Have you heard the saying "Never live a champagne lifestyle on a beer salary". This is a very important principle to live by. It could keep you out of a lot of trouble and embarrassing situations and help you organize your life a little. All you really need is to discipline yourself and learn how to conserve and manage your resources. Yes it is important to have a little fun once in a while and just let loose by not thinking too much about your financial situation but you can't do this all the time. So it's all about balance, work hard and then you can play. You shouldn't spend what you don't have.
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Dear Ralph: I can't get over my ex

Morning Ralph,
        Please I have been having some issues. I can't seem to get over my ex for over two years now. I am also shy about talking to any other girl. We dated for close to 5 years before breaking up. I am kind of a friendly and jovial person but she said I was doing it in excess, that she never knows when I'm serious. My parents used to be against us but we still stood beside each other. She cheated on me by dating another person while we were dating and when I caught her , she apologized. We reconciled after that but I guess I never really forgave her, although I didn't know it at the point. Since we broke up I have been single, it's been over a year and anytime I see her my heart still skips a beat and I get nervous. Any advice?


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Would You fight For Who you Love?

So I want you to picture this, you are on an island and you can't really swim. There is a live jacket and you know that if you put it on, you would have just a little extra chance at floating towards you desired directions. Far into the water there is a huge amount of money, lets say about 500 thousand dollars, yeap! Dollars! It's just floating right there and the only option you have is to go out and get it. Would you fight to get that money? There is a chance that you would drown and there is a chance that you would survive, it's a 50 - 50 thing. I assume most would take that chance and get that money right? So my question is this, if you can risk your life to fight for money, why can't you  risk your emotions to fight for love?
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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Dear Ralph: Did I do something wrong?

Dear Ralph,
        I have been having some issues with some people and was wondering if you would help me look at the situation i'm in then tell me if I am wrong. This whole thing has to do with me, I hardly get along with women. I try to be friends with females but the relationship never lasts. I hardly talk to people and I hare gossiping. I say the truth no matter what and I never force myself on anyone else. If you like me fine, I go with the flow and if you don't I simply keep my distance. This my behavior got to a point that someone told me to my face that I have too much pride. I was surprised because this is someone that I go out of my way to make happy. I asked people around me, especially men and they told me that it's not true and that she is probably envious of me. This particular girl expressed so much unhappiness when I upgraded my phone. She is also not married but even me with my kids have a better body figure than her.
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Let It Out!


     See what I want you to do, get a bottle, any bottle at all. Let's take for instance a bottle of champagne. Now open it up and fix a hose to it then connect the other end of the hose to a tap. Tie hard at the end that is connected to the bottle and give no space for air or any escape. Now put that tap on and let it flow with all it's force and pressure. You know what would happen next right? Yes, the bottle would explode.
Why am I talking about a bottle of champagne? Click the link below and you would understand a lot more.

Let's do this! »


When last did you do something together?

When last did you two do something together? Create a closer bond with your partner by getting involved in their life. It isn't a must that you will be good at or interested in their interest. Your love for their presence alone should give you everything you need to want to stay involved.

Be interested in their interests. Create a closer bond today. Do something together with your loved ones.

Tuesday Tip: Visualize and Isolate

 Sometimes when we workout, it look like we aren't getting in enough work and we aren't building our targeted muscles as much as we want. This is regardless of how hard we feel we are working, somehow we just see that there is no progress. Sometimes it is because we aren't concentrating hard enough on that muscle, all we have to do is visualize.  Here is a tip to help you get the most out of your muscle training sessions, whether at the gym or at home. Click the link below.

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Monday 26 January 2015

Boxer Dislocates Shoulder During Fight What Happens Next Will Shock You

This right here shows determination. Although a dangerous kind but he pulled through with it. I am glad he didn't get hurt any further and that his opponent was considerate not to take advantage of the dislocated arm.

