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Saturday 13 December 2014

Dear Ralph: He is small

Hello Ralph,
           I am an unhappily married woman and not because my hubby is a bad person or that he treats me wrong. I am unhappy because he isn't enough for me in the bedroom. His problem is his size, he is quite small for me and I don't even know how to tell him. Although I think the knows this because he keeps asking if I am okay after I pretend to be satisfied. You see I have a very high level of urge and I have always been used to getting it the way I wanted from my younger days and past relationships. But I have gotten married now and I would never dream of cheating on this wonderful man that God has blessed me with. But I still get frustrated because I am a woman and I have needs. I do not want to tell him how things are for me because I am afraid I would drive him away or that he would see me as a freak. I am really confused and stuck in the middle. I want to be satisfied but at the same time I don't want to hurt my man. Is there any pill I can use, maybe put in his food and he can keep growing bigger with time or is there any device I can use. Please advice.


Dear Anonymous,
          There are solutions to these things that I can offer you. But you need to know that without proper bedroom communication, your intimate life would be bound to suffer. Yes some people would satisfy you naturally, but some people need to learn, it doesn't make them any less a man than others. So I really urge you to speak to your man because the solutions I want to suggest would require his knowledge. He needs to know when he is getting something wrong and when he is pushing the wrong buttons. You need to show him your map and lead him yourself. Do not be afraid of embarrassing him. All you need is the right attitude and approach. Read bedroom communication in this LINK

First of all you need to explore different positions. The "canine position or back entry" would help you a whole lot in this situation. The position tends to help for depth when he is introducing himself into you. So try out this position. And of course this isn't the only thing you both can try if not things would get boring and you would get tired of never being able to look upon your mans face. So if you wish you could try the basic missionary, but this time here is a tip, put a pillow below your hips to push your hip up for him. It works wonders believe me, you would like this if you enjoy the basic missionary and he might want to try and hold you down because the sensation would get you to loose yourself

Another position if you can is to lie sideways then path your legs like a scissors for lack of better objects. Lol. Let him come in still from on top and in a kneeling position, it would hit a different angle and it helps with depth. Close the scissors little by little for a tighter feel until you get what to where you want to be and achieve the big "O".

The reverse cowgirl is another position that would help in depth. We all know that in the usual cowgirl, it is all a matter of you being the rider. Meaning you would have to be on top. But this time have your back to him, yes, let your face be away from him then to enhance it you can lean back towards him and spread out instead of being in a kneeling position, just let your legs stretch out. With your position you would be able to control movement and depth of entry.

You both might also want to look into the introduction of toys. Just to spice things up, if he is down for it and you are also into that. Just generally feel free to explore into that section and find out what you guys like. Have him spend a lot of time on pre-intimacy. Let him concentrate more on your "bean" and a good way of doing that is by teaching him how to perform more "oral lessons" on you. If he is also comfortable with it, during pre-intimacy he can introduce his fingers. If he is able to do these things the right way and with your assistance, you would go back to enjoying your bedroom life. One thing I have found ladies themselves to also ignore is the presence of the vestibular bulbs. You might want to research more on that. So many women do not even know that they have it.

Now from all these positions. If your problem happens to be width/girth. Then all you need to do is try to maintain closed legs. Like you are trying to use your thighs to grip him when he goes in. The friction would increase that way.

I know you asked for medicine and I am busy telling you all these but just look in to them first. I have generally never liked the idea of using drugs to enhance performance. But if you insist I would research on some but would never guarantee results. Just get back to me if you wish for it. However I do know of something called a bathmate. I think the company's product called " hydromax x40" might do the work for him. But I still would not guarantee any "miracle results". It is just a pump, but not like the air based pumps that are very dangerous, this is a water based pump. It increase you size by pumping your veins with water pressure. So you both can look into buying one but remember that it is just a temporary solution. Each time you both want to have some bedroom fun, you would have to re-pump, so the problem is that it can't work when things happen spontaneously.

I have an arsenal of ideas for you but can't put them all down because you would get confused. So just try these few for now starting by exploring positions. Get back to me if nothing works and I'll be willing to help some more. Take care for now and over to the audience for more suggestions.


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At 13 December 2014 at 15:48 , Blogger esit said...

If you're not into trying these various sex positions, you can invest in a good vagina tightening cream/gel as well. I don't know if you've had kids yet but vaginal deliveries stretches out the vagina so eventually your man might seem smaller as years go by. There are also pelvic floor exercises to help with vagina tightening. Google Kegel exercise. If all fails or you're not satisfied, I can tell you I've assisted in surgical procedures for vaginal tightening and the women and their men came back with extremely good reviews. Most importantly, you need to let him know so you guys can both put in work into enjoying sex better. Best of luck love.

At 13 December 2014 at 15:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

Esit just gave out a huge bonus. Lol. Was reserving the Kegel exercises for when you in case you were to come back. She is absolutely right and if you do not understand it after looking it up on Google I can explain more. Ben-wa-balls would also help make it easier. Thank you so much for the contributions Esit. And fellow men, the kegels would help you last longer and develop a stronger and harder wood. Check it out. Ill do a proper post on it later

At 13 December 2014 at 16:38 , Blogger esit said...

Anytime :)

At 28 April 2015 at 19:21 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Ī'll go with esit and mr ralph on this..
Thumbs up!!


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