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Friday 5 June 2015

Morning Coffee

           .....Not just your coffee, while you are at it make sure to enjoy every single thing about your life. The people around you, the situations you face. Enjoy the good and the even the bad. It's a crazy world we live in. One day you are here and the next you are gone, a couple of years or decades after that, you are forgotten only to remembered through pictures and a few other memory triggering events or object. I know it sound scary but that's the funny part also. The fact that the world is that crazy, that you can be here this moment and gone the next is the more reason why you should have all the fun you want to. It's the reason why you should cherish this moment right here right now. It's good to plan for the future but don't loose this moment chasing the future that you are not sure of.

So how do you cherish this moment and enjoy your life? By getting your TGIF on of cos. By making sure that this evening, when you are done with work, you set all that aside and go have some fun!

I don't care the kind of person you are. Is your idea of fun watching movies, going out with friends, partying, clubbing, playing video games or just sitting in a dark room singing an undecipherable tune to yourself, that isn't my business! My only business is that I want you to have some fun today. I mean it's Friday. Just take a moment and look at that calendar. Today's date is 5th June 2014. Do you realize that never in this life will you get to experience today again? Once that clock strikes 12 midnight, it will all be gone. You will have to live with the decisions you have made today. So what's it going to be for you?

Take a load off guys. Kick back and enjoy a cup of coffee. Enjoy and appreciate everything and everyone around you. If you have any grudges with anybody then go and talk it out or work it out with the person. Are you having problems in your relationship? Forget your pride and what happened the past to cause those quarrels, make an effort to make amends right now. The only reason I am pushing you to do all these is because I don't want you getting interrupted with a negative thought when you are having fun this evening. I want you to have a good day with no burden of guilt or anger in your heart. That is the only way you will get to enjoy your day fully. So go out there and have all the fun you can.

I might not post much today because you guys know how busy the weekends are for me. I am going to try and clear up a lot of things this morning so I can go out this evening and practice what I am preaching right here.

So how is your evening going to be? Any plans yet? Make it a fun one and a good one to remember. Everyday is a day to create good memories.

Good morning Everyone. TGIF!!!

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At 5 June 2015 at 09:30 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy weekend guy's.
My evening gonna be awesome because we have plan to hit cenema with few families and friends by 5 pm this evening.
I just have a bit misunderstanding with a colleague of mind yesterday for interupting my order which i've vowed to make the dapour hot on him.
Please Mr Ralph how can some one redeem the coupon i've being trying to no avail.there is no were i saw wallet please brief me small about it because i have open an account there since.

At 5 June 2015 at 10:08 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Good morning everyone, TGIF, looks like today is going to be stressful tho', I really hope to have fun.

At 5 June 2015 at 20:09 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Helo blogfam!!!,have been offline since morny!!...whoooopsss,today was a bizy day for me,and y'al know wah???....its rained cat and dog altru so y'al can imagine how cold the night is...anyway,my plan is to lie down and keep myself here you have it!!! is beautiful!!...

At 5 June 2015 at 20:19 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Tday was kinda boring for me, all Tanx to d rain! !!

At 7 June 2015 at 21:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

Tanx for reminding me, I almost forgot there was something called fun


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