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Thursday 2 April 2015

Does Self Control Qualify you as a 'Fool'


     Who had an interesting time last night? I sure did!  I promised you guys a gist from the results of my pork-nosing yesterday and i'm here to deliver. Grab a seat, popcorn, drinks, empty your bladders and give me your attention. Brielle! I said go and empty your bladder!....All done? Awesome! let's get this started...
    So Tosin dragged me out last night just because he was feeling like it, come to think of it, he has never really had any good reason for dragging me out for a drink. On getting to our venue of meeting/bar of choice we noticed an empty seat near a set of 'flashy' looking ladies. By flashy I actually mean glittering, from their skins down to their choice in color of clothing. They seemed very engrossed in whatever they were discussing and could hardly notice us getting closer to them. We couldn't make out the faces as we got to the table closer to them and not for lack of trying (I was practically looking at them and looking away every micro second).  I pulled my chair out from under the table to sit down, it dragged on the inter locked ground and the 5 ladies turned at once to observe their new company. Just at the right moment I took a quick glance at their faces and wow! not even one of them had a single flaw I could detect, at least not at that first glance. Their make up was perfect and I could swear they'd still look good without it.

I finally sat down and just had to take another look and as I glanced back (I was backing their table) towards them, that was when I noticed the bottle of Moet on their table amongst the bottles of water and plates of food. I looked around for the man sponsoring the event and couldn't find him or an extra seat for him just in case he had stepped out to use the convenience. There was no sign of any man or seat for him and I have to say that I was truly impressed. Seeing a set of ladies just come out on their own to have fun without any other motives is quite rare. I turned to point my observation out to Tosin and he told me they could be runs girls but I quickly dismissed it. They looked far classier to be runs girls, these were working class ladies, probably from a bank or a company. Also I just generally stand against judging a person from their looks or before getting to know them. Well these day you can never be too sure so I decided to listen in on their conversation and find out more about them, maybe they might hint at something that would give away their class. I was in luck because they were talking about their office. However this wasn't about balancing records or sorting files... nah! They were talking about Tunde...Yes! it was about a guy. You need to see the way my ear stood to listen more when one of the ladies said "So you dey try tell me say una no do am?" However it was a whole lot more than this, let me explain the story with the much I gathered so you can understand a little more ...

Apparently the lady that was directly behind me, Nneka by name and her colleagues work in an office together. Tunde is her colleague and happens to be in in a long distance relationship with a girl that he loves very much. From the way they described him, it seems all the ladies in the office want his attention because of his good looks and physique but Nneka happens to be the one that gets it the most. Due to this fact and coupled with the fact that Tunde's relationship is a long distance one, everyone in the office believed that he and Nneka where going to get together.  As the conversation went on I also got to understand that he and Nneka had a little outing on Sunday evening after the elections. According to Nneka they finished seeing a movie in the cinema, went to a bar and she convinced him to let her sleep over in his house. He put up little to no resistance before giving in. This is where it get interesting....

They got into the house and their was no light. He wanted to go and put on the generator because of how dark it was. According to Nneka she was talking and she thought he clearly knew where she was regardless of the darkness but still bumped into her and grazed her b**bs. He then laughed and apologized, held her by  the waist and moved her out of the way so he could go restore power. On coming back he showed her to the room so she could freshen up. She got into the shower  and when she got out he wasn't in the room anymore. She waited a while, almost 30 minutes according to her then went to look for him and found him making a  call to his girlfriend. She came in just as he was concluding the call and he followed her back into the room. She was waiting for him to make the first move and he asked her if she needed any other thing before sleeping and she responded with "not really". He then slipped into bed and she got in also. However about an hour passed and he didn't make any move towards her but was instead chatting with someone or some people on his phone. She got fed up and decided to make the first move. She backed up into him with her behind rubbing against his *cough* all know what I mean but he moved away.

At this point of the ladies conversation, one of the ladies asked Nneka why she didn't take a more direct approach and she said she did. That after some minutes of giving him full green lights she got tired and slipped out of the top shew as wearing. She hugged him closely with her bare chest and kissed his neck and he responded by jumping out of the bed. She was very disappointed and embarrassed then asked him if she wasn't good enough for him. Her friends then suggested that maybe he wasn't into girls but Nneka objected. She said first of all that he had a girl and that when he jumped out of bed and stood to find out what was happening, his privates was also as curious as he was if you know what I mean. So he was definitely attracted to her and felt something. After they had a little argument about the incident, she insisted on going home that night but he apologized to her and instead went to his living room to sleep. It was then a silent morning for them the next day with him trying to strike up conversations but she was giving him single word answers and dismissing his questions instantly. He then later sat her down before she left to explain to her that she was very beautiful but that he just couldn't betray his girl.

