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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Should your hubby really be your job?

I took the time to pour 2 extra cups of coffee this morning for you guys. So who and who would like to join me this morning. You know what? Let's make this more interesting. Every morning I do a morning coffee session right? Or at least every once in a while. I rant during these sessions but I always have a message I am trying to pass across. So today the first two people to drop comments that are directly relevant to the topic we are discussing this morning would win a shopping coupon from It's worth 3k each.

So are you guys ready to sip this coffee?.... I thought as much! Lol

Let's do this...

During my time out last week and while I was occupied with the external auditors, my mind kept coming back to this blog and you guys that were waiting on me. It was kind of frustrating because I had a lot of work piled up in front of me and I wanted to be done as soon as possible and get back to the blog but at the same time I couldn't afford mistakes while the auditors were around. It then got me thinking of something that I have always believed in.
    You see I have heard people say one particular thing over and over about being happy with your job. They say "Find that thing that makes you happy, that thing you love doing and make it your work then you will never hate your job again". This is a very good advice but honestly I do not believe in this completely. Left for me I would say this... "Find a job, stick to it to feed yourself and your family then look for that thing that makes you happy and have it as a recreational activity". This is strictly my opinion and you are welcome to criticize it but not before I drop my explanation....

You see our everyday job is meant to provide us with the money we need to take care of our day to day activities and to help us plan for the future (if it's enough to run into savings). Yes, there are people that work just to stay busy and not idle but you have to agree that up to 95% or more of the worlds working population go to work for the money. As we all know, the money doesn't always come as quickly and as much as we want it. We don't always get it the way we want it that will enable us to set up a good comfortable life and that can be quite frustrating. The only reason we would stick to those jobs is simply because we might risk the possibility of not finding any job at all if we toss the one we have aside. However this doesn't help to ease the frustration that these jobs brings. I am talking of jobs with unnecessary stress, bad pay and bad working conditions.

Now imagine a person whose true passion is Music for instance. This person loves singing not for the fame or fortune but simply because he or she loves music as a thing. It brings him/her joy just doing it alone and the only extra joy that can come from it is if others appreciate what he/she does. Imagine when this person leans solely on Music as his/her source of livelihood and expects a reasonable amount of money coming in because he/she sings from the heart and knows the message he/she passes across in their lyrics. But then, the audience however prefers a different kind of music, they would rather hear of money, women, drugs and s3x and that's not just this persons style of singing. So consequentially the money isn't coming in at all or at least not the way he/she would prefer. Do you know what the frustration that follows that disappointment will do to that person? I'll tell you...It will take that Passion for Music and ruin it for the person. The anger and self doubt that will follow will be channeled by the person towards that Music and if care isn't taken, the passion for that which they loved will only be alive in their past. It could lead to complete loss for interest and loss of that passion. The passion for the music would be replaced with the passion for the money.

Take me for instance, I have a job that I have to take care of every single day but I love blogging. I have been blogging for 6 months and counting now and I haven't earned a penny from it. Yes my adsense is up and running but it isn't that easy as just putting it up. Now imagine if for these 6 months, my salary had to come from this blog? That this was my source of living? I would have given up a long time ago. I would have hated blogging and looked for something else. The monetary interest would have corrupted my passion and left me frustrated.

I personally believe that you should allow your hubby to be a hubby. Do not add any monetary interest to that which you love passionately. Money corrupts and once it takes over the position of that which you have passion for then you should really be worried. Do not let the money corrupt your passion. If one day that passion of yours brings you money then fine, take it with all your heart and remove your mind from the possibility of it giving you money again. Find and keep a regular job. On the days you get too frustrated, instead of taking it out on your job and risking loosing your job, fall back to your hubby and find peace and happiness with it before going back to your regular job. Let it be your serenity, your peace of mind and your clarity.

As I said before, this is strictly my opinion. I would really love to hear yours...

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At 16 June 2015 at 13:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know if this topic is relevant for guy's through the hubby headline.
My small contribution is in terms of money,passion and hubby or hobby.i believe that if you have passion for some thing money we not be the main focus you can be working in royal dutch shell and be earning millions of dollars and still you we be lacking some thing what is that(happiness)because of what no passion in it.
Let me use my self as a example,i love music and is my no 1 hobby so i decided to to it down than lane.i release a nice album and gave it to marketers to sell the dump it and ate my money but i did'nt complain,not because i did not spend much money on it,but because of the passion or the interest i have in music made me to overcome the shame and it we not stop me from singing or releasing another album i believe that passion for some thing we be the first hubby if the person want to go far.

At 16 June 2015 at 15:01 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I totally agree with you mr ralphie..
Its adviceable we look for a good job that wud help us meet our needs and alongside pursue our hobby...take for example one whose hobby is cake making,he/she can bake cakes at his/her spare time and would equally be expecting pay at the end of the month and as time goes on,if there's enough savings to make you go solo on the cake making venture,then its al gud!!...

At 16 June 2015 at 21:29 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I agree with u, however, I think it's not a bad thing to make money from something u love doing if u can, for someone whose hubby is sewing for instance, she gets to be happy @ what she does and make money @ d same time, it's only natural!

At 17 June 2015 at 21:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

I totally agree with u as I have always thought of it but never voiced it out. I think we should stick with our jobs and alongside pursue our passion but in the long run if your hobby pays more, then you can dump the job but if not, abeg stick with the job

At 19 June 2015 at 19:50 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Job one side hobby anoda side... both can be bringing in income naa!! Money is never too


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