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Friday 27 February 2015

Joke of the day. Lol

Will this be you and your friends this Friday night? Lol. Send in pictures of your Friday night hang out.

Friday Fact: Music and relationships

Fact: Couples that listen or are interested in the same genre(s) of music tend to understand and communicate more with each other. Their relationships have a higher percentage of success than those who aren't interested in each others choice of music.
Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: Should I break up with her

Hi Ralph

I and my girlfriend are always having issues and she is the type that won't tolerate any harsh stuff from anybody. I really think that if she can tolerate me that we will be fine and we will stop having problems. We always have problems after which I will sit her down and talk about it but yet the same things happen again. I really want her to change but it's not working, so I chose to stop killing myself over her and change. She really wants me to treat her fine even if she is wrong and it really hurts me and I can't keep doing that every time. It makes me see myself as a puppet that doesn't know what I really want. I think I should break up with her. Advice me please.


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It's in you

        You asked what is in you? I'll answer that for you because the answer to that is a single word that is very complicated. The answer is "everything". Everything is in you. You have it in you to go the distance and be who you can be. You have it in you to change the world and be an icon, a beacon of hope for people to look up to. You have it in you to be the next best thing in the world. The problem at times is that it takes everything in you, all the strength and resolve you can muster to make a step forward. Sometimes the requirement seems too much...

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Thursday 26 February 2015

Dear Ralph: Help! My boyfriend is engaged

Dear Ralph,

I am having this problem that I need you to help me out with. I have this guy that I have been dating for 2 years now. I love him very much. The problem is that this guy has another girl he has been dating for 8 years now. I didn't bother at first but along the line he also asked my sister out. I was heart broken when I found out but he begged and I forgave him because I still love him. Now the girl he is dating uploaded on her Facebook that she is engaged. She changed her last name to his family name. I am so confused on what to do.
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Wednesday 25 February 2015

Improve yourself by yourself


      Success is something we are all searching for. We all want a way to make it in life and the best way is by improving ourselves. In a bid to keep moving ahead we set certain goals and most of the time we put ourselves in a competition against different people or anybody at all. In order to measure our capabilities and better ourselves through them. The issue with this is that most times we tend to direct a certain level of negativity towards our 'hand picked' rivals. These are people who may or may not even know that you are competing with them but you find yourself hating on them because of the rivalry you have set in your mind. It is good sometimes to set these targets against our fellow humans. But due to the occasional lack of control for the kind of energy we throw towards people and the consequences that could come out of it if things get out of hand, you find out that the best race you can run in life is against yourself.

Let me share a personal knowledge I gained in my youth days.

Let's do this! »


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Tuesday Tip : Role Swap


     Have you set up that joint vacation that I always advice you and your loved ones to take? You should try and arrange with your separate jobs and office to have your leave and vacation fall in the same period so you both can have a little extra time together to bond. Once you have set this up but not only then. You can try out this Tuesday tip that is designed to bring in some fun and laughter to your home. The idea is to swap roles with your loved ones. You know the roles that your partner usually play in the relationship, for a full week I need you both to swap out and take on the other persons role. So let's look at some of the new roles that the men and women would play.

Let's do this! »

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Valentine giveaway update

  This has got to be a first in the history of the world. People refused to take money. Lol. Apparently nobody wanted the money for the valentine give away. I'll have to simply hold the money and add it to make my giveaway a more reasonable one.

It doesn't get easier

      You know how you finally make your mind up and get your lazy behind up out of our bed and decide to workout. Then you start up and the first let's say 2 weeks pass by and you stop feeling the pains you felt initially. You start feeling like you aren't doing enough work so you start putting in more effort. The problem isn't that you aren't working as hard most times, the thing is that your body has gotten stronger. That is a natural rule in life. All you need to adjust and stay strong is to face your obstacles and be patient through the trials. As they say...

"Life doesn't get any easier, you just adapt, grow and get stronger with each passing trial"

Let's do this! »


Monday 16 February 2015

Sorry everyone

I want to apologise to everyone. I won't be able to post a anything for some time.
I've been terribly Ill since yesterday. I'll need some time to nurse myself. Might be valentine sickness. Lol. Anyway join my BBM channel to know when I'm back. Thanks for understanding

Saturday 14 February 2015

Who will you Love Lock with this Valentine?


