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Saturday 27 June 2015

Two Wrongs...

He pushes her on the cotton sheets and she lands with a soft thud as the dun-lop mattress masks the intensity of the fall. He climbs on top her and she hears the sound of her skirt as its ripped from her waist. She thinks about struggling but just lays and stares at him, he pays her no attention. He undoes his trousers fly, slips his stud into her and starts going at it without any intention of giving pleasure, he concentrates only on receiving the pleasure instead.
      She looks away from him in disgust to her right as the force of his movements pushes her body back and forth on the queen sized bed. She closes her eyes and forces the tears that are building up back in, she is tired of struggling with him all the time that this has to happen. She bites the nail on her index finger in anger and looks to the ceiling. He glances over at her and as he maintains his back and fort motion on top of her, he wonders why she isn't putting up a fight today. Sweat drops from his fore head and explodes into tiny and vanish quickly into invisible drops as they impact on her left shoulder one by one. He smiles to himself, in his mind he has won her, he has succeeded in showing her who's stronger. But the thought doesn't last for more than half a second, all he is concentrated on for now is receiving pleasure. He thinks about it for another second, It's been eight years into their marriage and she had stopped fighting, she had learnt how to obey her master. He was proud of himself. He again acknowledges his strength and pumps harder.

Minutes that seem like ages to her pass by and as she stares at the ceiling while her body is rocked constantly by the motion of the man on top of her. Her red blouse is half way buttoned downed a slightly exposes her bosom but she doesn't make an attempt to cover up. As she bites on her nail, a smile crosses her face and she whispers softly into the cold air that has turned warm because of the sweat the man on top her has been building up. In the sound carried by the air a name is made out of her whisper. But not her husbands name. She quickly looks over at him in fear that he heard her but he didn't hear the name she mentioned. He is still too busy pumping away and moaning to hear anything. She looks away again and in a moment is lost in thought, there at that moment and position she thinks of another. It's the thoughts of her co-worker who she was in this same position with just earlier that day but with no thought of struggle at all but of acceptance. She felt more pleasure when he was the one, she always did. He did a far better job than whatever her husband was doing at that point. A feeling of guilt rushes up her chest but she closes her eyes and suppresses it. She reminds herself that she needs happiness, that she deserves satisfaction and that she would get it form her co-worker instead. She won't be a slave forever in her home and remain miserable....

It's been eight years into her marriage to Mathew and those have been the worst years of her life. This was not the life she envisioned when she was young, she never knew that things would turn out like this. Growing up, she used to dream of the perfect marriage where she would have a good rapport with her significant other. She pictured a man who would listen to her and hear her out when she speaks. She pictured a man who would put up with her no matter what but here she was, caught in a nightmare that she couldn't escape from, at least not yet. At least not until Daniel announces his divorce to his wife and engages her like he promised.
      Through the years that she had been married to Mathew she had tried her best to reason things out with him but he wasn't that sort of man. Mathew was a man who believed that when he speaks, a woman should listen and obey, never to object or question. He strongly believed that it was a mans world and that women strictly existed to serve men. At least that was what she understood from his behavior. Her opinion counted for little to nothing and if she batted an eyelid or resisted an order from him for a second he made sure that she regretted it. It was a miracle that he let her work because such men never let their women have any kind of independence she thought to herself. The women depend solely on them and whatever they got from the men was what they and the kids had to manage.

Flora had tried during the early stages of the marriage to put up as much fight as she could but she quickly learned that there was no reasoning with Mathew. She learnt quickly but boy, did she learn the hard way. She was always the stubborn type, she never listened to anyone. Her parents had spoiled her silly with riches and she had a bad mouth on her. Nobody ever won any kind of verbal argument with her while she was growing up. She was quick to reply without thinking and quicker to rain abuses on anybody that got into any kind of heated verbal dispute with her. If only she knew that her luck was going to run out when she got married she would have saved some of the luck from the past or at least found a solution before time.
 In the marriage it was a one way street. She had no right to question his decisions in the house or even get angry at them. He wasn't a violent person although he had gotten a bit rough on 3 different occasion but she blamed that partly on the alcohol intoxication on one occasion and her very bad mouth and hot temper on 2 other occasions. She slapped him on those 2 occasions and he returned it without thinking twice. The problem was that the next day when he realized or came to terms what he had done, she could see the guilt on his face but it was always quickly replaced with a consciously prepared care-free attitude. Plus there was never a form of apology on each occasion, not the tiniest hint of it. Mathew never believed that the lips of a man should be stained with the abomination called an apology, especially not to a woman. But then Flora was only human, it was only a matter of time before the slightest care from a different person made her turn into someone she wasn't. Even if the person wasn't the kind she would appreciate or date on a normal day, in her present condition she would appreciate anything better. Even when she questioned herself, her friends who were aware of her situation encouraged her. "You need to have a little relief if not you will go mad in that marriage and it's not like you are ready to leave him" they said to her.

