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Friday 3 April 2015

Friday Fact: S3xercise

Want to bridge the gap between your "bedroom business" and your gym time? I've got your back. just read through.

     Good morning to you totally awesome set of humans (and creatures) that check in on my blog. Hope you guys had a wonderful night. I had a dream last night and in that dream I saw you, yes you and guess what you were doing, you were commenting on my blog!!! So if you don't want my dreams to come to life then just read and not comment (best blackmail ever).lol Anyway on to the main event of the day. It's been quite a while since we put up anything in our BEDROOM BUSINESS part of the blog. Today I have decided to base our Friday Fact on that category. Also this could be the motivation you need to get up and start your workout.

So are you ready?  Alright then let's do this...

          Exercise contributes a great deal to your general health and one of the areas that it boosts more than you might know is you s3x life. Yes believe it or not, Exercising contributes a whole lot to your s3x life as a whole. Let's take a little look at some facts about Exercising and your bedroom dance.

Good rump right after workout:  If you know anything about a good workout session that involves cardiovascular exercises, you will know that it helps to get your blood pumping to all parts of your body including you "low below". And if you know anything about how s3x work, you will know that more blood to your erogenous zones and privates causes an increase in sensitivity. Let me explain from a different angle.
    Have you noticed that just before a s3x session. When you get turned on, your heart starts to beat faster and the faster it beats the more sensitive you become. That beating heart is also a signal for the increase in blood flow through your body. So in other words, an increase in blood flow helps a lot in increasing your s3xual experience.

During cardio exercise sessions like running, jogging, skipping and many more, your blood flow is increased a great deal, also the chances  and amount of the blood flowing to your erogenous zones is also increased. Now what this means is a harder and stiffer "rod" for men (yes it's the capacity of your blood vessels down there that determines your size and strength) and an increased sensitivity for the women (the nerve ending down there comes alive and the "bud" swells to increase sensitivity even more). This also means that the men would get to last longer and the time for reaching a climax for women would be reduced. Everyone wins right?

So to fully exploit this, here is what you might want to try. Try to involve your partner the next time you want to workout, especially cardio. Get them involved in the workout then right after the workout you both should head to the bedroom or wherever ( the more spontaneous the better) and see how different things would feel. Better yet try to do the workout at home, that way you can dress s3xier during the workout to get things heated long before you both get down.

Workout = Stamina : Sometimes it isn't the fact that a man 'releases' quickly that brings disappointment to the ladies, it's that just right when they are a few seconds away from climax, the man runs out of breath due to lack of stamina.
    One good benefit of exercising is the stamina that it build for you. It boosts your endurance and stamina for most physically challenging activities that you do throughout the day. By physically challenging, I mean those activities that leave you breathless or panting right after you are done with them (if you even get to finish at all). With exercise you will notice that you don't feel as exhausted as you used to and you don't breath as hard. Well your bedroom dance is also just as physically demanding. With exercise you can build enough stamina to keep you going for as long as you want until you are able to climax (both for the men and especially the ladies).

So there you have it, now I hope this would push you to take your workout sessions more seriously. Remember to make things more interesting by working out with your partner and dressing good to look more appealing to your partner. And if you still aren't convinced with all these awesome facts I just dropped then here is a bonus fact below.

Study shows that a percentage of women are able to climax through exercising alone! How awesome is that?! It is a very low percentage but who knows, you might be among them. You won't know till you try!

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At 3 April 2015 at 12:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

**waves** Hiya Papi...I love exercising buh I don't do it regularly...I mean, I have a horrible schedule buh my best form of exercise will be 'chewing'...hehe...I love eating snacks, food, long as it involves chewing...I am all in...hehe....How are you doing Papi..

At 3 April 2015 at 12:52 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Mami...Oh chewing is also one of my life is too short right? Anyway my first gift to you will have to be a skipping rope so get ready!

I'm doing great, just preparing for the easter break. Can't wait to see what the game on your blog is going to be about. lol. What of You? how are you doing?

At 4 April 2015 at 21:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

Working out is good,because without exercise i don't know how i we be by now.
Just no 1 priority.

At 14 April 2015 at 16:57 , Anonymous S said...

Lol @ S3xercise. I like the way you correlated it with the CV system. Lol how about its effect on Hormones and mental

At 20 April 2015 at 10:44 , Blogger Amaka Hundeyin said...

I'm too lazy keep up.

At 21 April 2015 at 21:01 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Uhn, Ok Ralph, i'll begin to take my workouts seriously.


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