  Have you ever heard of the Love Lock bridge of Paris? This is going to be fun so click the link and let's know who you'll love lock with this valentine.  

Let's do this! »


Happy Vals Day!

     From Ralph with love to you my readers, hoping you would receive it with love equally. I say Happy Valentines day to you all. Remember the day is a day to celebrate love. So start from your self and spread the love outside to the farthest reach you can get to.  Don't forget to do something for someone who needs it today. It is okay to be with your loved ones but also try to make an impact on a needy persons life or a stranger.  Spread the love.

Happy Vals day

Friday 13 February 2015

Friday Fact: Mixing it up for the 'Big O'

     It's a fact that about 40% of women in the world have never achieved the Big O before. It is generally hard for women to reach that point for many reasons. Either the lack of knowledge of the woman about herself and her body. The man or the woman's impatience. Lack of spice and variety and a truck load of other reason. Today I want to discuss about variety because it plays a huge role in getting you there. It's a fact that a percentage of ladies that don't reach the 'peak' is because they don't experiment during intimacy and test varieties.  I know you want to click the link and read more. Oya don't be shy just click it.

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The little details that make the huge difference.

     A single drop of water could make a huge difference. It could be the difference between hot and cold. It could also be the difference between a full cup and an overflowing cup. What am I going on about? What does this mean? It simply means that you should consider every detail because every little thing matters in life. If you miss or choose to ignore the little details then you are most likely to fail before you start anything.

Let's do this! »

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Valentine Giveaway

    Tomorrow is Valentine! So Here is the deal. I need pictures of how your day with your lovers or alone went. Send in two pictures of the best moment captured during your valentine outing and the best couple, single and charity giver would win. Let me explain more.

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You won't regret it tomorrow

        The struggle is real. Some day you are going to wake up feeling like a lazy line of rope. You will wake up sore and wonder if it never ends. Other days you are going to curse out at the thought of having to beat your body till it gets into shape. Through it all, just take out the anger by redirecting that energy into getting in more workout done. Do not hold back, I promise you aren't going to regret it. Get up and go do those push ups and sit ups. Run that extra lap and keep improving. You might curse today but you won't regret it tomorrow.

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Thursday 12 February 2015

Eat by the clock to stay healthy.

   We all know that eating the adequate amount of food depending on your weight is one of the major ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The role of food in our everyday life can never be over emphasized. But did you know that eating at a particular time could also be going against your efforts? For example eating too late in the morning would take you into starvation mode and eating late at night causes weight increase. Well let's see what the best time to eat is.

Let's do this! »


Make the most of today.

   It's another day guys. The clock is at it again, it's ticking like it always does. You know it doesn't wait for anyone so there is not time to complain. The seconds that are gone can never ever come back again. You are stuck with now and the next second. Once that comes and goes, it is gone and won't come back either. So what do you do? You make the most out of it of cos.

Let's do this! »


Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Boy Next Door Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Jennifer Lopez Thriller HD

Just saw this and had to share here. I don't know about the rest of you but I have to see this movie. Watch and drop your comment on what you feel.

Q&A: Can girls make the first move


Mr Steve: Ralph whats up. I want to get a quick opinion from you because I have a friend in a confusing situation. What do you think about a girl asking a guy out. I believe that's just wrong and desperate. Please share your thoughts. Should this be done? Thanks.

This question was asked by Mr Steve(not real name) in the presence of his girlfriend. So you would notice that I speak to the ladies sometimes during my writing. Please click and read...enjoy!

Let's do this! »

Wedding Giveaway!

