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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Senior Man

  I just want to try my hand out a little on free writing. So here goes..

    So I was out of town for a couple of days on some business, and on my return I had an urgent need to run into the polo park shopping complex in Enugu to pick up a couple of toiletries that had run out. I stopped by at the phone shop to check if the price of the Samsung galaxy S5 had dropped, it had but who am I kidding, I still can't afford it even at the new reduced price. Anyway I swallowed my disappointment and continued to Shoprite,
I got a shopping basket and picked my items, payed the cashier and made my way towards the door where my receipt was cross-checked by the security guard on duty that afternoon. I was on my way to the exit but I was pressed so I considered carrying on to my next destination or to just get it over with since a restroom was close. I decided on the latter and made my way towards the public restroom in the complex, as I walked into the room of white tiles, the place was well taken care of as it always had been, the water tap on the sink was silver and sparkling as usual,the mirrors were hand print free unlike some shops I know but won't mention, the floor was sparkling and the atmosphere had a fresh lemon scent in it, I also observed a young man, most likely in he's mid 20's, average height and a rough beard that was quite unkempt, he greeted me and I returned the greeting then carried on to ease myself. When I was done I chose a tap to wash my hands and as I approached it the young man I noticed earlier quickly walked towards the same tap I had picked in my head as if he had read my mind, he flipped the top of the water tap upwards and the water started flowing so I assumed it was part of he's duties, as I put my hands to scoop the clear water running out of the faucet he squeezed the can of Morning Fresh he had in he's hand and the green gel dropped into my hands and was filled with lather as I rubbed my hands together, the man quickly brought out a box of serviette and flipped the top of the water tap back downwards just as I was done to stop the flow and handed me a serviette to wipe my hands with, while I was cleaning my hands with the white and now damp paper he quickly walked over to my right shoulder from my left where an auto drier hung on the wall, he placed he's hands under it and nothing happened then he rubbed them together imitating a hand washing motion, murmured to himself as if reciting some incantation, the sensor that works the auto drier picked  he's hands presence and the machine started humming as if responding to he's ritual, he gestured me to follow up and as he removed he's hands I replaced it with mine, I made sure to imitate the same hand rubbing motion he used earlier but reserved the incantation then felt the warmth of the air suction slowly drying up the droplets of water that remained on my hands. I stopped for a moment with my hands still under the drier to observe with a peek the young man with a frown on he's face but I recognized the expression to be from him taking he's work seriously and not anger, I quickly finished up, but as I looked up again and properly to he's face to thank him, he's face lit up as if to say he remembered something or recognized me from somewhere, with the biggest grin and a very wide smile running through he's mouth, teeth all exposed he slowly whispered to me with a deep hoarse voice......"Senior man...anything for boys?"

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At 23 October 2014 at 17:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dat one na sure banker for naija

At 24 October 2014 at 08:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahah... this happened to me the last time I was in the country. Nice write up, keep up the good work, ill be sure to visit frequently for more.

At 24 October 2014 at 08:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this stuff gets annoying at a point. everywhere you go if you no give e go be like say you wicked, i no send dem sha

At 24 October 2014 at 08:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. "senior man" what a slang

At 24 October 2014 at 08:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! i thought i was the only one that noticed this . Happened to me and my hubby the other day. lool

At 24 October 2014 at 08:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. I only see this when am in the east dou. nice piece right here

At 24 May 2015 at 14:32 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lolzzzzzz,boys must chop na,so nothing spoil...


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