Mathew was still on top her and his moans came out muffled. She recognized those sounds as signs that he was about to finish up and she was partly disgusted at the sound and partly glad that the torment was almost over. As Mathew finished up with a quivering release, she quickly pulled her self away from him in disgust and ran into the bathroom. He didn't bother going after her, he lay down and slowly started drifting into sleep. In the bathroom. flora sat on the toilet seat, the trickling sound of her pee could be heard, her hair was scattered and she fought back tears that wear built more out of anger than hurt but nevertheless from both. Her thoughts, searching for comfort quickly redirected itself to a young man at her office...
       She never believed in cheating but it had been a long time since any man had gazed upon her the way Daniel did. His gaze seemed pure and it pierced right through her eyes and reached down to her heart to melt it. That was the way she felt and the years of neglect had made it easy for a simple gaze to weaken her. Usually she was the kind of person that a million dates and gifts wouldn't shake but she was vulnerable. His gaze made her soul light up and it reflected in her physical expressions. They met at work and regardless of how worn out and tattered she looked all the time, he managed to see the beauty in her and never hesitated from the first day to tell her how beautiful she looked. The first week they met about 5 years ago, he took her out that evening and they sat and spoke. He noticed the fear in her and knew that she had a problem with speaking up. But Daniel knew the right words or maybe 'tricks' to get to her and had the right amount of patience to get her to settle down and get comfortable with him and that was all they needed.  It wasn't long after that they started sneaking around for some afternoon and late night bedroom dances if you know what I mean. Daniel knew well enough that Flora was married but he couldn't keep himself away from her. He had told himself over and over again that he was going to stop but he found himself powerless to resist. He often wondered how any man could neglect such a beautiful woman but he was very glad that he did. It's not like she minded or wasn't aware that he was married as well. At least he was getting some of the good stuff from such a beautiful and well shaped lady and she was too caught up in her own life's mess to ruin his own marriage for him. Even if she decided to take his wife's position or announce of their infidelities, his marriage was already on the rocks and he almost didn't care.
       The first time they made love, she had never felt that much passion and she knew from then that she was hooked, she was fine with it and made no attempt to fight it. This was what she needed at that point in her life. She would leave her husband and be with Daniel if she could but she was too scared to leave her husband, at least not until Daniel was ready. So for about 5 years she had been playing her husband, but what did he care? He was too full of himself to care. The only time he spent talking to her was either when he was screaming orders of what he wanted done or when he was screaming at her for something she didn't do right. He never noticed for all those years that she dressed a little better to work, wore better makeup, made her hair and generally took better care of herself. He never noticed someone had given her a reason to look good everyday. He didn't notice or suspect that someone was noticing her and appreciating her a whole lot better than he did.

Flora's thought faded back into reality and she bit her lips with the thought of how much she was missing Daniel already. He needed him with her again as soon as possible. What made it worse was that he was traveling and would be gone for a month. She felt a throb in her heart and a twist in her stomach out of anxiety and she took a deep breath. She would have to result to late night secret calls but those were really dangerous. "Maybe I should just leave him till he comes back" she thought to herself. She quickly wiped herself with the tissue in the rest room, stepped out of her panties that were on the floor and walked into the shower cubicle to wash her husband away from her. This was something she had come to do more often each time they had intercourse.

On the bed in the room, Mathew was slowly drifting but his heart was beating faster than usual. He felt something wrong with what had just happened. His wife gave in to him too quickly but not out of her own desire. He felt he had won her but inside him he knew something was wrong. He could even swear that he saw her smiling faintly and mischievously from the corner of his eyes. Also he thought he overheard her say a name that wasn't his but he wasn't very sure. Had he been too hard on her? He was just trying to make sure that he had good control over his house hold because of his wife's temper and bad mouth. He didn't want to look like his wife could control him or that he couldn't tell her what to do. Should he apologize to her and sort issues out with her he thought to himself. He was really scared of losing her but didn't know how to go about it. "Maybe I should go and apologize to her" he thought to himself again. As he made an attempt to stand up, he stopped and laid back down and quickly shook the thought out of his head. He needed to "be a man" and show no weakness he thought to himself
        "Apologize to a woman? Impossible! That is no way to stamp your authority as a man, that would be showing weakness. They will use you if you let them, you will look like a weak fool" That was exactly the way Mathew and his friends repeated it to themselves when they sat and discussed about issues that came up in their various homes.

