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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Get and stay dedicated to fitness

Hello everybody! I am feeling kind of physically fit this morning. As a matter of fact I got into work late because I took my time to exercise today...properly. From a stretch, to a warm up then proceeding to the main workout I made sure to keep my mind on my form and techniques. Finally I rounded up with a cool down and light massage. It was fun I must tell you guys. It was fun until I cam in to work and the boss man decided to punish me as usual with a heap of work. Like the one I did last week wasn't enough? Can't a man get a little rest? I'm getting too old o! Anyway cos of  that, this morning I want to do a short post on fitness.

Ready?...Yeah I know fitness is boring but just get in here and read this, it won't take you more than 2 minutes. It's a short one.

The Importance of physical fitness can never be overemphasized. No matter how big or small you are in body size, you still need physical fitness. The problem is that most people tend to associate fitness with weight loss each time the term is mentioned in a sentence especially in reference to them. The slimmer folks especially would respond with "I'm already slim, I don't need to exercise" or something similar. Well Ladies and gents of the slim category and those on the bigger side, I just want to say that fitness doesn't have to do with just your body size okay? Their is a huge difference between looking slim and looking fit. There is also a huge difference between feeling slim and being slim.
This morning though I am going to be talking of the physical gains and not the other gains of physical fitness and trust me. It's not just about weight, it's about your general look and physique.

This months focus is on hard work and dedication right?. And somehow anytime that is mentioned, we tend to associate it with only our occupation or jobs. Well I just want to tell you that it applies to every single part of your life that you wish to make progress in. It applies but is not limited to your work, relationship and even health. If you want a good body? That strong and firm body that isn't flabby be you man or woman, you have to go and get it by doing exercises. However you won't be able to reach your dream body without hard work and dedication. You have to be able to stay mentally and physically dedicated to your goal while applying the hard work needed to achieve it.

Always remember that no matter your size and body type. You need that exercise. Being slim just doesn't do it. You have to be slim and yet have a good body. Yes, it's possible to be slim and yet have a "not-so-good-to-look-at" body so don't look so surprised. You might be slim and look good in dresses but don't you feel that guilt when you are along and get undressed in front of the mirror and everywhere is weak and saggy instead of firm? I mean I am all for you embracing your body just the way it is. However there are lots of you who still wouldn't embrace their body no matter what. Well the only thing you can do is start now to work it out. Get up today and choose to look better. Get exercising and tighten up that skin. Squat low and get that good behind and strong legs. Get down and do those push ups, stick to them until you complete your reps and round. Most importantly apply hard work and dedication

Work hard towards your fitness goal and stay dedicated to it for as long as it will take. Keep at it until you get the body you are looking for and even then, keep working to maintain it. Do this and you won't have regrets when you are older trust me.

Good morning!

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At 17 June 2015 at 10:14 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Preach on pastor!!!
Lolzzzzz..ave been lazy lately and had ignore exercising cos of the body aches dat comes thereafter...*coversface*

At 17 June 2015 at 12:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

True talk.i commend you for this.

At 17 June 2015 at 18:47 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

*covers face* I've been lazy this past few days, it's not easy mehn, maybe it's because i've been busy tho', this motivation is highly needed!

At 17 June 2015 at 20:17 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

No serious exercise for now just my squats *wink* *wink *

At 17 June 2015 at 23:37 , Blogger Amazing May said...

Nice...but am too lazy for that right now

At 18 June 2015 at 09:00 , Blogger Oluwa Toyin said...

Rightly said

At 18 June 2015 at 23:55 , Anonymous Brielle said...

So just recently I got hit by dis fever of getting slim,cutting down food and jogging...I 4got d part about being fit and actually working d muscles.... ralph 10ks 4 d reality check!

At 19 June 2015 at 20:09 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ended up doing some workout in d evening, dou not for long!!

At 20 June 2015 at 08:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

Exercise is good but people like me would be careful on the exercise as I am already slim not skinny oo nd any lil thing can make me reduce but in all exercise is good


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