    Yes! We have our first in-house giveaway. Although this one isn't from me but a giveaway it it nonetheless. So one of our readers wrote to me and suggested that she does something here. Something that she does for brides or couples all the time.
Let's do this! »

Dear Ralph: My friend's indecisive girlfriend

Good morning Ralph,
        I need to help my friend with an advice and was hoping I could come to you to give the best suggestion. This friend of mind has been in a relationship with a girl that he really loves for about 4 and a half years. The girl claims to love him but I don't see that. On two different occasions he has told me about how the girl leave him to start picking interest and following up on a purported suitor. My friend is still in school but about to finish but these men are already out and looking to marry. Now she would go and after it fails due to many different reasons best known to them she would come running back and begging for him forgiveness. She keeps claiming each time that it happens that she loves him so much.
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Feeling left out?...I have an idea for you

    Naturally as humans, in order to belong to something or feel comfortable we create groups. Sometimes we group together not necessarily to make others feel left out or make them feel bad. We do this for different reasons like to protect ourselves, have support and feel like we are normal (stop trying, we are all crazy. lol). When I say 'feel normal' I speak of people who are perceived as weird in their society for one reason or the other. Grouping is important but there is a consequence for those who aren't in any group, they feel left out. This can lead to different conditions that might not turn out too good. So whether at work, school, home or any other place. This is for those who feel alone and left out, you don't have to be lonely.  You can do something about this...

Let's do this! »

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Motivate each other

      The journey to looking good through exercise is not an easy road and you need all the motivation and support you can get. Sometimes all the motivation you need to get your workout done and get in shape is right there with you. It's disguised as a partner but only one that is willing to push you and join you in the journey. A partner who wants it just as much as you want it and would be willing to taunt you for the right reasons just to get you moving.  Here is a way you can do this.

Let's do this! »

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Tuesday 10 February 2015

Tuesday Tip: Dinner is on you

  It's the Valentine season so you might want to pull this move on Vals night. It's the season of love and chocolates so what better time to use the dark chocolate to spice things up. Grab this quick tip before it's too late.  It's time to bridge that gap between your partners love for food and their bad technique when it comes to bedmatics. Let me teach you how to use dark chocolate to lure them and have them hit the right spot.

Let's do this! »

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A Simple act of Charity

    So as we draw closer to Valentines day, I would like to check up on your progress for this months focus. The Focus is to make sure you do an act of charity before the month runs out. Not just to give something to anybody but to give something that matters to someone who needs it. No matter how little it might be, just try and do something for someone.

Let's do this! »

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Yesterday didn't go so well? It's okay!

    I got a couple of emails yesterday that expressed disappointment on how yesterday went generally. A particular person told me of how she has no hope for the rest of the week. According to her, if the week started out as bad as it did then there is no hope for the rest of the week. After some exchange of emails I was or at least hope I was able to convince her to forget about the past. This particular email got me thinking about how there are people out here that give up on the rest of the week because a particular day went bad.

Let's do this! »


Monday 9 February 2015

We all start out small


   I saw a picture of don jazzy as a drummer back in the days when he was in a cultural group and it really got me thinking. Today he is one of the best if not the best beat producer in the Nigerian music industry. What does that tell you? Patience! Time! Yes! takes time and consistency.  We are mostly looking for the fast lane to success. I know that I get impatient once in a while on my own personal journey. We have to learn to be patient and realize that things start off gradually and build. Like it is said "patience isn't about waiting, it's about maintaining the right attitude while waiting". So in order to do this you have to be able to understand that nothing that is great and long lasting today kicked off the moment it was started.

Let's do this! »


Meme of the day...

Lmao! I'm sure i'm not the only one guilty here. Admit it, we all misread the lyrics of the songs most times. hahaha

Get Healthier

These three little steps can help you and maybe all you need to stay healthy depending on how little or how much you plan on carrying them out. Let's take a closer look and expand on them to know how they would benefit us.

Let's do this! »


Monday Myth: Once you get an STI you can't get it again

   I had a huge argument concerning this with someone I just met yesterday and I thought I'd come and debunk this myth right here. I never knew it but there are people that believe that once you get an STI (s*xually transmitted infection) you can't get it again. According to the person I argued with yesterday, once you get one you can't get others ever again. Please my good friends and subs, do not let yourself think like this. You can very much get infected again.
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Happy New Opportunites

   Ready to start up on the new week guys? We had yesterday to rest and it's time to have a go at life again. I know it's Monday A.K.A the best day to remain in bed and do nothing. We all know it doesn't work like that so you need to stop complaining. Get up and seize the opportunities in front of you.
Let's do this! »


Saturday 7 February 2015

How about today?

