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Friday 10 April 2015

Friday Fact: You know your body better


Ladies have you ever had that feeling on the first night that he just isn't good enough? Like he isn't hitting the right buttons? Don't worry I have an explanation and a solution for you.

This fact is more applicable to the women but nevertheless applicable to few men. You will notice me making more reference to the ladies but guys you will want to read this also. Ready everyone...? okay then let's get this Friday Fact over with...

 Ladies you know how frustrating it can be for you when your partner is in bed but just isn't hitting the right buttons. No matter what he does he just keeps missing it, from the right spot to maintaining the right rhythm and momentum for you to climax. It leaves you feeling like you have an awful itch that you can't scratch. Well here is the fact about this. You know your body better than your partner and you are the only one that can satisfy you. I don't mean it the way you think.....just let me explain more.

Just like an itch, even if you get someone to scratch it, you won't be as satisfied as you will if you had done it yourself. Well it's kind of the same thing when it comes to s3x. Think of it this way, you have known your body ever since you were born, you know everything about you and even without having a mirror you can almost tell every time something is off in your body. Your partner has only known you for a couple of years,month, weeks or days. You can't expect a guy to hit your buttons perfectly the very first time or all the time. And if he never ever does it right then just still understand that he is a totally different entity, he doesn't share your body signals with you. If you touch yourself then i'm sure you know it isn't every time you can get off, so you can't expect any less when he is doing the job.

You are the one that knows your body best so here is what you can do. Teach your partner! Never be afraid to show your man how to get to you. Show him how to explore you and help him explore you even more. It takes time and patience for another person to get to know you as much as you will want. Yes, there are people that will luckily have that body chemistry with you without even trying and make it look like they can read your mind. However if you find a man that isn't so good at first then just take your time and teach him.

Finally just make sure to always speak up even in the bedroom. Don't endure and hope that your partner doesn't do a particular thing the next time you guys make out. Build a good level of bedroom communication and it would ease your partners learning process. Before you know it you both will make love with perfect synch that the only time you will make a sound wouldn't be to complain or correct, rather it would be out of pleasure. So just make sure to voice out and make him continue what he is doing when he does something right then learn to redirect him to the right place politely when he is doing something wrong.

That's it for this weeks Friday Fact. Now go and develop a stronger bond in the bedroom, it's just as important as the rest of the relationship

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At 11 April 2015 at 23:50 , Blogger Unknown said...

Over to you ladies.

At 16 April 2015 at 17:08 , Blogger esit said...

and what happens when the partner is reluctant or lazy to learn? or he's one of those guys who probably feels like he's been the bomb with other ladies and doesn't realize that every woman's body is different. But yea, teach him

At 19 April 2015 at 17:41 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

ΐ just have this thingy that african men aint all out into pleasing their women....engaging in foreplays self na imaginations sometimes run wide that ΐ tend to see the *whites* as the romantic ones and the black race as the unromantic ones,could it be too much of hollyhood films? and ΐ'll start accessing some persons when i see them*coversface*......
Am so romantic and ΐ know ama end up with someones who knows the real ish..lolzzzzz

At 20 April 2015 at 10:20 , Blogger Amaka Hundeyin said...

Well for those who don't know their bodies well nko?

At 20 April 2015 at 10:30 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I'll just pass on this one.

At 20 May 2015 at 23:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice one


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