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Tuesday 16 December 2014

My friend Sam

I have a friend who has this very lovely lady as his girlfriend and companion. Although he hasn't tied the knot yet, he plans on doing that soon enough. You see this my friend has always been very possessive of his girlfriend, but not overly possessive. He just never wants to see her get hurt. He tells her what to do and what not to do. Where to go and where not to go and people to befriend and not to befriend.He just makes this as a suggestion and tries his best not to force it on her, although there are times when he does this without knowing but they sort it out quickly and make up. Now his lady being a couple of years younger than him, would love to listen to him but the rebellious nature and spirit of adventure in her plus a dash of thirst for freedom wouldn't let her pay him her mind, all the time. He knew he didn't have a right to hold her back but didn't know how else to go about it. All he knew was that he wanted to protect his woman from any kind of harm.
      One day I was asleep and my phone rang by 11:30 p.m, I looked at the caller I.D and it was Samuel, I grunted and hit the volume button on my phone to silence the call and turned around to continue my sleep. As I was drifting back into my dreams the phones ringtone echoed loud again, I could have sworn it was even louder this time, perhaps I pressed the top volume button and had increased the volume.
Anyway I silenced it again and after that he stopped calling. At around 12:17 in the middle of the night he called again and I angrily snatched the phone from its position near my bed and answered with a harsh voice..."What is it?!!". He called my name, but his voice was shaking and he told me that his girlfriend wasn't back home yet. I told him to calm down and he said he was on his way to my house already and that I should open the door. I cut the call and waited for five minutes before going to the door because his house wasn't very far from mine. As I opened the door, he was just driving up from the end of the street and the beam of light from his cars head lamps burned bright,  I took up my left arm to shade my eye from the rays that pierced them.
     Samuel pulled up and got out of the car, his eyes where wide open and I could see he had been awake for most of the night. I brought him in and poured him a glass of water then sat him down. He said that his girl hadn't come back home that night that she said she was going to be out with a couple of her friends, about two of them and now the phones of all the three friends were switched off. I asked him if he had tried to contact them earlier and he said that he spoken to her when he was getting worried. When they spoke she confirmed that they where on their way home and that was around 9 p.m the previous day and since then she hadn't made it home.
       After sometime and a couple of tries to reach the girls phones with no luck, I looked up at the clock and it was about 2:15. I told him that he needed to get some sleep, that no cops would want to look for the girls at that time of the night and that we would head out and try to trace their steps the next day. So with that he agreed and we both went into my room and I allowed him to have the bed to himself then spread out a duvet cover on the floor for myself. He hardly got any sleep that night because when we got up after 4 hours of me checking up on him and slipping back into my snooze, his eyes were bloodshot red and swollen. His general appearance was that of a man who was burdened with a thousand worries and forced to carry them alone.
    We headed out that day and traced from the place she told Sam that she wanted to go. Each place we went to, we described the girls and the people said they recognized the descriptions we gave. Some people that worked in some of the joints we went to  managed to direct us to the next place they might have gone to from discussions they overheard and some from plane guessing. So we took our chances and checked every possible place we could. We were at it for 5 straight hours and we were getting no where. Finally we decided to try the houses of the different girls to know if any of their families had heard anything, till now I still wonder why we didn't start from there.
        As we were about a street away from the first girls house, Samuels Phone beeped, a call was coming in and he looked at the caller I.D. It was an unknown number, but he didn't have anytime for unknown numbers right now, he was focused on something better. He hissed and cut the call because he hardly picked any numbers he didn't know. The number called back and he looked up again only to see the same number, he hesitated for a while to pick the call, but then made up his mind. As his thumb made its way towards the green button to pick the call, I hummed the ringtone in my head but the phone cut before he could hit the button and he tucked the phone away again. But something was off, the ringtone hadn't played out it's full length, I knew that particular ringtone because he had been using it for a long time now and I knew when and where the song was meant to end. The call was cut from the other end before it was completed. I told him to try the number that just called him and he hesitated but managed to do it, the number was switched off.

I'll release the rest soon...LoL

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At 16 December 2014 at 15:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ohhhhh,,ure wicked jor..

At 16 December 2014 at 16:26 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. Hi hopez angel, don't worry soon enough. Just stay tuned. Thanks for the comment.You are far too kind

At 17 December 2014 at 07:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph u rily nid 2 complete dis story fast else i'l personally haunt u!

At 17 December 2014 at 23:53 , Anonymous haaj said...

This man sabi pull persn leg plus neck join oo. Eagerly waiting for part two

At 18 December 2014 at 07:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon! How dare you leave us in the middle like that...? LOL! I usually don't comment on blogs but this one got me. Hahahahaha. Nice one dude!

At 18 December 2014 at 08:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

lmao. Don't worry my people. Very soon...stay tuned in. Thanks for reading and commenting. I really appreciate

At 18 December 2014 at 18:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ralph wen is ur soon ooo??? Abeg post d concluding part jare.


At 16 May 2015 at 12:30 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

See suspence oo...this z gonna be action pack!!


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