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Wednesday 22 October 2014

Dear Ralph : I am scared I might not get married

    Dear Ralph, My parents have always insisted that I stay home. I never go out, I never meet people. I've turned out to be so shy and such a recluse. I don't even know how to get or have a boyfriend. I am scared that I won't ever get married at this rate. I am a girl and I want to remain anonymous please and thank you.

     Hello anonymous, I know exactly what you mean and how you feel, although I am male I used to never go out and I got so used to it that even when my siblings and friends where all going out I would hide away so I won't be invited and the few times I had to go out I would get cold feet and my heart would beat faster. But I later got over it, I learnt to open myself to a lot of things and I could only do that because I decided that it was never late to make a change.
      You can easily change this part of you but you actually have to want it, you would meet good men and you will meet bad me but be careful and learn how to recognize people for who they are and not what you want them to be, don't fall for the first good looking brother that walks up to you and tries to impress you with whatever move he has cooked up, just try to be calm and be who you are, don't try too hard to impress if not you might actually attract the wrong people. It would be hard and new to you in the begining and people out there would seem like aliens to you with their different behaviours but just play it cool, everything would definitely fall in place in due time. Now you will definitely make mistakes, but who doesn't, when they occur just take them as an expeirence and learn your lessons from them so that you don't repeat them again. The world is yours to explore, its an open field of opportunities and once you are out there you would wonder why you were inside all that while.
       Look at the bright side, you have spent most of your days staying at home so you still have a whole lot of adventure waiting for you, just make sure to do it properly and with the right manner. I think your husband is going to enjoy showing you the world and exploring it with you plus he gets the added bonus of watching you grow and knowing he was the one that showed you the finer things in life.
        It is your life to live and no one else's and any decisions you make today you would have to live with because you and you alone would bear the consequences of whatever you decide to do with yourself. Your folks have lived their life and are settled and all. If their parents kept them inside the way they keep you in and they still ended up happily married and together then that is very good but you can't be sure that the same luck is going to befall you. Always remember that the reason you are restricted is because they feel it is best for you and that they are protecting you by doing that, you have to love them for that but then at the same time you have to take charge of your life and do what's best for you.
  Go out and explore the world my dear, you would meet a great man that would drive you crazy and love you crazy all the same...Plus there is very cold beer out there also, like really chilled and all so what are you still waiting for ? Lol

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At 24 October 2014 at 07:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But some parents can really be over annoying

At 24 October 2014 at 07:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haaa! hold me back at home? dem neva start cos na jumping fenz tinz next

At 24 October 2014 at 07:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this thing happened to me when i was young. please people learn to interact o. it is affecting me till today

At 24 October 2014 at 08:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

parents always mean best but atimes dem go dey do like say dem no go through the same thing

At 27 October 2014 at 10:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ralph,

I am an introvert too and interested in meeting the girl. i will to meet her. My contact details are ola (08137175647).

At 5 November 2014 at 19:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous, I understand u perfectly well. It's this same parents that will be bugging you to bring someone home when the time comes as if men are point and kill. Call up old friends, hangout and try to do it more often. You need to give yourself a push and most importantly, pray about it. Prayer works!


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