   It's a new day. My question for you is did yesterday go well? Did you achieve your aim? If you didn't then How about today? Are you prepared for what's coming your way. Do you feel you would be able to pull through and get a step closer towards achieving your goals.

Let's do this! »


Friday 6 February 2015

Happy 70th Birthday Bob Marley

Happy birthday to one of the most inspirational people to walk the earth. Even though he is not more around, his voice still lives on through his timeless music. His words and lyrics are ever inspiring and he was a true icon of good.

Let's do this! »


Dear Ralph: Our Pastor and the mysterious girl

 Dear Ralph,
         Sometime last year there was this very close family friend of ours, a pastor. He is married with three kids and we go to their house very well. All of a sudden that last year the man started calling me at odd hours and chatting me up. After some time he finally opened up and told me he like me and wanted us to go out but I refused. Now there is this girl that goes to their house also. I have noticed the same thing with him and that girl. I am not jealous but the thing is, I love his family, he has 3 adorable kids. I understand the fact that the wife doesn't care about him and all but this girl in question is old and desperate. She can scatter their home without looking back. I am very close to the man and don't want to involve anyone because things might escalate. How do you think I can help?

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Friday Fact: You can get infected through an oral session

The fact that you aren't engaging in any kind of penetration during your bedroom business doesn't mean that you can't stand a chance of getting infected. There are wide ranges of diseases and virus that can be passed form a partner to the other during you oral session. Even a simple kissing session can get you infected with Herpes.
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Having problems? Could be the little things...

You know how little surprises, gift packages, outings and general trips can add little by little to make you love your partner more. You know how good it feels and how it piles up and you just can't explain how those things make you so into your partner? let's flip this right around. Picture if those little things that are done every time to or for you are the annoying things. What effect or outcome do you think this would have? Follow me and click the read more below and let's discuss this more.

Oh speaking of following, follow me on twitter @AskRalphblog and simply request if you want me to follow back, i'll follow right back.  Alright...back to the point.

Let's do this! »

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Thursday 5 February 2015

Pride in relationships

        In relationships we all fight and make up then fight some more, make up again and the cycle continues like that.  But what happens when pride comes into play? It's either a battle for who is going to apologize first or a debate of who caused the problem and who didn't. You see two people that could have dealt with a little issue bearing grudges for  a week and more because of the pride. Sometimes the pride isn't even triggered by certain fights and events in relationships. There are people who just naturally have the armor of pride around them all the time.
Let's do this! »


Guilty or Not Guilty?

I saw this at and decided to share here.

So which are you guilty of? Are you guilty of apodyopsis or have you ever had a feeling of gymnophoria.

FYI, I feel very cool using those big words but don't worry ill forget them the moment I post this.


Dear Ralph: How do I know when I'm prepared

Hi Ralph,
     I have a problem with my boyfriend, he is pressuring me to much to get intimate with him. He is really a sweet guy generally but I get tired when he starts asking for intimacy. He can be very pushy and annoying when it comes to this. I am not ready but with the way he is going about this I am beginning to think of just giving in and getting it out of the way. Recently he has now learnt how to try and seduce me and he is really good at it. I have almost fallen a couple of times now. I don't know if I should just do this. This is all so frustrating, this his attitude is making me hate him. He is fine generally but this is something I want to do at my own time My friends are saying that I should just go ahead with it but I don't know if I am prepared. How would I know if I am prepared for this?


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Never Compare the struggles: Mr Taiwo and Mr Franks Story

There are no two situations that are the same. Even if two different situations are exactly the same the response to it from two people can never be the same. The fact that there are no two people who are then same is enough to change the response of different people to a particular situation. Click the link and read more. You will want to gain this knowledge believe me.

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Wednesday 4 February 2015

Greatness: The mistake we all make

   Have you ever had someone tell you that  that you are destined for greatness? Or maybe your line of interest whether hubby, personal trade or hand craft is destined for greatness. I have been told this before and I know how good it feels to hear that. Just hearing it alone gives you a huge confidence boost and you can almost see yourself walking around with your shoulders lifted if not floating even. Well there are two other effects that this can cause. I have noticed that is either you relax and stop worrying too much knowing that either ways, greatness would come to you or you get this sudden energy boost that drives you to work even harder. Now which do you think would help you achieve your goal of greatness better?

