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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Two Wrongs...(Pt 2)

Please read the first part of the story by clicking THIS LINK

On a Saturday morning, Mathew left for work and as usual dropped money for food with his wife. He always gave her more than enough but he wasn't scared that she would save up and run away because she hardly knew how to manage money. She would always squander it in buying clothes, although he never thought of who those clothes were meant for impressing because it sure wasn't him.
       He had been gone for about an hour and wasn't going to be back for another 7 or more hours. As usual his wife had brought her lover over to the house for their usual mid afternoon rump which she had missed for a while now. This was happening more frequently because their office was going through some renovations and their departments where greatly affected so they had to stay home for a week or two.  They had all the time to meet up and seeing that Daniel was married to a house wife that was always at home, they couldn't do it in his house. Daniel had only gotten back from his travel a week ago and she was dying to see him again. Even though they had seen and engaged in their lustful acts a couple of times after he came back, she couldn't get enough of him just yet. They were still sitting at the living room and before they could start she was already feeling the rush of blood down in her genitals and she felt her organ below throbbing in anticipation. She paid no attention to his words as he spoke, she just wanted to have him.

Mathew was a couple of blocks away when his boss called and reminded him of the meeting that they had with the foreign investors in the company that very morning. He reassured his boss that he was well prepared and just to make sure he quickly went over his files to be sure he had everything he needed. However he discovered that he had forgotten an essential document, he quickly looked at his watch, calculated the time it will take him to retrieve the documents and decided to head back for it. He turned his car around quickly and started speeding faster than usual towards the house to grab the document and make it back on time...

Back at the house an unsuspecting Flora was already in her red matching undies that were partially see through and had her legs wrapped around Daniel as he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately. He was the type that loved to tease a lady as he made love to her. He loved it when the ladies begged him to just have them and get it over with and that was exactly what was happening with Flora. She was trying to undress but he struggled to keep her undies on for a little while longer. He teased her for a while longer until she begged him. Finally he gave in and cleanly slipped into her with ease. As he went into her, she gasped out loud and dug her nails into his back.
    Flora was a silent love maker that let out quiet moans when she wasn't feeling the act very much or just a little like with her husband but a very loud screamer when she had it the way she liked it and that was exactly the way Daniel gave it to her. Her voice echoed through the house and occasionally she tried to control herself but quickly lost control again. Daniel paused at a point and pulled out when he thought he heard the sound of their gate but Flora was way too into the act, she was close to the edge and hated the fact that he pulled out at that point. In order not to loose it, she pulled him back in closely and screamed "don't stop now!". Daniel then quickly waved the thought from his mind and continued. She screamed out louder as she drew closer to finish. Her legs thrashed in the air and her breath came out faster as her moans grew louder and in tempo. She pulled on her hair and her voice kept growing louder

Daniel and Flora were caught in the dance of lust and nothing could stop them right now. Flora loved making love to Daniel and it had been a long time she felt this good. Nothing at all could distract them so even when a briefcase landed with a loud crashing sound on the tiled floor of the bedroom they almost didn't stop. At least not until Flora noticed the tall man standing at the door of the room. She gasped out loud again but not out of pleasure this time but out of shock. She struggle out from underneath Daniel and pulled the bed covers to cover her body. She whispered  "Mathew..I...". At that point, even though she knew everything Mathew had done, she felt embarrassed, guilty and ashamed for her own acts. The shock on his face was exactly how she pictured it when thoughts of him catching her crossed her mind. She thought it was going to be fun for her to see him like that and had actually pictured laughing at him if he ever walked in on she and Daniel but when she saw him in person with the look on his face, a sharp knife of regret and anxiety plunged into her stomach and twisted itself.

