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Tuesday 2 June 2015

Stories of deceptive looks: Cristiano Ronaldo

This is my second post on Stories of deceptive looks.

I am not big on football, as a matter of fact the hottest match of the century could be going on and i'll be laying down, sleeping and snoring louder than my Grandma. And if the match gets too loud and interrupts my snoring, I would get up and off that T.V and try to suppress the urge to break it. Lol

Anyway I am not big on football but I know this man. I know Cristiano Ronaldo because his name is everywhere just like that of his biggest rival, Messi. However I find this man to be very very interesting due to some discoveries I made and some bar arguments. That is why I have chosen him to be my second discussed person in my Stories of Deceptive looks.

Looking at that picture above, one of the first thing that come to people's mind is "Irresponsible Play boy with too much money". I mean he qualifies for all these right? Let's look at his features for a while and see.

That funky haircut raises eyebrows and doesn't tell well on his responsibility status. The stud on his ear further damages that area of the statistics. He is a good looking man, no doubt about that. Very good build and height, good at what he does. That means he must get all the ladies he wants. As at 2009 his net worth was about $250 million. That means he can buy all those ladies all they want and keep them running in circles. He has a son out of wedlock. hmmm....
    So let's sum all this up and say that he is a rich, handsome, arrogant, talented, play boy with no sense of responsibility thanks to his sense of fashion and general character. At least this is the way a couple people analyzed him for me when he was being compared to his rival one day at a bar. That day we were out in a bar and +Cristiano Ronaldo  was playing in a match that was showing on T.V. As usual there were arguments. One of the men then said "This C.Ronaldo no sabi play anything jare, na just to dey carry women". I looked for trouble by inquiring to know more about what they meant. I explained how I wasn't a big fan of football but that even I knew he was very good. They then started talking and explaining how the fact that he was good looking was their reason for saying he was a playboy and his talent and 'send-less' attitude on the field helped them conclude he was arrogant.
I almost believed what they were saying but the I remembered something that I had observed something on his birthday either last year or about last two years when it was posted on a blog. It was a little party he threw for himself and a few of his friends. In the party they had champagne on the table, they were dressed in suits and gowns (very modest gowns) and they simply sat and ate. I thought to myself and said, if this guy was so much of an irresponsible playboy. With the kind of money he rakes in every month, he could have hired a yacht, sailed off with a boat full of women in bikinis and had a crazy orgy right? I mean even if he was married he could easily cover it up or beg his wife, better yet his irresponsible side could come more alive and decide to not apologize and instead go marry again right? Or not marry at all and be free. I thought about his reason for having a quiet dinner and compared it to what those guys that were talking ill about him were saying. I was going to argue with them but then I looked down on there table and noticed that each was on his 5th bottle of his own beer brand, so I simply nodded sarcastically in agreement.

Recently while surfing the net recently, I somehow stumbled upon a fact about him that got me wondering. The fact said that +Cristiano Ronaldo   has no tattoos on his body. Do not get me wrong, I do not care if you have a tattoo or not, it doesn't mean nothing to me. It's what's in your heart that matters for all I care. Anyway I came across this fact and I said to myself "A guy with that kind of haircut? Why doesn't he have a tattoo?...Is he scared of needles? or is this fact wrong?" Little did I know that it was because of needles actually that he didn't have tattoos but for a different reason from what I thought. I went on to surf the web more and gain more knowledge on that fact and I came across one of his interviews. I first of all confirmed that yes, he had no tattoos. Then as I read through the interview, he was asked why he didn't have any tattoos and he revealed that he donates blood to the hospital regularly for the sick and getting any tattoos would render him incapable of doing that for a long period of time.

You see this "Irresponsible Play boy" according to what a couple of people referred to him as, was able to put his personal interests aside and instead think of those that need him. It isn't compulsory for him to donate and even if he decides, he could get the tattoos and it will just be a couple of months before he gets back to doing the donation but he made a decision to leave that aside and concentrate on helping out the sick by giving a part of him.
        So with this do you still think that a haircut or a stud should be used to judge what a person has in their heart? Looks can be really deceptive so get to know a person first before concluding. If you don't have the opportunity to know the person then do not conclude at all.

I don't know about you but +Cristiano Ronaldo  has a huge heart to me. I don't know if he is arrogant on the field or in his personal life but I choose to judge by the good he is doing. He earned maximum respect from me ever since I read his interview.

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At 2 June 2015 at 18:23 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Yes oo looks could be deceptive. It's just a typical example of d saying "never judge a book by its cover"

At 2 June 2015 at 18:24 , Blogger esit said...

I absolutely love C.Ronaldo. He's kinda arrongant on the field but i guess it comes with being the best or 2nd. And he's stinkingly rich. Isn't his net worth as of 2015 more than $250 million? If i had that kind of money, I'd retire forever. I just want C. Ronaldo to notice me pls, be aware of my existence and holla at me.
Never judge a book by it's cover. It's humbling what he does. I never knew that part of him that donates blood. Much respect!

At 2 June 2015 at 19:37 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Yeah, there's more to people than what u see, I respect that guy too, no one should ever be judged by their look, ever!

At 3 June 2015 at 08:33 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Never judge a book by its cover...
Its not al about the container buh the content in it...

At 3 June 2015 at 12:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

lmao! So esit is it C.Ronaldo or Dangotes son? Which one is it cos I am having a hard time keeping track. How are we supposed to find who it is if you aren't consistent. Lol

At 3 June 2015 at 12:42 , Blogger Unknown said...

Right on Sodiq

At 3 June 2015 at 12:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lmao! something weird just came to my mind because of your quote. Picture a bag of chips, it looks puffed up and full from the outside but when you open it it's half empty and puffed with air not chips. Lol....definitely not about the container.

In alaba market you can see a Wizkid cd pack with a Davido Cd inside. Lmao

At 3 June 2015 at 12:45 , Blogger Unknown said...

Exactly the same thing...or as thelma would say it's not about the container, it's about the content. lol

At 3 June 2015 at 13:51 , Blogger esit said...

Lmao i sound like a thirst bucket don't i? Longing for this one, that one. I repent!

At 3 June 2015 at 15:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nyc to know that part about him which is very surprising but really really good. but Ralph you said and I quote "so with this do you still think that a haircut or a stud should be used to judge what a person has in their heart" no it should not but in this our society today some so called guys and ladies appear in a way they want to be addressed. There is this saying "The way you dress is how you want people to address you and there is another one that says don't judge a book by its cover " but some people dress and appear in ways they want to be addressed and they do not want to be addressed by what is in their heart but their appearance and if you look you would realise they are just living in a fantasy While some want you to know that they are that arrogant as they appear

At 3 June 2015 at 17:28 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said... igbo packaging be dat one..lolzzzz

At 4 June 2015 at 08:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Well that is a percentage of people. Most people address others that do not dress the way they like insultingly. Take for example a person that likes to sag his trouser would be reffered to as a child and a girl that like short dresses would be referred to as loose or a wh*re. However those are just dressings that they like, it doesn't mean they want to be judged by those things they put on. The reason is because most of the time, the judgement they receive because of the way they dress is the wrong judgement.


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