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Monday 13 April 2015

Monday Myth: Relationship Myth - Jealousy and Love

     Hello there my awesome AskRalph family members and new readers. Are you guys ready for today's Monday Myth? We are doing a short one on relationship today. I'll be needing your input on this one. Now the question is this..

 does jealousy in relationships really mean that your partner loves you? Or does it mean something more? I'll be debunking the myth but feel free to agree or oppose my opinion and of cos drop your own opinions  via the comment section. Ready? Alright then, let's do this...

    In relationships, jealousy tends to slip in every once in a while. Well depending on the relationship it could go from slipping in every once in a while to actually being the everyday challenge that the couple faces. Mostly people tend to attribute their jealous to the fact that they love their partner so it makes them possessive of them. People say that without jealousy, then you can't exactly say that you truly love your partner. While this is true, I believe this isn't the whole truth. The thing is that this, jealousy could be a sign of love and it could also be something far from love. Let me explain more...

Now when jealousy comes only once in a while due to the feeling of neglect and other reasons close to that, you can relate that to love. Especially if the reasons are of minor origins and have little to no effect on the relationship. It is only natural that a person feels jealousy if they feel at a point that the attention and love that is meant for them isn't being given to them or that it's being given to other people. But when jealousy is built due to things like relationship issues, lack of trust in the relationship or just out of habit then there might be a problem.

If you start getting that feeling of jealousy frequently then you might want to take some time to look at your relationship. Take some time to also look at yourself and find out if your reason for jealousy is really called for or if you just tend to over react to minor issues. Yes jealousy can mean that you love and want to protect your partner but it could also mean that their are deeper issues that you have to work through in your relationship.

We will leave it at this in today's Monday Myth so you all can discuss more on it. Jealousy isn't always born from love. However these above points remains my opinion due to general knowledge and personal experience. I would still love to hear what you all think?

Once again the question is this. Does jealous show love or are there other meanings to jealousy? Feel free to comment below...

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At 15 April 2015 at 16:19 , Blogger The other woman in marriage said...

Where are you Ralph? Say some thing to us oh

At 16 April 2015 at 02:26 , Blogger Unknown said...

Deep breadth and taking a chill pill

At 16 April 2015 at 16:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Papi....Phew!! I just read up on the post I missed...Okay...uhm Jealousy to a certain degree shows love...there is a limit to how much jealous one can get, anything beyond that point becomes obsession and that is scary....In a way Papi, Jealousy can be seen as emotionally guiding and protecting something that is very dear to know when emotions are involved in anything we do, they always find a way of either bring out the worst or best in people.

At 16 April 2015 at 17:15 , Blogger esit said...

It could mean love or it could just be that the insignificant other is insecure or worse, obsessed. Too much of everything is bad and so if one must be jealous, do it in moderation. Don't go stalker crazy or control freak maniac in the name of jealousy. That's all I got!

At 16 April 2015 at 17:47 , Blogger esit said...


At 19 April 2015 at 17:16 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

One cant help but entertain jealousy at some point but the tin is,its sudnt be allowed to go overboard!!

At 20 April 2015 at 10:11 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

There's a thin line between love and obsession, when jealousy gets too much, it could be as a result of obsession which could be dangerous.

At 20 April 2015 at 10:14 , Blogger Amaka Hundeyin said...

Most times jealousy is a sign of insecurity especially extreme jealousy.


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