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Saturday 27 June 2015

How about a little fitness this morning?

Hi everyone? Just before we get started for the day how about a little workout. I have a little time to type before I do my usual morning workout so I thought to put up a little something for you guys. Just something to keep you going until you have the time to workout properly. Make sure that every single day or at least 3 to 4 times a week you do a little workout. Also remember to set at least one day aside for rest and at most 3 days aside for some rest.

Well this morning I just want to tell you guys of some workout routines that will keep you physically toned until you are ready or have the chance to go into proper and intense workout sessions. They will help tone every single part of your body or at least most of the major areas.


Push ups: Push ups are one of the best exercises you can do. They work for both men and women and are an all round exercise as they work your arms, legs, abs and glutes. However they target your upper body more since that is the part of you that does most of the work. I suggest you do this one everyday you want to workout.

Crunches: Crunches and sit ups are the most popular ways to work on your abdominal muscles and get them looking strong and firm. These are a pain but you can do a few reps of this every morning for your mid section which is equally as important as the rest of your body.

Squats: Squats target your lower body. They build those strong and firm legs. The lower body shouldn't be neglected but a lot of people do. However if you want an equal looking general body shape and not just a good looking upper body with a weak lower body strength then squats are the way to go.

Skipping: I always put skipping instead of running or jogging and especially as a quick exercise because you can do it in the privacy of your room without having to go out. Cardio exercises are very important and this is one of the best cardio exercises out there. It is better than running and jogging and it burn more calories. This takes care of your Cardio requirements while the rest tone your muscles.

So you can always rotate these four exercises and you will see that just these four exercises can target and take care of your whole body. All you need is to divide them and make sure that you do about three each day that you workout and that you do not do anyone less than 2 or 3 times a week.

For this morning you can just do this

20 push ups (you can split into 10 push up done 2 times with a 30 seconds break in between)

20 squats ( you can also split this like the push ups)

40 Crunches ( you can split this into two also and do 20 for each turn)

     These are really small numbers and they are okay for you to start with. On the days you decide to do your skipping workout all you need to do is to pick 2 other workouts but make sure that the push ups is the second choice. I would say Push ups and Crunches because the skipping would target your legs very well.

The best thing about these exercises is that they require no equipment apart from the skipping rope which goes for a very little cost.

Remember I also always tell you, working out isn't strictly for slimming down. Workout could even help you bulk up if that is what you are looking for so do not run from working out if you are slim. It is healthy for you. Plus it would help you burn those extra calories you gained from Last night. I Just hope the buzz has cleared from your head so you will be able to workout this morning. lol

So that's it for the morning. I hope you do something this morning. Do not neglect your workout, it's very important and the sooner you start it the better. There is no better day to start, you have to start today. Start with these little numbers and build them up. With time you would notice the changes and you wouldn't regret them. Workout works!

Well I'm off to start my own routines. Catch y'all later in the day. Have a fit Saturday Fam...

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At 27 June 2015 at 11:26 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I pledge not to be lazy,i need to work on ma tummy,i nid a 6pack asap..

At 27 June 2015 at 13:59 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Squats all d way!!!

At 7 July 2015 at 11:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

Exercise is good but I am already slim with stress so adding exercise can make mi skinny


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