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Friday 24 October 2014

Dear Ralph: My Yellow Teeth

      Dear Ralph, I just saw the link to your blog a few minutes ago and I have been reading stuffs there, I love it, very cool. Now to my problem, Ralph, I've had colored teeth for as long as I can remember, how it happened? I don't even know. I have tried lots of stuffs just to whiten my teeth but all my efforts have been futile, i'm nineteen, I've told my parents about this but they seem to care less about it. It has affected me in basically every aspect of my life, I can sing but I rarely do so in public cos of the fear of showing my teeth, I've never had a girlfriend, I rarely ask questions during lecture, I don't even argue with people for the fear of being insulted by it. Ralph, is there anything I can do about ti? I like to be anonymous

      Dear Anonymous
                             The cause of yellow teeth could be anything from the food you've eaten, tobacco if you smoke, ageing or early teeth ageing in your case if that, it could even simply be from genetics. First things first you need to pay closer attention to what you take in and practice good oral hygiene more often. But don't worry these things have a fix if you are willing to go for them.
             First of all let me recommend a visit to your dentist, just in case your problem is much deeper than what you see  on the surface, like an infection. Dentists have figured a way around this and it's called teeth whitening and they have even gone further to invent a teeth whitening strip that you can pick up over your local drug counter and they can provide a quick fix to your problem, although dentists still prefer that you come in for a proper check up and instruction of usage and if possible a more advance whitening session. When buying you toothpaste you should look for ones that contain carbamide peroxide from 10% and you can keep trying ones with higher percentages of the substance until you figure out what works for you. I personally use Sensodyne Extra Whitening Paste and it works quite well for me, just brush every morning and night with it and you should start seeing some changes, also a point that people neglect a lot (I'm guilty of this) is that your tongue could also lead to this problem, you need to learn to brush your tongue every time you brush your mouth.
        Now as for your social life, don't even let this problem affect you at all and limit you, never be afraid to speak out and defend yourself in public, provided you are smart about it. If they talk then let them talk if you really wish not to speak but if not return their comments with a smile on your face and an even smarter comment of your own, that was how I dealt with rude people back in the days, just be sure of what you can handle first. The most important thing is to build up your self-confidence as a person, once you have that then you would see how every other thing would fall perfectly in place, so with that I'll tell  you not to worry about the girlfriend issue for now but instead concentrate on building yourself and being ready for when the right person comes along. I doubt that the person that is meant for you would be bothered much about the color of your teeth if you are great all round. When it come to matters of relationship you need to just learn how to let thing flow naturally, never force it. You have a beautiful voice already and you know it, please let me beg you to not let what people might or might not say stop you from expressing yourself and improving your God given talent, what if you are the next big thing out there and you've been letting what people might say stop you from taking your opportunities. You are holding yourself back a lot because of this little problem. Don't worry about what people say because they always talk and today if its not your teeth tomorrow it will be something else so let them talk...


P.S: Don't forget to always floss after brushing

Alright guys, roll in the comments and help out my good friend here with any other suggestions you have, thank you guys

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At 24 October 2014 at 18:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me na closeup advert I dey do sha! even as my teeth dey black I dey shine am dey go

At 24 October 2014 at 18:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice answer mr ralph, i've been reading without commenting but you are good I had to leave this

At 24 October 2014 at 18:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

try close up herbal. that's the one I use

At 24 October 2014 at 18:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can use chalk and repaint it o! lool

At 24 October 2014 at 18:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if your girl really loves you she wouldn't care about your teeth. Just do your part and treat her right when she comes

At 24 October 2014 at 18:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you like make you no stand up fight people weh want insult you. na u dey dull

At 24 October 2014 at 18:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my teeth worse pass this one o! hahahah

At 24 October 2014 at 19:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used 2 b called multivite teeth,but I'm all gud nw...u just nid proper attention 4rm a dentist

At 25 October 2014 at 08:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Ralph. I feel that the two major things you may need to take care of this situation is one: Intensive oral hygiene and two: The self-confidence. The latter may be hard but sufficient of the former should enable you be who you want to be. Some people have worse dental prolems yet they are very admirable.They must be something they are doing.

At 25 October 2014 at 09:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Ralph. I feel that the two major things you may need to take care of this situation is one: Intensive oral hygiene and two: The self-confidence. The latter may be hard but sufficient of the former should enable you be who you want to be. Some people have worse dental prolems yet they are very admirable.They must be something they are doing.

At 25 October 2014 at 09:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Ralph. I feel that the two major things you may need to take care of this situation is one: Intensive oral hygiene and two: The self-confidence. The latter may be hard but sufficient of the former should enable you be who you want to be. Some people have worse dental prolems yet they are very admirable.They must be something they are doing.

At 29 October 2014 at 13:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put some bakin powder on ur tooth brush,add some drops of lemon (not lime),use it 2 brush ur teeth like 3 times a week,2ice a day(after brushing ur teeth with good pastes like oral b,sensodyne,etc) ...ur teeth will gradually whiten,u wud see some changes in a month.....thank me later #mimi#

At 23 December 2014 at 12:41 , Anonymous angel said...

K guys, his problem is not hygiene, i can imagine all he must have done to whiten his teeth. Dear friend, the problem is not from you, nothing to feel ashamed about, tho i know how cruel people can be. The discoloration is caused by your mum taking drugs like tetracycline while she was pregnant of you or breastfeeding, thats the simple fact! stop all you are doing so that you do not damage your enamel and visit a dentist for professional teeth whitening, you can get one on for less than 10k. Hope this helps


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