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Friday 5 June 2015

Friday Fact: Infidelity is by person not gender

     We have heard it over and over again. The argument is always going on and on, it also seems like it is never going to be concluded. The question is who cheats more between men and women. I have seen it a million times and heard it from the mouths of people. Either they are saying "It is in the nature of men to cheat" or "Women cheat more, it's just that they are more careful about it". At the end of it all we still haven't concluded on who cheats more, of cos everyone would fight for their own gender. However I want to clear up a little fact and maybe give you guys a different way to look at things.

Be it man or woman, cheating is wrong and it is a big problem. People do it for different reasons best known to each of them. What I do not believe is in the saying that "It is in the nature of men to cheat" or that "It is in the nature of women to cheat". I do not believe that anyone was brought into this world with a natural cheating behavior in the person. The only things that could cause a person to cheat are encountered after they are born into this world. For example a person can be affected by environment, peer pressure, curiosity, up bringing, bad company and many other factors. Now these aren't limited to any gender in particular and as you can see these aren't factors that come naturally.

Cheating is a choice that people make, either out of poor judgement, carelessness, revenge or a momentary lapse in self control. Either ways, a choice is a choice and it is yours to make it or leave it. Anybody is capable of making the choice to cheat, this also isn't limited to a particular gender or any particular person.  I believe that everyone is to be held accountable for the choices they make in life. They alone and not other people of the same gender. If a person chooses to cheat then he/she alone bears the consequences and if a person chooses not to then fine, he or she alone gets the praises. However saying that a particular gender has it in them to cheat is absolutely wrong. It's no different from attributing a particular behavior to a particular race.

The problem with this kind of mentality is the poor judgement that comes with it. Did you know that keeping a negative mind state towards a particular gender could cause hatred towards them? How do you think other stereotypes like racism and the rest started out and grew into what they are today. Now look at yourself closely if you possess hatred for a particular gender and tell me the difference between you and a racist. If you maintain a mentality that members of the opposite sex be it male or female depending on your own gender, has it in them to cheat then you will notice a poor judgement towards members of that gender that you encounter in your life.  I believe you should treat every single person as a different human being and give them the benefit of doubt. Wait for them to show you who they are personally before concluding on their behavior or judging them. It's okay to be careful but you can be careful without being conclusive on a persons behavior before getting to know the person.

Infidelity is a choice that a person makes regardless of their gender and not a natural attribute possessed by a particular gender.

Share your thoughts on this...

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At 5 June 2015 at 17:38 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Yeah. Infidelity isn't attached to any gender, it depends on d individual, it's a bad thing tho'

At 5 June 2015 at 18:28 , Blogger Unknown said...

I own no one apology it is the men that cheat most, because the believe that the are the head in every thing or no one we question them.
I have alot to say on still on the road now i we comment later on this.but men cheat pass women that is why when women cheat the whole world hears it but when men cheat they take it aside.cheating is not in any bodies nature because is bad and it crumble relationship,marriage faster than any thing.

At 5 June 2015 at 20:16 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

My verdict is that MEN cheats the most!!!!
They are cheaters!!!

At 6 June 2015 at 04:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Papi... **waving** I just believe everyone cheats because they can and women cheat the most....that is the truth mehn....we cheat alot because we can.....and it is worse because we do it in hiding....the men on the other hand...don't mind putting their business out there..

Have a beautiful weekend Papi..

At 6 June 2015 at 06:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Cheating is a choice and I have always believed nobody was born with it. But a lot of people that are surrounded with men dat cheat would say men cheat more than women vice versa . as for me I have seen men cheat more compared to the women but at the end of the day i know both of them cheat a lot as women can hide their own

At 6 June 2015 at 06:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

Women can not bring out their cheating habit like men because everybody would make it a big deal and the woman would be chased out of d house, humiliated, insulted, beaten etc so they have no other choice than to hide

At 6 June 2015 at 07:37 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Cheating is an individual thing. It has notin to do with gender. Both sexes are guilty but if you ask me I think it's the % of men who cheat could be more being that no1 can questions them so to say.....
But in all #kemmit

At 6 June 2015 at 10:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can almost feel the hatred you have for men from my phone sef. my dear take it easy, some of us men actually try and stay faithful and seeing women classify all of us as the same makes it harder for those of us that actually stay true. Just be careful sha, don't use this mentality and chase your own man away or frustrate him into doing what he doesn't want to do.

No beef intended...

At 10 June 2015 at 12:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i am a guilty person ......i am female .

At 30 June 2015 at 14:15 , Anonymous S said...

In my opinion, men and women equally cheat. But the society has come to accept men that way so women keep theirs secret therefore it feels like they dnt cheat at all.


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