Watch and tell me what you think

Turn your flaws into your strength

         Sigmund Freud the Australian neurologist said "Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength", but in order for this to happen you will have to first recognize your flaws, accept them as what they are and then start your journey of transforming them into your strength. Now no matter what it is or how big or small a flaw it is trust me you would be able to turn it around and use it in a positive way to make yourself better
Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: My Busy Girlfriend

Dear Ralph,
        I am in a relationship with this lovely lady (not the one on the pic above) and we are seriously trying our best to make things work. Everything is great but one of my problems is that she is a someone that everyone easily likes. Everywhere she goes, guys want to go out with her. She is a doctor by training and has lots of male friends through the field. I wasn't comfortable with this initially but she convinced me that nothing more exists between she and them. I still don't feel very secure but sometimes in order to maintain peace and not argue I act like it doesn't bother me and I don't complain. She would sometimes notice and say that I don't care enough. Recently, her boss started asking her out for a date. I told her to tell him straight that she won't do it but she said she wants to play safe, that she doesn't want to be blunt but that she would still stand her ground. This troubles me very much and I don't know how to go about this.
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Monday Myth: It was just the first time

I have heard a couple of people consider not being safe on their first try. I heard someone say this once after a session

 "it was just her first time so I'm not scared, she won't get pregnant".
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New year resolutions?....Anyone?...What's your progress so far?

So, it just occurred to me that this coming Saturday would be the 31st and last day of this month. That's 1 full month gone from 2015 already! I am forced to ask this, with almost a month gone, how far have you gone in keeping to your new year resolutions? Have you done anything at all about them? Or have you given up completely? It's never too late, you can still keep trying and stick to them, it only takes dedication.
Let's do this! »


Happy New week!

Happy new week everyone. Hope the weekend was great! Mine was really busy but I am glad all the same. I got the opportunity to accomplish a lot.

It's a new day, a new week, you have a brand new opportunity to meet your targets. Don't slack off just because it's a Monday and you are trying to recover from the weekend. It's time to dive right back into it, it's time to start again to chase your goals and dreams. If you don't have any yet, then it's time to set them. Stay committed to your goals and keep working hard, there's nothing you can't accomplish with the right amount of dedication.

Best of luck today. Let's get this week started....

Saturday 24 January 2015

This weeks focus....(Checkup)


 So on Monday, I told you guys that we will focus on finding something new to do this week. That you should try out something new this week. It's almost the end of the week, you have a couple more hours. So if you haven't done anything new then you have a few more hours to do something, just anything at all. Take a chance on something. And if you have, you can tell us what it was by leaving it on the comment section of this post. Alright lets hear what you did be it good, bad, naughty or ugly.

Hope you guys would have a splendid rest of the weekend.

Oh and yeah....One more week till they pay salaries!!! Lol

Pic of the day...

Lol....Has this ever happened to any of you?

Q&A: Proposing on your Knee

Q:  Hello Ralph, so something has been bothering me for a while and I wanted to get your opinion on the matter. What do you think about getting down on one knee to propose to a girl? Is it important? And do you think a girl can reject a proposal simply because you didn't kneel down to do it and she is very interested in seeing you do that. Please discuss...
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Nothing lasts forever


   " When you're close to tears remember, one day, it will all be over, one day we're gonna get so high" - by Light house family from the song "High".

As the days pass away one after the other, we encounter different situations that put us in different emotional moods. We have to learn to hope for a better tomorrow and keep in our mind that nothing lasts forever. Change is constant and it's something we have to learn to accept in every area of our life

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A short Story: Mr Allen's Turmoil

     Alright so picture this, let's use a fictional character and name him Allen. So Allen works at a very popular company in the state that he resides. Everybody around him, family, friends, girlfriends and members of the society know this company and know that the company is worth billions. So when Allen was employed as the manager, he was expected to earn some serious cash and of cos act accordingly. Now Allen got into the company only to discover that the amount that they pay isn't up to half of what he though in his mind. If he thought they were going to be paying him about 300 grand monthly, he was being paid 50 grand each month.
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Friday 23 January 2015

How close are you to your goals?

