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Tuesday 30 June 2015

Morning Coffee

    30th of the month huh? Wow! I don't know who caused it, I don't know how the person did it, I know I am suspecting Sodiq or Funke for it but this month ran away. Maybe it was Esit because she has been awfully quiet recently, so quiet that I think she is up to some mischief. Whoever is responsible for making the month go by so fast sure did a hell of a job. Just simply because I set the months focus as Hard work and dedication, the person decided to manipulate life into moving so fast....smh.

Good morning Fam. How is everybody doing? If you are all doing great this morning then cool. If not the you will need a sip of this morning coffee to kick start your day.

let's gist...

First things first, I'll be posting the rest of the story titled "Two Wrongs" today. I know you guys can't wait to see what happened to Mathew, his wife Flora and her lover Daniel. Well you will be finding out later in the day so be prepared.

I really can't believe that June has come and gone already. Just seems like it was yesterday that I gave the months focus and polls. Now look at us at the very end of the month just a couple of hours away from a new month. I just really every single one of you would be able to look back at the month with a smile. A smile that shows content and happiness for how the month played out. As I said we have a couple of hours remaining so you have the opportunity to get that smile on your face before the month runs out. So if that smile isn't there yet, then this is the time to start working hard to get it there and the only way to get it there is by accomplishing those goals you have set out for yourself.
   If for some reason you haven't made any progress at all this month for reasons best known to you. I know right now you would be counting the hours remaining for the month to finish. Probably telling yourself that once next month comes you will make amends. Well it is good to make amends but it is better to start now and today. You don't know the mood or delay that will come tomorrow so it's best to make use of the time that you have right now. Stop putting your happiness and achievements so much on a future that you aren't sure of. It might be remaining just a few hours but a lot can be accomplished if you just bend down now. The months focus remains Hard work and dedication, you must apply these at this dying minute, it can make all the difference.

Speaking of the months focus. By the end of the day, this months focus and polls would expire. Do you guys have any suggestions for next months polls and Focus? What would you like us to debate and vote on through the polls. I need good and interactive ideas. Also what would you want us to focus on and improve on in July. Give me your suggestions and i'll keep looking for more ideas till anyone sticks and feels right?

Have a rocking end of month fam!

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At 30 June 2015 at 10:40 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Hi blogfam!!
So far so gud,the month of june has been great,cant complain,there are lot of tins i hoped for but somehow haven't gotten it.....but i know God will surprise me come JULY...
As for the theme for july,i'd suggest it to be KEEPING FAITH....
And as for the poll,i'd want us to state our views if we're for or against long or short term relationships.....
Dazzall for now...

At 30 June 2015 at 12:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Papi...I had to drop this here **covers face** Yes Yes Yes to what you sent eh.....I will send a mail shortly...

Fo the month of July eh....Pleas come already....So many things lined up...Muah Papi!

At 30 June 2015 at 16:45 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Lol, I claim responsibility for how this month went by so quick, almost every single day of June was stressful *aargh* no regrets tho'. Can't wait to read the rest of the story. I suggest contentment and thanksgiving for this month's theme.

At 30 June 2015 at 18:28 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Yea this month was super fast....Felt like I just celebrated my Bday
Looking forward to July. ...Op it won't be slow though!!
We could talk on when is it actually right for a child to start school. ?
How important is it for your spouse to know your past?
Male or Female boss which is preferable?
Online right/wrong is it?

......and lots more. But any of these wld be fynn

At 7 July 2015 at 11:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

June really ran fast


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