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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Dear Ralph: I do not want female children

Hello Ralph,
         I have this fear of having female children because of my past. I know what I did to girls and I fear that it is going to happen to my own daughter. I changed my ways a couple of years back when I met my wife and stopped everything I used to do. But I just feel karma is going to come back to me. I am the type of person that would love my children to be very free because I know what it is like to have parents that control your life, somehow it is what led me to do all the things I did when I finally got the freedom I wanted. I know how people become when they get a little freedom after being caged in for so long. I do not want my daughter to fall into the wrong hands and at the same time I know that the evil I did would be suffered by her. So instead I think it is better if I do not have a female child at all. I know you would be wondering that since I have made up my mind, that why am I still writing to you? I guess now that I am married, I am scared and was hoping that you would help me with some tips. If I was still to give birth to a daughter, is there a way I would be able to keep men away from her without restricting her freedom totally. Also is there a way to make sure that all my children are boys, that way I do not have to worry at all. I await your reply.


Dear Anonymous,
         I think that the fact that you are writing to me means that you still have hope somewhere that you would be able to raise a good girl, at least that is what I want to believe. I have to tell you that having a daughter is one of the most beautiful things you can experience and it all depends on your ability to train her. It is all up to you if you want to have a daughter or not but I would ask you to rethink your decision of not having a daughter, instead I would advice you not to over think this.

I cannot say that there is a routine or rule you would use to train your female child and she would turn out exactly the way you want her to be. The things is to try and balance things out. Get to know her and know her friends and boyfriend when she gets to the age of having one. Remember you can't say she won't have at all because most likely she would just do it without you knowing. You do not want to monitor her too much and you do not want to give her too much freedom at the same time, as I said "balance" is the key. Discuss her issues with her and be there for her.
   Now as much as you have to put in as much effort as you canand be there for your daughter, I think what you should concentrate again on is getting the right mother for her. If you like the woman you are with and the way she is then you have nothing to worry about. She would raise your daughter the way she was raised and everything would be okay. If for some reason you do not like the way your woman was brought up then work with her to provide the best training possible for your daughter. The thing about kids is that you just have to try your best and hope they turn out the way you want them to while showing them your undying love, and this applies both to the male and female children. Just do your best along with your wife, you do not have to carry the burden alone.

As for what you can do medically to secure just a male child. As much as I would want you not to think about this and just let things happen naturally, I would say what I can. However you should know that the point I am about to share is not something I have tested first hand, it's just something I have heard a couple of people talk about.
     When you release your seeds into your woman, they race towards the egg to fertilize it and the first to get to the egg is the one that would grow into a baby. People say that the male seeds swim faster so they get to the egg first, the problem is that they die fast. But the female seeds swim slow and get to the eggs last, the thing is that they stick around longer and die after the males. So I heard that during a ladies ovulation period where she is very fertile, if you plant your seeds, it would get fertilized immediately and that means a higher chance of getting the male child. If you wait for some number of days before she is fertile and plant your seeds then the males would get there but wouldn't last long enough, so meaning that when the remaining get to the eggs, you would have a higher possibility of having females. As I said this isn't a fact that I have confirmed so please feel free to ask a doctor the possibility if you still plan on taking this procedure. But I think it is still all in possibilities and probabilities as you can see.

Think about this well enough before making your decision. There are so many people crying for female children. If you do not get any females by default then fine, but if you do, do not let this your mind state make you treat them differently because it is a possibility. Leave your mind open to the possibility and do not try to control things. Discuss this with your wife if possible and know what she feels. Do not be afraid of your karma, I think the most important thing is that you are making an attempt to make amends.

I wish you best of luck my brother. Take care for now.


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At 27 April 2015 at 09:32 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lol@poster,guess ure kidding right?,for you 2 be so scared of karma means uve done lots of damages to the daughters of Eve,leave ur kids to live their lives,when its time 4 dem to start having rship,leav them to it and stop trying 2 be over protective...i pray God blesses you with 6 girls and one boy....


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