   Alright, so as you are reading this right now I need you to look at your watch and keep the time in your head. Now I want you to answer this question. What have you done today to take you closer to your goal? Alright now if your answer is "nothing", then I need you to look at your time and calculate the number of hours that are gone and know you won't get them back. Now calculate the time remaining for you today. Done? Alright now you need to do something to change that answer from "nothing". to "something" before time runs out. No matter how little what you do is.

Let's do this! »


The road to success

Alright before you shout my head off for closing the elevator, let me explain things to you. See now, if I let you take the elevator, you would end up in a room that looks like the one you are looking for. The only problem with this room is that although it might look like what you are looking for, it's not actually the real room.
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Friday Fact: For the Rough Lovers

Do you like it rough? You like to be handled like you are an object( even though you know it's just for the moment). Do you like your partner to stop being too sweet and passionate all the time and just be in control. Have you submit and cause you a little "pleasurable pain". But then you are scared that you might get hurt. Or maybe you have never tried it out but you want it, you are just not sure if it's going to be as good as you imagine. Well this Friday fact is for you, you just might be able to get that thing you seek.

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The success of your relationship start from you

Your relationship starts from you! Have you ever sat down to think over your relationship? To wonder what role you play in your love life?

We encounter different problems and issues in our relationships everyday. We seek ways to work things out or in some cases give up on the relationships and move on to the next. But what most people tend to forget is that we ourselves also have a role to play in these relationships. I believe strongly that before any other thing, we all should check ourselves. Be sure of who we are and the things we do wrong.
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Thursday 22 January 2015

Dear Ralph: My girl says she can't "manage" with me this 2015

Dear Ralph,
     I've been in a relationship for 3 years with my girl and I am confused about the way things are going. My lady keeps saying I am not giving her Happiness and that she cannot keep managing with me. She says I should go and get a car and that she does not want to waste her time this 2015. She also keeps telling me that I don't take her out, she expects me to take her out all the time. The thing is that I take her out once in a while because during most weekends she goes to wedding parties and during weekdays its work. I hardly have time myself during weekdays for the outings.
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What is in your To do list?

I keep saying something to myself and it's this... "Ralph, go learn how to climb mountains before you loose your legs and never get to climb again"
   Don't worry I won't loose my legs, neither would you, I just use this to shake myself up and make sure that I accomplish things in my to do list.

Let's do this! »


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Best day to start your workout.


   So usually there is this confusion of the particular day you are meant to start your workout or diet. This happens because of various things. Like if it should be on a Monday or on a Saturday or Mid-week. Then when the day comes you probably tell yourself that you need to give it one more day because the previous day was too hectic and you want to sleep in a little. Then you wait till weekend and realize that you have to do some cleaning and catch up with friends. It's Friday and you also have to go out with friends, plus that cake and baileys sitting in your fridge isn't just going to waste or get served to a visitor so the diet would have to wait. Well that is what this post is about, to tell you that the perfect day to start your workout is today!
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Q&A: Social Media Relationships

Q: Hi Ralph, I want you to discuss this as a Q&A not as a Dear Ralph, also leave me anonymous. What do you feel about putting relationships in social medias and the rest. My girl is always bugging me that I am not proud of her. Inside me I know I am, I boast of her to friends and I have never cheated on her. I am just not comfortable with doing this. So What do you think about doing this. Is it right or wrong?

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Dear Ralph: Should I sleep with my married friend to hurt my cheating boyfriend (update)

Read the original story HERE

Hi Ralph,

Thanks for your response, funny thing is whatever it is/was I felt for my married friend is fading out, I took your advice and stayed away from him for a while, and I haven't seen him up until now as I write to you, though we chat once in a while but not like we used to. I realized it was all because of the emotional trauma I was going through, I honestly don't know if I would have been able to forgive myself if I had let anything happen between the both of us, because it's not who I am.
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Tuesday 20 January 2015

Spoil yourself once in a while

Let me just start by saying that this dog right here, knows how to live the good life. You can almost feel it's relaxation affect you when you look at the pic. Lol

I was at my work place on Thursday last two weeks when a customer walked in, he was a young man but with the way he dressed and carried himself, you would know that he has acquired some wealth. At the same time you could tell that he didn't make it the easy way, he worked really hard for his money and still does it seemed. He started a discussion and when my ears picked up on what he was saying, he was describing to the few listeners how he used to have Mercedes 190 just a year ago. He spoke of how the car had no A.C, no seat belt and how he always struggled to manage it so he could save up money for some other projects.
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Happy BirthdayTo Our Twin Subs

Join me in wishing a Happy birthday to two of our Fabulous and Constant Readers, Martha and Mary. The twin sisters are both talented make up artists. So the AskRalph Fam just found itself, its first two make up artists.