You see while growing up, Mathew was the last born and got more than enough scolding form his elder siblings. He got used to being seen as the weakest in his family because the society around him easily attached weakness and the "mummy's boy" title to last children. Other kids might have taken it lightly or eventually gotten over this but not Mathew, not at all. This stuck to him,so immediately he had someone under his care, he made sure to stamp his authority and made sure that it was never questioned for any reason what so ever. His clique of friends also didn't help because they shared the same belief of absolute control over women with him. Consequently, he turned into a man that never listened or admitted his faults and to make it worse, his click of friends encouraged him. Years had passed in his marriage and he had seized all the authority he wanted. But then he was too caught in seeking authority that he couldn't see that he had lost his wife and that she didn't care anymore. He didn't care much either or at least that was what he thought. As long as he got what he wanted and maintained his position of authority he was fine. That was why nothing would have prepared him for what happened later. Mathew never suspected what he was going to experience.

On a Saturday morning, Mathew left for work and as usual dropped money for food with his wife. He always gave her more than enough but he wasn't scared that she would save up and run away because she hardly knew how to manage money. She would always squander it in buying clothes, although he never thought of who those clothes were meant for impressing because it sure wasn't him.
       He had been gone for about an hour and wasn't going to be back for another 7 or more hours. As usual his wife had brought her lover over to the house for their usual mid afternoon rump which she had missed for a while now. This was happening more frequently because their office was going through some renovations and their departments where greatly affected so they had to stay home for a week or two.  They had all the time to meet up and seeing that Daniel was married to a house wife that was always at home, they couldn't do it in his house. Daniel had only gotten back from his travel a week ago and she was dying to see him again. Even though they had seen and engaged in their lustful acts a couple of times after he came back, she couldn't get enough of him just yet. They were still sitting at the living room and before they could start she was already feeling the rush of blood down in her genitals and she felt her organ below throbbing in anticipation. She paid no attention to his words as he spoke, she just wanted to have him.

Mathew was a couple of blocks away when his boss called and reminded him of the meeting that they had with the foreign investors in the company that very morning. He reassured his boss that he was well prepared and just to make sure he quickly went over his files to be sure he had everything he needed. However he discovered that he had forgotten an essential document, he quickly looked at his watch, calculated the time it will take him to retrieve the documents and decided to head back for it. He turned his car around quickly and started speeding faster than usual towards the house to grab the document and make it back on time...

To be continued....

Don't kill me o *runs away*

To continue the story CLICK HERE

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At 27 June 2015 at 19:11 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ralph where are u running to? #drawingyoubackbythearm

At 27 June 2015 at 21:01 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ghen ghen!!! It af happen oo oo. .... aunty flora is in trouble. And Dats how Uncle Matthew caught broda Daniel PRAYING hard with hiz

At 28 June 2015 at 09:14 , Blogger Amazing May said...

Story that touches the heart

At 28 June 2015 at 12:58 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Aunty Flora and Uncle Daniel has entered trouble today #LetsHearWhatHappens!

At 28 June 2015 at 19:20 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Omo see gbege oo!!!

At 29 June 2015 at 07:08 , Anonymous haaj said...

Isssssorite! This are about to get really interesting

At 29 June 2015 at 11:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Papi....Wow! I started reading this post yesterday buh I didn't finish it...I just did and all I can say is WOW!!!!

**sigh** How are you darlin'...**bats lashes**

At 30 June 2015 at 01:05 , Anonymous Brielle said...

Okay ralph please don't kip us waiting too,u really paid attention to details in dis 1...even dough I already can guess d end! Who wants spoilers! #hides from ralph!

At 30 June 2015 at 09:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

hehehe....happy to see everyone waiting patiently for the rest of the story..

At 30 June 2015 at 09:15 , Blogger Unknown said...

hiya darling....have missed you a lot on the blog. I have been so busy these past days that I haven't been able to respond to the comments. I've been a terrible blogboo to you but i'm going to get better. I'll shoot you an email soon, I have something to discuss...


At 30 June 2015 at 10:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting story guess we would be waiting for part two abi hehe


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