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Thursday 18 June 2015

Do Relationships work like magnets?

     Remember your physics and chemistry lessons? I think if you had a 'not-so-naughty' upbringing, then those classes would have been the first place you heard the saying that 'opposites attract'. It's only after we grew a little more and started opening our eyes to the boy-girl relationships part of life that we started relating that saying to our love life also. Now i'm very sure you have also heard the saying that people with opposite characters tend to stick together more than lovers with too many similarities. For example a cool headed guy would most likely end up with a hot headed girl and a quiet person would most likely fall for a very chatty person. But how true do you feel this is? Is it always true that you have to seek out your opposite to be sure of a happy and long lasting relationship? What are your thoughts?. I'll tell you what I feel first...

    First of all I'll say that it's both true and false. Sometimes in order to have the full experience of life with a little twist and adventure to it, you have to go for someone who is different from you. Someone who will explore other things that you wouldn't think of on a normal day. Someone that will push you to explore those things because left for you, you just would remain comfortable doing things you know. At the same time, it has it's own down side because you wouldn't always agree with that person and if things go wrongly, you might find yourselves constantly disagreeing and quarreling which could be unhealthy.

I personally believe that it isn't about finding your opposite or someone that thinks just like you.'s a lot deeper than that and that is one thing that people miss. I personally believe it's about your values as a person, you morals and your ethics. Does the person respect the same things you respect? Does the person find the things you see as morally wrong also morally wrong? Do you both share the same general life ethics and values? These are the key things that I believe that would determine if you will end up together and most importantly, stay together. It goes far beyond petty interests. Those little things like what kind of music, movies and sports your partner likes contributes a lot. But if you do not have the same values, then you wouldn't last long enough to even find out if your partner prefers wizkid to davido. This is my personal opinion and i'm curious to find out what you guys feel about this topic. Drop your comments in the comment box below.

As I would always say, there is no particular formula that would work for everyone. Everybody reacts to different situations in different ways. It all depends on you and what you can take. It's different strokes for different folks but the above point about values tends to help a lot.

So how about you, do you prefer having someone who has the same interests as you or would you prefer ending up with your opposite?

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At 18 June 2015 at 16:54 , Blogger esit said...

I'm all for same interest. I'm pretty introverted and laid back, honestly those 2 words are just nice ways of saying I'm boring and I'm happy being a dead babe. Any guy with too much gra gra, who's more outdoorsy with an adventurous spirit will exhaust me. And so i believe the opposite attract theory belongs to my physics class, dead & buried!
Relationships on their own are exhausting, why would i want someone on the opposite pole of my interests to come & compound my stress? I'll pass.
Gotta say granpa Ralph, the most interesting part of this post is the fact that you know wizkid & davido. Good job!

At 18 June 2015 at 19:17 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Most times, the people we end up being with aren't the ones we planned, I don't think there's any rule attached to finding a partner, I think it just happens!

At 19 June 2015 at 08:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice question.i prefer having some ono who has the same interest i have on some thing why,at times i love to go with an illustration or diagram.
There was a house help we employed newly in our house,we don't know he don't eat the same food we eat for peace to reign we make sure that we provide the one that he eat until one day we decided to give him a condition either he eat what we eat or he go.
So is not possible to live with opposite why because there must be dissagreement one day.
Let me put it this way i love hip pop song my wife love christain song and she is hardcore christain why am not how do you think that we coup when we don't believe in the same thing the relationship we be full of pretence and endurance which we not last long.
So i prefer some one who has the same interest and values with me.

At 19 June 2015 at 09:48 , Blogger Anu Funke said...


At 19 June 2015 at 09:51 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

For me it's a mixed dnt av to always be on same page, variety is d spice of life.

At 19 June 2015 at 15:05 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Its all about settling for one who compliments you....

At 20 June 2015 at 08:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

I think I would go with mixed cos having a direct opposite of me would be war as I take some moral things seriously, dont like talkatives as they mostly say nonsense etc all the same God would snd the person he planned for me

At 26 June 2015 at 08:20 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

U and ur spouse cannot av all tins in common.....thats where d role of compromise comes in. Attimes you have to trade in some tins!!!


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