We wish you guys the best in life and I would like to set a goal for the both you. Whether together or separately, I want you both to work towards getting a brand for yourselves. Polish up your skills very well and stay dedicated. If you can impress me with your make up skills I would help promote your brand for you. Keep working hard ladies.

Happy birthday once more to the both of you. One more pic of the birthday girls after the cut.
Let's do this! »

Dear Ralph: Should I belive the disturbing news I heard concerning my boyfriend

Hi Ralph,
      A friend of mine used a picture of I and my boyfriend on her dp recently. She called me to tell me that a friend of hers collected the picture because she liked it and used it on her own dp also. She said she was shocked and asked the girl if she knows me or my boyfriend and she said yes. That she knows my boyfriend very well and that my friend should advice me to be very careful. The girl said she attended the same school with my boyfriend and that it was him who disvirgined a cousin of hers. She said that immediately after my boyfriend did that, he dumped her.
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Pic of the day...

LoL. But seriously guys, has it gotten this bad? I know the media occasionally captions with a misleading headline just to attract viewers. But has it gotten this bad? Couldn't stop laughing when I saw this one.

Tuesday Tip: Blind Fold 'em

 It's another Tuesday tip for the lovers in the house.

So... here is something you can do to get things heated up before the main event in the bedroom. You know that tie you bought for your man? Well if you didn't buy any then any tie at all would do. And to the guys, all you need is a soft, preferably silky ribbon that's semi transparent. I prefer silk because it soothes the skin just fine and creates a relaxing effect when it rubs against the skin.
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Monday 19 January 2015

Story: The Utility man


       So on Friday of this previous week, I was out with a couple of friends, we decided to go have a little sit out and listen to good music. While we were out, we met different people with different mentalities carrying on with their different lives but generally having fun.  But one particular character caught my eye in the crowd. He was a little below average in height, a rough beard, in his 30's and was really under-dressed for this particular joint. I mean, you know how you look around in a joint and you see people dressed with their different choices of clothes, gowns, dresses, hoodies, lumber jack shirts, cooperate shoes and shirts, sneakers, moccasins,timberland boots, high heels and many more. You get the gist...Just generally well dressed regardless of their fashion sense of personal choice for the evening. Or even if someone wasn't dressed good, it wasn't due to lack of trying. Well this particular man stood out of the crowd in his shirt that had an image of 2pac, the shirt was faded and you could tell that it was between 5 to 15 years old or more old and had seen better days. His three-quarter shorts weren't any better, it was bought a different color that I couldn't make out at the time but through the years had turned into a deep brown and was seriously stained with grease. Moving lower to his choice of footwear, his leather sandals had the buckle of the left foot missing, that left it unfastened and it slapped against his ankle with each step he took but he looked like he didn't care.
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Monday Myth: Treadmill vs Track

        Alright lets talk about the myth that has targeted one of our favorite exercises which is running or jogging. It is said that running on a treadmill is better than running on a track field or just outside. This is because according to reports the nature of the ground outside causes a harder impact on your knees and causes pain or in worse cases, injury.
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Focus of the week...

Good morning my fabulous readers, i'm trusting you all had a great weekend. Well I did and if you didn't then don't worry about it, in a couple of days you would have another shot at having a nice one. 

So about this weeks focus, check you the quote up there. It says " A simple Hello, could lead to A million things". Got that? Alright nice! But it's not just about saying hello, I want you to look at it as trying to take up a new opportunity. Try to make a step today towards those things you have been contemplating. Stop pushing them aside.
Let's do this! »

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