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Monday 22 June 2015

Monday Myth: The bigger always means better

Hi everyone, it's time for our weekly "Monday Myth". Today it's all about satisfaction in the bedroom and how it is related to the size of what a man has beneath those briefs.

Y'all ready?. Of cos you are! If it was one of my fitness posts you guys would grumble through it but I can almost see the seriousness on your faces for this post.

 Alright let's do this.

The size of a man, as much as it has a good role to play in stimulation has little to nil to do with the satisfaction a woman can get in the bedroom till she is ready to reach her peak and "explode" with pleasure. Yes, a man with a good and sizeable girth can get a woman going when he starts out but that doesn't help much to  bring the woman home with that earth shaking "O". The two key parts in a woman that are responsible for a lady to finish aren't hard or far to reach. The "bean" is right in front of the vajayjay and the g-spot is only about 2 inches into the lady part. So that means that a guy that is 2 or 3 inches in size is perfectly able to get a woman off if he knows what he is doing.

   The doubt that comes with having a small size is what affects the men and the women more than the actual size itself. A lady that likes a man huge would be instantly turned on by what the man pulls out of his trousers and how big it is. Seeing that your psychological mind state has a role to play in intimacy, a lady who likes it big would find herself feeling more satisfied with whatever the man does. At least until it's time for her to reach her peak then it would depend on how much knowledge of your body the man knows. While a man with a small size will give her nothing to look forward to "initially". If both the man and woman are able to get over the issue of size and be more dedicated to actually learning each others body then size wouldn't be much of a problem. As I said before, a huge size can get a woman going but would leave her halfway down the road if the guy doesn't know what he is doing. A man with a small size that knows what he is doing will bring you more satisfaction than a guy with a huge package that knows nothing about a woman's body.
So guys, it doesn't matter how big or small you are. All that matters is knowing how to navigate the tricky waters that is your ladies body. Even if she looks down on you because John her ex was packing a bigger package. You just stand your ground and show her that it isn't all about size. Show her that you can do a whole lot more than the other guy with whatever size you have.

Ladies, remember that the most important thing is knowing yourself. If you know yourself well enough then you would be able to gain satisfaction and most importantly teach your man how to satisfy you just the way you want it. Always keep in mind that your pleasure isn't only up to the man, you are just as responsible for it as he is. If you don't know yourself well enough then you are going to find it hard to show your man how to get to you.

That's it for today's Monday Myth. Know your own body better, master it and you would have the best bedroom experiences big size or not.

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At 22 June 2015 at 15:34 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

It's never about d size. There r pipu who are quite big but don't know how to satisfy their woman likewise we av dose wu ain't that big or call it small if u will and dey take deir woman to heaven n ryt back.
It's all about knowing how to maximize ur "potential". ...

At 22 June 2015 at 16:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice one,you just hit the hammer of the head.
About 45 percent of broken relationship is because of this.

At 22 June 2015 at 17:31 , Blogger esit said...

Personally i wouldn't want any gigantic package entering inside of me and displacing my uterus so...
average is always good.

At 22 June 2015 at 18:18 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Biko lemme read comments and learn..kwakwakwakwa
To me,size and the ability to do a great job matters,..

At 22 June 2015 at 18:59 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

....but for me average is more like it. Not too big to start choking me or too small dat i dont know wen it goes in or comes out.....

At 22 June 2015 at 20:48 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Dis post z something else..LMAO
Size and the ability 2 navigate well matters Oo

At 22 June 2015 at 21:34 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

It's skills that helps score goals, not size! It's all in d head most times!

At 23 June 2015 at 12:07 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

LMAO @anu funke..
She sure loves good machine gun..
#runningaway to hide#

At 26 June 2015 at 11:29 , Blogger Anu Funke said...

Thelma I dunno wat u talkin abt oo oo. ... lol *handsindair*

At 26 June 2015 at 12:16 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol!! Abi

At 26 June 2015 at 12:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hehe nyc post. SIZE and SKILLS matter a lot


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