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Mind Teaser

Who and Who go school for AskRalph? show yourselves and answer the question. Lol

This is an easy one so it shouldn't take you time.


Dear Ralph: Depressed and sad boy

Hi Mr Ralph.
    Good evening sir. I am having a problem that I want you to help me with. I am 17 years old and I have always been socially awkward. Maybe it is because I stutter or because I let things get to me. My self confidence is no where to be found and I cannot do anything in public. My stuttering is embarrassing and gets worse when I am having tension. You can imagine what happens to me when we have to pray at the assembly in school and the prefects purposely pick me every time.
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Start Living, life is too short

Read through, at the end we are going to use this pic for something fun...

"Breast cancer, chemotherapy, took away all her crown and glory, she promised God if she was to survive, she'll enjoy everyday of her life" - Indie Arie in the song "I am not my Hair" featuring Akon.

Most times we wait for life to throw us something traumatic, to shake us up a little before we realize that we have only one life to live. This is one situation in which I believe we have to try and learn from other peoples experience. We don't have to go experience all the trouble and go through life threatening events personally to know that we have to take a break once in a while.
Let's do this! »


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Dear Ralph: Single dad with two daughters

Hi Ralph,
     I happened to come across your blog at the right time. I am a single dad and I have the two most stubborn but yet beautiful daughters in the world. I am confused on how to discipline them. On a normal day in our home, they would both carry out an act of mischief and sometimes because of the stress I go through taking care of them I loose my mind and go on a rage.Don't worry I don't hit them, the L.A.P.D would be happy to hear that I did this and my neighbors would have a field day.  I scream and scold them as much as I can but the outcome of this takes two different effects.
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Monday 2 February 2015

Where Sports meets Humanity! Amazing Video!

There is a glitter of kindness in every single one of us. No matter how we try to hid it or run from it, it's just right there. As much as we as humans have our flaws and our negative side, our positive side can't be hidden forever. We just happen to concentrate too much on seeing the flaws in ourselves and mostly in others.

Look closely and you'll discover, we all have a beautiful heart.

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Blind date careful

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   The thrill of meeting up with a blind date that you met online can hardly be described. It's all part of the fun adventures of life, especially for the people that are more open to explore different kinds of way to discover love. At AskRalph, we are all for fun. You should be as happy as you need to be and as adventurous as you want. But please, when doing this, when meeting up with strangers you need to be careful.
Let's do this! »


A Short Story: Mr Allen's Turmoil 2

Please Read Part 1 HERE

Years passed and he had bought himself a car, a land, was building a house and was really a celebrity in his state. He was planning on surprising his girlfriend with a huge dream wedding and had added to his online shopping basket, a huge diamond engagement ring. Allen had big plans for the near future. He had forgotten his self discipline that kept his notorious acts at a moderate level. The need to impress was increasing and it wasn't long before he felt he needed to up his game and impress a little more. So he kept taking and taking from the company with the amount increasing each time.

A week after one of his directors occasional visit, he was at it again and really living his star like lifestyle. Life couldn't be better at that point, at least up until the point his phone rang and the caller I.D said "Director".
Let's do this! »

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Monday Myth: Hold your breath for more stamina

  Naturally when we engage in a strenuous work or anything that requires some stamina we naturally hold our breath and squeeze our core muscle to gain a little extra time. This could be through our daily exercise routines to our love making sessions. This is a very bad practice, breathing is very important all through your workout.
Let's do this! »

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Happy New Month!

      Happy New Month Subs. I know this is coming late but better late than never right? I hope this month brings lots of peace, joy, happiness and most importantly, Love.

This is the month of Love so make sure to show some of it anywhere you go. It's not just about you and your partner if you have one. It's about everyone around you. The strangers, your family, co workers, school mates and generally anyone at all.

Here is something you can do this week or maybe we should use it as this months focus. Try an act of charity. Give something to someone that needs it, anyone at all. Just make sure to make a reasonable impact on someones life before the end of the month.

Spread Love this February.