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Thursday 23 October 2014

Don't ever let them make you feel left out

           In this life you meet so many people with different characters and behaviors, now naturally no two people can be exactly the same but there are people that can get along well because of similarities and there are people that just belong in a different group. If you don't belong in your current crowd and you are forcing yourself to be there or feeling down because you don't fit in there then you have to get up and leave. Go look for your crowd because that crowd you are with isn't for you.
      You see back when I was newly trying to break away from my social awkwardness, back then I was just starting to explore and see the things life had to offer away from my private comfort zone, the only place I ever knew. I met a couple of people when I just joined my 3rd high school, we moved around a lot so I attended different schools. Anyway I made a set of friends or more of I admired a set of people back in school, I always used to hang around them and I would try to imitate things they did and their behavioral patterns, because
that's the way I learn. Well contrary to what you might think they weren't the usual popular jocks in school, they were just a random group of people. After school they would meet up at one persons house and we would go drinking, or at least they would go drinking, partying and engage in all kinds of fun then I would keep searching for them until I found out where my "friends" where. So I kept at this and as you can guess, they where just being themselves meanwhile just because I wanted to fit in I would do whatever I was told to and make a constant fool of myself, one occasion being when they told me to go ask a particular girl out that she has been into me ever since. Little did I know that I was doing it for their own amusement, well I wouldn't go into details but believe me it didn't turn out well and I can almost still feel the imprint of her palm on my left cheek as fresh as ever and that was all thanks to my "smooth talking" skills that they convinced me that I had.
     I was trying too hard to be who they where and spent so much time doing that, that I started to forget who I was. They would talk down on me and tell me how uncool I was when a mistake was made or when I subconsciously did my own thing around them. They would ask me what I was doing around them if I ever complained of the way I was treated so I had no choice but to learn to swallow the insults. I couldn't do what they knew how to do as good as they could and the best thing I could have done then was break away on time and go look 4 my own crowd but I kept trying, although now I am glad that chapter of my life is over I still feel I spent so much energy on that.
Find people standing on similar red pieces and complete
their own puzzle. You will feel much more comfortable
    Why hang around people that continue to pull you down. I'm talking about pulling you down as a person, they damage your self esteem and make you feel beneath them. You need to break whatever chain it is that is holding  you down to those people and making you feel it is going to workout in the end and get a move on with your life because at the end you would have a lot to regret and you would look back at all the insult and wonder if it was worth it. Meet those who appreciate you a lot more and see the difference you will feel. You are a whole lot more than these people are making you feel, you are far more capable than what they say you are able to do and the only reason they are telling you otherwise is because they know within themselves that if you discover what you can do and who you really are, you would leave them in the dust.
    Now I am not saying that you should look at the other groups in a different way because you didn't fit with them. Give them their due respect with your distance, they are just being themselves and the fact that you don't fit with them isn't anybody's fault, so if you are walking away don't do it on a bad note, walk away with your respect intact and give them theirs. Be comfortable being who you are, don't force it trying be like others. Keep being you and at the end of the day you will see that you are going to be appreciated a whole lot more for who you are by those same people that talked you down. Best of luck with your new crowd...*cheers*



At 23 October 2014 at 17:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shashant let dem.. I shall jump in their middle and shout "una dey craze????".. lol

At 24 October 2014 at 08:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha...over hear in the u.k it get worse than might be believed. crazy people. nice points dude

At 24 October 2014 at 08:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

strength come from within. it takes a lot of strength to realise things like this

At 24 October 2014 at 08:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice inpiration. but what if it's your group that is doing it to you and you know that you belong with them, it really isnt as easy but it is always good to try still. I enjoy your inspirational section of your blog. Keep it up

At 24 October 2014 at 08:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

some people can be really nasty. they might not even want you around but just keep you in the click to use you them keep making a fool out of you

At 24 October 2014 at 08:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the most important thing is to keep your pride and know that where you are isn't good for you. the sooner the better o

At 24 October 2014 at 08:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I 4 don commot since na! who dey do that 1 for this kind period. no dulling abe

At 24 October 2014 at 08:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao! abeg who be that 1st person weh comment. which 1 be "shashant" again. Naija no go kill me. lool

At 24 October 2014 at 08:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killer write up write here dude. this one reach me i swear


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