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Tuesday 28 April 2015

2 days 2go!....Confront 'em

Good morning everyone!  Hope everyone is doing okay this beautiful Tuesday. Today i'm going to do a quick one and hope that i'll have enough time to drop a "Tuesday Tip" before today runs out. As I told you guys, we have some external auditors in the office and they are really a tough a bunch.   Before we move on to the topic of the day, I'll like to ask your opinion of a little something I wanted to add to the blog. You see i'm a crazy fan of music. I was thinking of bringing a music category into the blog, not just any type of music....I mean yeah I can listen to any music as long as it's good but I won't be bringing in just any type. I'm talking of songs with a message, be it obvious or hidden.  I was thinking of extending my inspiration through the music that artists have already dropped. I think a lot more people would be able to relate to the messages I want to send if I can extract some lyrics from these songs and use them as inspiration. So if you think this is a good idea then just let me know in the comment box below. So are we good to go? Awesome!

Alright on to today's post....

    So do you remember how quickly salaries always finish in December? And how you have to put on your best endurance skill to make it to the end of January without dying of hunger? I mean this last year's own was something else. I literally checked my calendar every single day from around the 6th of January till the month ran out praying for someone to end the torture. What made it worse was that our boss paid us our December salary about a week early so I finished mine earlier than usual...yeap, I'm not going to form that I'm a saint and I don't make bad choices cos I do...a lot! A brother has got to have some December fun right? Anyways fast-forward to this month and the same thing is repeating itself again. I really don't know what happened this time but I've found myself counting down again. It was while counting down this time that I got to realize that we only have two days to go in this month. Regardless of the fact that my pocket makes the days seem too long, the actual truth is that the days are going by really fast. I mean think of it, we are entering the 5th month of the year in two days time...Crazy stuff! I have just been too concentrated on something else to actually value my days one by one. One minute you feel you have all the focus you need and the next you find yourself distracted by something you can completely ignore or would have completely avoided. So my advice for you guys today is...Confront 'em!

You have two days to go as of today. Do you have any unfinished business? Do you have things you have been pushing for too long and procrastinating about? What are those goals and achievements that are pending because you feel it's okay to put them off. Well I am here to inform you that you have put them off for too long. You only have 2 days to go so it's time to get up and confront 'em. It's time to face those things you have been running away from, if you don't then they are going to remain there with you and turn into a bigger problem by tomorrow and as time goes by. It's time to face your fears, your enemies, your goals, your achievements...It's time to confront all of 'em.

Even in your private or everyday life. Do you have someone that has hurt you? Someone that has done something that you aren't happy about? You haven't been speaking to a person for a long time. Probably an old friend because of something they did to hurt you. You have two days to go before the end of the month, it's time to let go of the past and all the negative energy, trust me you don't want to step into a new month with any grudges or with a bad mind for anybody. You will only hinder your own progress in the process.

Maybe someone did something that got you annoyed and you decided to just be quiet about it while resenting them secretly. I think you should know by now that it never helps, for all you know you are only working on assumptions of what you feel the persons motives might have been. It's time to confront 'em. It doesn't mean you are weak or that you felt more hurt than the other person from whatever it is that happened between you two but for your own sake...just confront 'em. There is no better time to start preparing for the coming month than now. Start today to rid yourself of all the negative energy, anger, hurt, resent, procrastination, lack of fulfillment and every other negativity that you are storing up. Give your mind, soul and body a little break by removing the burden of negativity...Confront 'em today!

Finally I want to just give a big shout out to the AskRalph family, my regular readers, new readers and anyone reading this right now. I want you to know that you rock! Every single one of you is important in their own way. You are important to the people in your life and you are important to use here at AskRalph Family...I am happy to have all of you. Remain awesome!



At 28 April 2015 at 11:07 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Moral high!!! *shines tit*
We are so good to go mr ralph!!!
Bring it on!!!...
The month seems so slow in my eyes..
Ī want it to run faster cos girls aint smiling jawe.

At 28 April 2015 at 13:22 , Blogger Unknown said...

So so inspiring an moltivating and mind boggling,is as if i was the person you're refaring to because of what what i witness last 3 days ago thou i have reported it to police i understand i have to let it go thou that the wound is inside me just that i dont want to start the new month with it just as Mr Ralp ones say there is no better time to start preparing for new month than now,as i give my mind,soul and body a little break by removing the burden of negativity,i hope to achieve my aim.

At 28 April 2015 at 13:23 , Anonymous Laila said...

Nice one Ralph.

At 28 April 2015 at 13:26 , Blogger Unknown said...

Am proud of you Mr all are free to visit my blog any time day hour.

At 28 April 2015 at 13:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

So so inspiring an moltivating and mind boggling,is as if i was the person you're refaring to because of what what i witness last 3 days ago thou i have reported it to police i understand i just have to let it go?even thou that the wound is right inside me just that i dont want to start the new month with it just as Mr Ralp ones say there is no better time to start preparing for new month than now,as i give my mind,soul and body a little break by removing the burden of negativity,i hope to achieve all my aim this time around........

At 28 April 2015 at 14:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

That's a good one Mr Ralph..I agree with you, negativity is really a burden, once you let it go, there is an inward happiness that comes with it.

At 28 April 2015 at 15:04 , Blogger esit said...

I dunno about this mind and soul cleansing but I'm all for end of the month cause I get my pay check, that's enough to cleanse my mind.

At 28 April 2015 at 17:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

**covers face** Oh Papi....I do not bear grudges...I never could even if I wanted to...I forget the whole thing the second I yell at you and that's it......2 more days eh?? **bats my lashes** We need to celebrate a blog monthiversary here Papi and I don't know the date here you know...**blows kisses to my blogboo**

At 28 April 2015 at 20:10 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I say AYE to d music thing, sounds cool...this year is running really fast and I feel like i've not done much, procrastination is like my middle name and i'm beginning to think of going for an actual deliverance from d spirit of procrastination...the year has been favourable so far tho', thankful!!!

At 29 April 2015 at 08:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds cool right? I guess i'm going to start up on that and think up a few good songs, time to get my head phones on....lmao @ procrastination being your middle name, don't worry bro.. all you have to do is realize the importance of doing what you need to as soon as possible. Stay positive...Stay inspired!

At 29 April 2015 at 08:14 , Blogger Unknown said...

It's almost over I'm trying my best to slow it down but it's now working at all. I have a billion things to accomplish

At 29 April 2015 at 08:16 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mr Freeborn...I hope you sort everything out. Just breathe in and learn to let go. Holding on to grudges never helps you in any way. it only slows down your healing process

At 29 April 2015 at 08:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Laila...hope you've been good, been a while I heard from you. Holla back anytime

At 29 April 2015 at 08:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks amaka. what is your blog url? i'll love to come give you my support

At 29 April 2015 at 08:23 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the input Joy...negativity is a mental burden and it weighs far more than a physical burden

At 29 April 2015 at 08:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

lmao!....esit I swear you are incurable.

At 29 April 2015 at 09:51 , Anonymous Brielle said... this post actually spoke directly to me! Ralph ur gift of speech or shuld I say gift of writing is very compelling, I felt like u were standing over me and telling me 2 pick up the project I'm working on instead of delaying and submit dis application i'v also bin my school work 2 is lagging behind.....oh well,i guess I have just 1 day now 2 go!

At 30 April 2015 at 07:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

*blows kisses back at blogboo*...Hiya mami, I think it's just the best thing to do in any frustrating situation. Let it all out at once and let go all at the same time. There is never a need to hold on to things that will hurt you...My monthiversary would be on the 2nd of next month...that's in 2 day! any ideas for us to celebrate?


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