 ......After a while, the ladies got up and payed heir bill. As they headed out I looked to observed the one named Nneka more and wow! I must say she looked really stunning. Her Red low waist trouser really brought out her shape from all angles with the behind being more defined. Even though she wore a big bandana top that rested loosely on her, you could clearly see she was well endowed on her chest also. With a beautiful shape, a perfect face and a killer diction I really wondered who this Tunde guy was. I almost stood up and clapped for him as the ladies walked away but then I remembered I was so lost in the gist that I hardly took a sip out of my drink so I canceled the ovation for later.

.......One thing that got me thinking was how she had the courage to make the move that she did. I guess this guy must be really dashing or something. They all work in the same office and if he slept in his living room after the incident it means he leaves in a room apartment right? He isn't like a millionaire or the boss in the company. Also for him to have resisted that lady, I mean that lady was a mixture of Victoria Kimani, Tyra banks, Amber heard, Halle Berry and Aphrodite (the Greek goddess). It really got me thinking of who his girl is and how luky she is to have him. Anyway one particular statement that one of the ladies made while they spoke was what I wanted to talk about. You see at a point she said "What a fool, he saw a good thing in front of him and he couldn't hit it". She then went ahead to say "It's when his girlfriend will do and leave him then he will be begging for even wumi to do him...idiot". Seems Wumi isn't regarded very highly in their office because they all started laughing and mocking the Wumi person.

Anyway my question is this.... To the ladies, do you consider a man as a fool if he doesn't sleep with you when he has the opportunity. Does self control make a person a fool. And will you encourage a person to cheat on his girl because you want him.
      To the men..will you be able to handle yourself like Tunde? I really want to get your views on this. I actually thought the ladies would consider him with respect or even admire him for what he did but I was wrong. So do you think he was wrong for turning her down? I personally believe he shouldn't have let her into the house or should have slept in his living room from the beginning. However I still give him top marks for self control.

Over to you guys, let's hear your opinion.

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At 2 April 2015 at 19:13 , Anonymous Esan chick said...

I personally will respect the guy, tho cos it's nt easy to not 'do' when placed in such a situation. I will be very embarrassed sha , but if I like him so much, I will use evrytin I have to win him. But I can say categorically dt 95%of d male folk won't do wt tunde did o, cos to them it's just sex, or some will just 'chop and clean mouth' and wen u come claiming territory they go 'but u knw I got a girl' lmao.

At 3 April 2015 at 09:10 , Blogger Unknown said...

@ralph i have voted for u.

At 4 April 2015 at 08:31 , Anonymous Brielle said...

1st of all if d guy allowed ha 2 slip over and not only dat, allowed ha 2 slip in d same bed, Haba he shuld have seen dat coming and prevented any awkwardness from d onset...but he is strong sha o,4 him 2 resist d chick...I doff my hat dough....@ ralph u just had 2 pull me in2 dis 1!

At 5 April 2015 at 01:07 , Blogger TheBeautyEagle said...

Some ladies wiĺl applaud him for this, the guy knows the consequences of what will happen and is matured enough to stop it..... a quality that is rare in our days....
The Beautiful Eagle

At 6 April 2015 at 18:03 , Anonymous S said...

If I were in her shoes and I were single, after being turned down on first attempt, i'll just go to bed jeje. But seriously, I'll respect Tunde, guys like that are very very rare.

At 7 April 2015 at 19:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

Pls jor first of All he knew what she wanted from the start. And am sure that it's guilt that cripped in, I still respect him and wish men had more resistant like that because it's not everything that glitters that's gold .

At 8 April 2015 at 08:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think he is gay...

At 8 April 2015 at 14:05 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello zainab, alright so is he at fault in a way? I want to get your full opinion.

At 8 April 2015 at 14:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

@Esan You have a very solid point right here when you speak of how hard it would be to resist the temptation. However, I think the statistics is at 65% for the male folks and 54 % for the female folks. Believe me there are more guys out there that have self control than you realiz

At 8 April 2015 at 14:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much missbeauty amaka, I really appreciated it

At 8 April 2015 at 14:10 , Blogger Unknown said...

That's very true brielle. However what if he is a free spirited person that never suspected anything would happen. Although I also feel he might have wanted it at a point.

abi i told you to empty your bladder on time

At 8 April 2015 at 14:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very rare quality I must admist @beautiful Eagle.

At 8 April 2015 at 14:13 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. Abi o! if the guy refuses, instead of pressing on, you just go and rest. I guess she never expected to be turned down by a guy so she impulsively had to try again, that's just my opinion though

At 9 April 2015 at 12:40 , Anonymous s said...

Loooool. She never

At 19 April 2015 at 19:08 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

The girl did the right thing,we sudnt allow 5minutes of pleasure to cause havocs in our life that's why the bible said..FLEE away from the tunde already and shame on the lustful lady who wanna seduce tunde by force!!

At 24 July 2015 at 13:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My experience was similar to this but ever since the day I refuse her she's been avoiding me and won't want to have a normal conversation with me anymore I have to respect my self well enough now we are not in good terms cause I said no to her

At 31 July 2015 at 11:40 , Anonymous Gifty Abianka said...

I really appreciate what Tunde did, I wish I was his girlfriend. Kudos to him.


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