At the door Mathews knees weakened, his eyes dulled and he sank to the floor slowly while supporting his fall unintentionally with the wall at his back. He sat on the floor with his hands on his head. At that point a million and one things went through his head. No words were said yet but he knew his marriage was already over. He knew he was to blame, he looked up at his woman with eyes that were wet and confused.  He looked back down and as the young man that was earlier handling his wife in his matrimonial bed walked or more of tip-toed past him he could tell the man was afraid but couldn't look him in his face. He looked at his wife who now stood a distance from him clearly searching for the words to say to him. Her lips moved and the words hardly came out but when they did, they came out as a stutter. He also struggled  to speak but couldn't make out anything reasonable, he wanted to ask her why but his words faded from him before they could be said. His head spun and heart raced, his palms were sweaty and his gazed was fixed on nothing in particular. He was filled with regret and so much hurt at that point that he clenched his chest with his left hand unknowingly. He never believed she was capable of bringing another man into the house, let alone sleep with him. In that moment his emotions were mixed with hurt, anger, surprise, heart break and fear to mention just a few of them. He thought of how he brought this on himself and the hurt in his chest only increased. A sea of regrets were drowning him right now and he couldn't do anything to save himself. "My world" he thought to himself. "This woman was my world and I just destroyed it all". He looked around him as if searching for something that wasn't there. His thoughts searched for answers but all it could find was more regret and pain. He couldn't take the pain much longer but he didn't realize it himself at that point, not until his breath seized. He was suffocating and didn't know how, his vision blurred and he slipped further towards the floor till his head met the floor. His thoughts slowly faded from him....

...7 years later Flora was sitting down in front of her house lost deep in thought. She reminisced on how far she had come in life. She thought of where she was at that point. In a new house that was far different from the one she used to know when she was married to a certain man, a different man and at a different time. She thought of how the event that occurred 7 years ago helped changed a lot of things in her life. How it chased her old husband away and brought in a new one.
       As she was lost in thought, a warm and firm hand wrapped itself around her shoulders in a soft embrace and a kiss landed at the back of her head. She smiled and held the fore arm of the hand with her tiny hands that could hardly wrap itself around the large arms then kissed the arm. A deep voice whispered  into her ears "I'll always love you Flora". She turned red as she blushed at the words, let out a huge sigh of relief and squeezed the arms tighter. She looked down at the baby in her arms, her beautiful daughter, she was so small and tender but she could see that she looked like her husband. At this point she was a happy woman.
      She thought back again and remembered being a wreck for about 2 years after that event from 7 years ago, how no other relationship seemed to work for her and how she had concluded she would remain single. She remember how there was no hope for love in her life again until she crossed a familiar face on the road one day.
        She looked up at the man that held her. The face of a man from a different time, a horrible time in her life and yet right now a face that represented hope for her. A man she loved deeply and was willing to do anything for. He looked exactly the same way he looked when she first fell for him. However he was a lot more gentle now. He was a different man right now and she would trade him for anything. They had fought hard after they reunited a couple of years ago by accident to make things work. They had their past differences but fought to reconcile those differences and amend their faults. She smiled, leaned in and kissed his lips then responded to her husband...."I'll always love you Mathew".

She remembered Daniel and how he stopped looking at her the same way after that day. How he went back to his wife and threatened to end her life if she ever spoke a word of what had been happening between them to his wife or any other person. She remembered begging him over and over again to stay with her after Mathew left her but he totally cut all connections to her and left her an emotional wreck.

7 years ago a lot of things changed, the event that occurred chased her old husband away and even though it took some time it brought in a new and better one. She was married to a different man 7 years ago. Today she is married to a different man with a different heart but with the same face. It might be the new house or that he changed since he moved out of the town they used to stay in, it could be that something touched his heart, she couldn't make it out and regardless of how many times she asked he couldn't explain either. However if their was something she knew, it was that the even from 7 years ago played a major role in the changes that they both went through.It was that when he met him 2 years after the event that occurred 7 years ago, he had a different energy around him and they took it from their. She wasn't sure what it was but either way she was just happy to have him with her, more gentle and far more attentive and understanding. She had improved also and had learnt how to watch her tongue and behavior also. All wasn't forgotten yet and frankly she didn't know if the memories would ever fade away, they were still making changes even after that long but there was progress. The kind of progress that showed her that there was hope. In all she was just glad and was willing to give it another chance....


