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Wednesday 3 June 2015

Time out with Ralph: Kayode

I'll be kicking off the 'Time out with Ralph' Section today. I haven't concluded on the name yet though *covers face*.

 A couple of days ago, Kayode on my BBM put up this pic above and I asked him to permit me to discuss it with him. Due to some reason or the other we weren't able to do that on the same day but we finally did it this morning. So here is how the discussion went down...

Ralph : Hello and Good morning Kay. I am sure you got my last BC Right? If you don't mind i'll like to know what made you put this up. Is this something you believe in?

Kay: Yeah, It is something I believe in but ladies should still go about it in a subtle way

Ralph: So it's cool for them to make the first move in your books as long as it's subtle right?

Kay: Yeah, Most ladies believed that they should be chased whereas we have a lot of shy guys around

Ralph: It's true, there are lots of shy guys around but what of their usual fear of rejection or being seen as desperate? I feel that the reason ladies shy away from this is because of that fear of rejection or being seen as loose.They feel their intentions could be misread and that the guy could end up treating them as "what they (the men) feels they (the ladies) are"  Or don't you think so?

Kay: That is why I said in a subtle way. Like smiling at the guy. Yes we have guys like that, that can take advantage of that but I believe the risk is worth taking

Ralph: Okay so leading him on, like giving him an obvious encouragement right?

Kay: Yes......obvious encouragement

Ralph: Life is full of risks I guess.

Kay: Yes, it's full of risks and Ɣøû can never know unless Ɣøû try.To me, its better to make a mistake than not trying at all. That is why Ɣøû see a lady playing hard to get being dumped for girls like this

Ralph: And if you never try then it may never happen, Right?

Kay: That is it

Ralph: You are absolutely right. Playing it safe and not risking it is worse than taking the risk and failing.

Kay: That is why there is a saying that 'experience is the best teacher'

Ralph: So do you have any advice you would like to give the ladies out there who are holding back too much?

Kay: They should give it a try and try to make some background check on the guy to know if he is in a serious relationship or not.

Ralph: That's very important right? These days you just never know who is in one and who is using you to cheat on someone else. Could be a married person even. Crazy world we live in full adventurous souls. Lol

Kay: Yeah and the ladies have to be sincere to themselves. They should ask themselves questions like, why am I having a crush on this guy? Is it because he is rich or handsome?

Ralph: And they should also ask "or is it because I have genuine feelings for him that could grow into love" right?

Kay: Yeah, Because most of what we call love is infatuation that will eventually die: The most important thing is friendship, it's more important than love

Ralph: It's Very true, friendship lasts a lot longer than love so first developing friendship between you and the one you want to be with is the most important thing. From there you both can then grow into loving each other and knowing the next step to take from there.

Kay: Yeah

Ralph: Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts with me Kay. I appreciate you taking your time out for the little chit-chat. Have a nice day bro.

Kay: You are welcome Ralph

Ladies and gents, that was Kay form my BBM expressing how he feels about ladies being too strict with who should make the first move. I think I go with Kay on the point he made about giving an obvious encouragement to a guy that you like and sometimes taking risks.  It is okay to be the one to make the first move if you are okay with that, just know that there are risks also. Your intentions could be misread but then again it could lead to something beautiful for you. Your dream man could be out there but what if he is too shy to walk up to you and you are too scared to take the risk also? What happens then? Well that is a question for you to go to be tonight with. At the end of the day the choice is yours. You do what you can handle okay?

So Ladies: Have you ever made the first move on a guy? Given any of them an obvious encouragement? Have you ever seen your dream man and been too scared to walk up to him? Have you ever pushed a good person away by playing hard to get?

For the guys: Has a girl ever made a move on you or encouraged you to move on her? How will you feel if a girl was to do that to you? Will you take advantage of her, see her as a loose cannon or give her a fair chance to show who she really is

Note: I edited some of the chat contents to help it make more sense to my readers. was the interview fam? Do you guys think I should continue with it? I think I like this. Lol

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At 3 June 2015 at 19:06 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

I don't just like it I LOVE it!!! D conversation was quite interesting

At 3 June 2015 at 19:31 , Blogger esit said...

a) Nope, like i don't have that kind of liver yet. As a female i believe it is my God given right to be chased, what's wrong with that?
b) if by obvious engagement you mean like i instantly give him my number when he asks or be all mushy & smiley like an idiot when he walks up to me then yea
c) all my dream men have been on tv, most of them i wouldn't date anyway cause they're fine as hell and all they're good for is admiration from afar, in their lane!
d) honestly if a girl plays hard to get, it's as simple as she's really not that into you. So in actual sense she's doing you a favour by letting you walk away.
Absolutely love this segment. I see the blog is moving to permanent site. So much greatness. Happy for you ralph

At 3 June 2015 at 19:32 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

What an interesting dialogue you guys had!!!
Well as for me,making the first move does not mean a lady z cheap,its al about sending the right signals the guy's way.moving with the flow and before you know it..the guy z urs!!!!..lolzzz

At 3 June 2015 at 20:07 , Blogger Unknown said...

Is just a nice interview waiting for the ladies in the house to comment.

At 3 June 2015 at 21:39 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Don't i just luv u with dis comment? #nohomo

At 3 June 2015 at 21:45 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Time out with Ralph is sooo on point. Pls do start d segment bur interesting topics only ooo!!!

At 3 June 2015 at 22:46 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha hahaha is not easy to make the first move.

At 3 June 2015 at 23:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Making the first move?....hell no!....not even in my dream

At 3 June 2015 at 23:17 , Blogger esit said...

Love u back hunny

At 4 June 2015 at 04:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

It is okay to be the one to make the first move but it is not easy and some women never tried this because of how some guys make it a big deal. I think I can give u the right signals but I dont have the liver to ask you. You just have to be conscious to read the signals when u see it

At 4 June 2015 at 07:25 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I totally agree with Kay and I understand d pressure on d ladies too, so i'll just ask the ladies to give the right signals and not come all out.

At 4 June 2015 at 07:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

U just said it all. Nyc

At 4 June 2015 at 09:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh wow! Nice feedback from everyone. Guess I'll carry on with this section of the blog. Thanks guys. Now I hope the people I ping will be willing to chat up


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