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Saturday 25 October 2014

Stop playing the victim

      I listen to a lot of rap music so i'm going to quote a line for this one from one of my favorite songs of all time. In the song "C U when U get there" by Coolio, the rapper PS of 40 thevs said " You gotta face responsibility one day my brother, so wrap up your pity and turn it into ambition" And that's what its all about today.

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       All the drama and attention you are dragging towards yourself because of how you keep playing the victim in things that happen in your life, you need to ask yourself if it is worth it. Is it worth it to swap self development for self pity, you should be endeavoring to improve yourself. You keep blaming others for every thing that happens to you or that ever happened to you, you keep whining about how nobody treats you fair and how things are always going south when it comes to you and you will never move up in life, you need to start taking responsibility of things, things that happen to you and the situation you are in as long as you are a thinking human is all your making and not any other persons. People might suggest things for you but at then end what you do is all up to you, if you neglected the better judgement at a point in your life and landed yourself in a mess you don't turn around and blame it on anybody else because they suggested it to you, no, you should take responsibility of your actions and own up to your mistakes because that is the only way you would be able to correct them. If you are a guy and people around you are cheating on their wife's and getting away with it, then you decide to do the same and you are caught and that perfectly good woman that takes care of you leaves you for someone else, you are to blame and not every other person that has been doing it or told you to do it. If your friends need some quick cash and decide to rob a supermarket and on your way out things go wrong and you happen to be the one caught and jailed, it is your fault that you are sitting down in jail and not your friends fault. And ladies if you nag your man to the ground and all you do is demand material things and you succeed in driving that good loving and caring man away or If you sit down and decide that one day a man will come along and marry you and buy you expensive things and your plan doesn't go so well, don't blame it on those that got away with the same thing or advised you to do it, you are to be blamed.
      Let's say you come from a poor home, or that conditions in your home while you were growing up weren't exactly good, and you decide to dwell on it instead of actually looking for a way to make things better for yourself then you are making a huge mistake. The fact that you didn't come from the best of backgrounds doesn't mean anything because I believe that where you are going to shouldn't be driven by where you are coming from but by the goals you wish to achieve.
      No matter what it is or what situation you are in you should try to count yourself lucky because there are people out there that have faced a whole lot worse than you can ever think of, things you wouldn't believe that a human would experience and still be mentally stable, but when you see them outside they hold their heads up high and if they never breathe a word of it to you, you would take them for the people that got it easy in life, and why is that? because they have realized that self pity would only bring irrelevant attention and not solutions, so they accept things for what they are, change what they can and adapt to what they can't change and then carry on living their life. Life is too short to let self pity take over you.
       Learn to take responsibility of the decisions you make and if you let another person make the decision for you the action you took is still yours so you and you alone are responsible for the consequences. We need to grow out of that life of self pity, that mentality of "ever since I knew sh*t, I am who it happened to". Get your act together and own up to your responsibilities, pity is only going to attract the wrong kind of attention to you and cause your growth as a person, mentally and psychologically to be stunted.

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At 25 October 2014 at 14:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hav a friend dat kips doin dis and coming 2 me,and evn after I talk him out of dat particular situation hez dwelling on,he ends up findin anoda reason 2 wallow in self pity,and try as I may he hasn't stopped doin dat...I dnt know wat 2 do and I'm not a bad friend.

At 25 October 2014 at 17:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this selfy pity of a thing is dangerous

At 25 October 2014 at 17:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something for a change

At 25 October 2014 at 17:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice writing mr ralph. can't wait to read more

At 25 October 2014 at 19:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pipl dat engage in dis excessively are just attention seekers! cares about d likes of dem.

At 27 October 2014 at 00:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's important to realize that we're responsible (response-able) for our reactions to whatever life throws at us. In "7 habits of highly effective people" steve covey really does justice to this. A must read.


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