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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Are you prepared for it? (conclusion)

Read the fist to here. 1st post and 2nd post

  So later that evening just when you had managed to get your mind off things, a text comes into your phone. And as you read it you keep flashing back to what happened in the job you had quit.

    Dear sir, We are happy to inform you that we have finished reviewing your result. However...*Heart rate goes up and flashes of you standing outside your old office and waiting to be late on purpose*.....We regret to inform you that....*flashes of the back of your managers head*.....we cannot have you .....*flashes of the sack letter*.....In our company....*Flashes of the dirty slap you gave your manager*....We do not see you fit for the position you applied for....*intense headache and running stomach*....Thank you for applying and have a wonderful day ......*Big flash of your village people congratulating your manger on a job well done*. This last image is going to linger for a while so be prepared.

So right now you are jobless, well not the real you of cos, the you in the story is the jobless one now. You have no way of going back to your old job and you have evidently failed at this new job opportunity. What hurts most is actually that you have waited for this job for a long time and you ended up screwing it up. So you head back to your house and pour yourself a glass of wine and drift away in thoughts. You keep wondering what went wrong, why you couldn't answer well. It's not like you panicked, but something had gone wrong definitely. Was it the village people and your manager you wonder to yourself as that image still lingers in your head. Well as you battle with that in your head, let me tell you something.

But first of all let me ask you a question, where you really prepared for the test? Look back at this story and understand something. This man was hopeful yes, he had faith and all. But along the line of waiting for so long, even though he hoped for the job, he stopped preparing himself for the opportunity. He stopped studying and trying to improve himself in the field that he really wanted, he left the knife that is his skill to dull. It's like an artist that gets a job at a bank then one day he or she is called for a competition. The winners work would be displayed in the national museum and the person would be placed on a monthly salary for years to come. The artist has a few days to draw and starts up only to discover that he or she wasn't good enough on the day of presentation because of lack of constant practice.

So I say this to you now, no matter where you are. Whether you are sitting at an annoying job and cursing out for having to work at your sorry excuse of a job when you know your true potential. Or wasting away at home with no job at all when you know that someone who doesn't deserve it is holding a position you would fill up and handle efficiently at a company you have dreamed your entire life of. If you aren't steadily preparing for an opportunity when it knocks, you would lose it when it comes.

Always polish up on your skills and wait for when you would need them. Do not let yourself get rusty. Your faith and hope at an opportunity in life shouldn't stop at just watching and waiting, preparation is very much required. So if you are waiting for something right now, then do not be the you in this story I have been telling. Practice as often as you can, do not procrastinate. Learn to stay in love with your passion and keep greasing up your parts for the day the automobile that is you, is selected for a test run. Some opportunities knock only once and it could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Do not let that ONE opportunity pass you by because you weren't ready. Start preparing now and always stay prepared.

.....So now you realize that even though your village people had a hand in this, you also contributed a great deal. But do not worry, all hope isn't lost. This should only come as a lesson to you. Now that you have learnt it, I think you should drop you cup of wine. Get up and start preparing today for something new and possibly even bigger, some opportunities might knock more than once and other times your screw up today only happened so you would learn a lesson and prepare for something bigger tomorrow. Stay hopeful my friends, tomorrow is another day.


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At 17 December 2014 at 13:20 , Anonymous Hadiza said...

Nice ralph...rily nice!i like d moral of d story

At 17 December 2014 at 16:48 , Anonymous Blessed child said...


At 17 December 2014 at 19:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one, my comments dnt get posted 4 sum reasons best known 2 u.anywayz complete d story on ur friend Sam.tanx

At 17 December 2014 at 23:51 , Anonymous haaj said...

The suspense was worth it... nice conclusion

At 18 December 2014 at 07:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

So sorry anonymous. I don't see the comments that's why they don't get posted. I would never delete your comments. Thanks for still trying to coment.

@haaj. Thanks a lot. My friend sam is next. Lol

At 16 May 2015 at 12:13 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lovely piece...


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