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Monday 15 June 2015

Morning coffee

Hellloooooooo!!!!! *deep breath*. Wow! These keys on my keyboard look and feel so foreign to me right now. It feels like it's been ages! But before that... *looks at everyone* What sort of family is this sef? So because I traveled small on business you people now left the cobwebs to grow to this extent eehn? Thelma I am disappointed in you. And the rest of you! In fact let me not start now, I'll deal with all of you later. Lol

How is everybody doing this Monday morning. I am so sorry for leaving without any warning at all. I was taken by surprise and that's why I didn't let you guys know i'll be out for a while like I usually do. We usually get external auditors sent to the office where I work once a month and we had no warning of their arrival this time. It was crazy throughout last week. Once again I apologize for my absence, it's not like it won't happen again but i'll appreciate it if you guys bear with me okay?

It's been a while I sipped on this morning coffee. Hope I don't get burned. Anyways, let's get this going...

Yesterday night when I finally had a little time to myself to sit and think after the whole craziness at the office. I put on a movie but my mind kept drifting to a thought I couldn't make out, like something wasn't right/ I kept wondering what it was, what was missing in my life. I couldn't place my thought on it until I sighted my laptop again. Then I remembered that I had been away from this part of my life for too long. This blog has become a major part of me and I am happy for that. I have always loved writing, helping people out and have always loved the opportunity to speak my mind so this blog provides the platform to do all that and many more. The most important of cos being that I get to interact with great people like you. So thanks a lot to every single person here, to those that checked on me and to those that kept refreshing the page waiting for me to post another article. Thanks a whole lot!

As I held my laptop yesterday and looked at it thinking of everything this blog meant to me, a scary thought mixed in with the beautiful thoughts and it got me wondering deeper. What was the thought you ask?....Well I thought to myself "What will I ever do if there ever comes a day that I had to stop blogging for one reason or the other". What would happen if I ever decided to stop this completely? Would I ever be able to go on with my life leaving something like this behind?....

You see, I can honestly tell you guys that this blog is something I do straight from the heart. The only gain I get from this is the fulfillment in my heart of having helped or inspired someone out there. Yes of cos if it starts bringing in huge bucks for me tomorrow I wouldn't mind at all but this is something I love doing and wouldn't mind having no monetary gains from it. If only you guys knew my face you would imagine the look on my face each time I approve a comment. Especially a comment that shows me that I just made an impact on someones life. So you can imagine how I would feel if I ever had to leave this. I'll have left a part of me behind and I doubt I'll ever be the same person.

So here is my advice for every single one of you this morning. Hold on to your passion. Hold on to it tight. That thing that makes you who you are, that thing that gives you joy, hold on to it. If you don't know what it is yet then you have to discover what it is, recognize it in your life and hold on to it. Never let go no matter what. Always keep that passion burning hot! It's a part of your life and I doubt you have found happiness if you haven't found that passion. Remember, when I say passion, I mean that selfless thing that you love doing. That thing that you want nothing extra from apart from the joy of just doing that thing. Find it and hold on tight to it.

That thought I had yesterday about losing my passion? Wow! it was so scary that I decided not to think further about it and just dwell on this moment and use it the best way I can. Help as much people as I can and if such a day ever comes that I have to let this go? Then I'll know what to do on that day. This is a bridge I definitely do not want to plan on how to cross. The most scary part of it is that you never know if the day would come today or tomorrow. I however hope it never comes till I draw my last breath.

So how about you? Do you have a passion? What is it? Have you every had to stop something you loved doing? How did it feel? If you ever had to quit your passion, how do you feel you will be able to move on?

Good morning everyone! It feels good to be back I tell ya! How have you guys been? What has everyone been up to?



At 15 June 2015 at 10:44 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie be calling me out...
#teardrop#,after you went AWOL on me and the blogfam..not fair at al..
When next ure going MIA,kindly let us know!!!
We deserve to know!!!

At 15 June 2015 at 10:56 , Anonymous Brielle said...

Ralph it's so gud 2 have u bak....i almost had a heartbreak from missing u dis period u were away, lol....please don't disappear on us like dat again....and if u eva tink of quitting just remember all d pipl u have touched thru dis blog, especially the blogfam

At 15 June 2015 at 12:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome back Mr Ralph.happy new week guys.

At 15 June 2015 at 15:36 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Hey Ralph, it's awkward how u left without a warning o, good u're back sha...thank God u're living ur dreams through the blog, happy new week!

At 16 June 2015 at 08:01 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Ralph!! Don't play 007 on us next tym ooo!! Welcome bk all d same

At 16 June 2015 at 11:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

I won't try it again, I'll warn my boss seriously, just be watching.

At 16 June 2015 at 11:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm soorry for leaving without a warning sodiq, It won't happen again. The auditors kind of came unannounced but we took care of everything well. Thanks for still checking on the blog.

At 16 June 2015 at 11:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mr freeborn. Thanks a lot

At 16 June 2015 at 11:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

HIya Brielle, I am sos orry for missing like that. I won't try it again and no heartbreak for you dear. I'm right here so hold on to that heart very well. Feel good to be back and I missed the blogfam a whole lot also

At 16 June 2015 at 11:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

I am so sorry thelma, I didn't mean to just disappear. But you shouldn't have let the cobwebs grow nau. So if I pass on will this house remain like this? Lol

At 16 June 2015 at 15:10 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Mr ralphie,pass on ke??..lailai oo
When next ure going MIA,as your executive secretary,kindly lemme know and also hand over the keys to da building so i can be cleaning the cobwebs pending your return from sabbastical..

At 17 June 2015 at 21:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's nice to have u back after u went AWOL. Welcome back


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