  • Two wrongs don't make a right. She might have thought she was getting back at her husband by sleeping with another person, however a wrong act is a wrong act. Whenever you feel like things are going wrong, try to remember your morals, remember who you are and who you want to be. Never get caught up in trying to retaliate that you loose yourself as a person. Daniel was a married man and even though Flora thought she was hurting Mathew, she was actually just being used by Daniel.
  • Never neglect your partner. Their is a reason why your woman is your partner. You both are equal members of the family. Yes you as a man might be the head of the family but it doesn't give you the right to treat her as a non-important or irrelevant member. Remember it's called Man and Wife and not Man and Slave. 
  • Whatever your friends say doesn't have to apply to your marriage. You can be boys with your guys or girl with your girlfriends but once you get back to your house you return to being a Husband or a wife. Remember that what might work in other peoples marriage might not work in yours and what your friends partner might tolerate might not be tolerated by yours. So always study the person you are with. Your friends might have your interest at heart but you can't use their relationship to judge yours.
  • Sort out issues while you can. Learn to listen to each other and try to understand the hurt and pain you are putting your partner through. Their is always a reason why a person would complain. Listen to your partners more.
  • No matter what, never stoop low. Maintain your morals and standards as long as they aren't unrealistic
  • Look for the best way to communicate your issues with your partner to them. The key is in communication and if you do not speak in a manner that your partner would understand then you are just as responsible for the misunderstanding as they are if not more.
  • Take care of your partner or else someone else would take care of them in more ways than one.
  • This was just a made up story and your story in life might be different but sometimes it takes something big to shake a relationship and make couples realize the possibility of them losing each other.
  • If you maltreat your girl or cheat on your man and expect to meet the person after some years and rekindle the love then you are strictly on your own. This story was fiction.
  • There is always hope of fixing issues no matter how bad it gets, the question is how willing you BOTH are to try and fix things. However try not to let things get out of hand.

So how about you? What did you learn from this?

So Once Again...Please read the first part of the story by clicking THIS LINK

Please don't forget to comment below everyone. Thanks


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At 30 June 2015 at 18:09 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Always shut d door when having extra curriculum activity.'T MIND MEE OH!!

You've given us all d lessons in d story naa Ralph, wats dere to say again? ?? #thinking

Nice story all d same.... Mèrcì

At 30 June 2015 at 19:45 , Blogger esit said...

Honestly Ralph, you're a remarkable writer. You have this delightful way with words. But i had mixed feelings about the end. Kinna like a love-hate thing.
I didn't quite like the ending only because it is as rare as flying pigs in real life situations. I can say 9 out of 10 times, there usually is no fairytale ending where cheating is involved meaning that the cheatee usually walks out on the cheater but i get it, this one is that exception as you were trying to teach us a valuable lesson.
I absolutely loved this story only because it derailed from the usual cliche story of man cheats on woman, woman decides to stay because well, it's the norm.
I liked that Flora cheated even if she cheated with Jackass Daniel who by the way i never expected him to leave his wife, because duh no married guy ever in the history of cheating men does. Which brings me to lesson no 10? If you must cheat, leave married spouses out of your escapades, it never ends well.
I didn't really feel sorry for Matthew only cause you made him out to be a jerk who was on his high majestic horse to be treating his wife like horse shit only for him to be humbled by his wife's cheating.
I felt like i just penned you a long ass essay but only because stories like this get me excited. I'm a dork, i love reading!
All in all i loved it.

At 30 June 2015 at 20:04 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

So much to digest from this story..

At 1 July 2015 at 01:08 , Anonymous haaj said...

Hmmn, what a twist in the story. Its a good thing they worked it out eventually. Great lessons learned

At 1 July 2015 at 17:45 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Wow, u're a very good writer Ralph, I wasn't expecting that kind of twist to the story. It's just amazing what u did, kudos! Do more of this pls. So many lessons learnt from the story really, i'll sure not forget them.

At 7 July 2015 at 11:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

Good story and I tot d man actually died. NYC story

At 22 July 2015 at 09:45 , Anonymous G.lo said...

Exactly was I was thinking Esit. ..U aptly summarised my thoughts! I do not feel sorry for Matthew at all

At 23 July 2015 at 14:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny u funke

At 8 August 2015 at 05:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Written by a once wayward girl now a woman!


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