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Thursday 30 April 2015

April End...End of Appreciation?


 Good morning fam, readers, subs and fellow beer heads. How is everyone doing today? Hope you all are as excited as I am this morning. Wanna know why I am super duper excited?...well you should guess. If your guess was that I am thankful for life and my blog are WRONG! I mean yes i'm thankful for life and every single one of you but that 's an everyday thing. I'm talking of this morning in particular. Well today spells the end of this month that's why I'm happy! Still don't get it...? Well it means that my salary is coming soon. If there was a way to combine Shoki , Galala and Azonto, i'll be doing all of 'em all at the same time right now but since I stand a chance of breaking my hips then i'll just pass on that. Hopefully the boss man wouldn't duct my pay this month, I will try to reduce my late coming but i'm not promising anything. Lol. Alright enough of the rant for this morning, moving on....

Secondly I want to remind you guys that today will be the last opportunity to vote on this months poll.  The pole is on the left side of the blog and is titled "What is the number 1 reason for Marriage Failure"...Only those browsing via PC, laptop or tablets would be able to see it, those on mobile devices won't. It was introduced on THIS POST HERE so you can still read up on the post, drop your detailed reasons on the comment section (especially mobile phone users) and still vote on the poll. By tomorrow we will remove that one, call the results and put up a new poll. Hope you guys will keep participating, you all have been great so far. Okay then with that said we move on to the main topic for the day... Is today really the End of appreciation?

If you have been following this blog or joined at least, this month. You might have noticed that we give monthly focuses to keep us in track every month and to help in our personal development. Well even if you haven't then this months focus was about appreciation (CLICK HERE TO READ THE APRIL'S FOCUS). Being thankful for everything around you and appreciating the little things that comes so easily to you that you neglect them. There was something that actually happened that made me decide on making appreciation this months focus. It was a kind of disappointment I received from someone I expected better from. Maybe I expected too much, I don't know but I personally believe that even if a person shows you kindness every single day and helps you, you shouldn't get too comfortable and start taking the person for-granted, the least you can show is a little appreciation for their efforts to help you out. I got furious but kept it to myself with hopes of confronting him at the right time. I started thinking to this really the End of Appreciation? Why are so many people so ungrateful for the little you can do and when you can't do any more you become the enemy.
       When I and this someone had a little fall out because of lack of appreciation from his own side, I started to think back and go really deep into my thoughts. I started calculating the times that I myself had done something similar to someone without even knowing (I judge myself a lot). So at the end of the day I broke it down to the most basic stuff and realized that even the air that I breathe comes so easily to me that I neglect it(yes I thought that far..sue me. lol). I started realizing that every single one of us is guilty of lack of appreciation in one way or the other, it's just that we do it at different levels. It however only gave me a reason to forgive my friend and just look over what he did, it also gave me more reason to never judge anybody especially those who write to me for help via the blogs DEAR RALPH SECTION. Remember we never judge here at AskRalph! Yeap....we rock like that. So that was how I came up with this months focus....

     With all these in my head, last night I was also thinking of what the next months focus should be and I have come up with something already (don't worry I'm not saying it till tomorrow so pull up your breeches. lol...). As I was thinking of this months focus and what next months focus should be, I realized something. So many people might read these focuses and not implement them and the few that implement might forget about it once the month is over. The thing is that I give out these monthly focuses for you to learn from them. I do them so that you implement them in your everyday life till they become a part of you. The end of April shouldn't be the end of appreciation. Just because the month goes by doesn't mean you don't settle and appreciate those little things around you. These monthly focuses are meant to be followed religiously by you and they are mean to teach you. You are meant to get used to them as the months go by, so do not just discard them the moment the calendar reads 30th or 31st. Make them a part of you and let them keep developing you every single day of your life. If you follow these focuses the way you should then trust me, by the end of the year you will find your self to be a better version of you than you were as at the beginning of the year. Read the messages and let them sink in. Let them guide you every single day and learn to give them the chance to improve you by opening you heart,body, mind and soul to them.

Remain appreciative of everything you have today, no matter how little it might be. It is through appreciation of what you have today that you will have the opportunity of having something better tomorrow.

Good morning once again you crazy people!



At 30 April 2015 at 10:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

Loi Mr Ralph crazy just a kind of guy that do appreciate every thing that comes around me as i appreciate what God almighty or allah did for me through all this month of april just full of praises and thank's to him insha allah his being failthful to me because appreciation brings admiration from God almighty.

At 30 April 2015 at 13:33 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I'm as excited as u, not because i'm a boss like u who's expecting a salary but because the month of may is filled with parties and I hold my party jollof rice in high esteem, April can like to go for may to come jare...i've known the importance of appreciation since when I was young, all thanks to my mum, I know it opens bigger doors and brings about favour and good reputation, I don't see my self stopping to appreciate anytime soon.

At 30 April 2015 at 14:30 , Blogger Unknown said...

Being appreciative pays... even as Igbo adage says " Ekele onye akidi ya agwota ozo" lol that's for my Igbo Pep's here

At 30 April 2015 at 14:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh u're a muslim pretending to be one of us may God punish you.

At 30 April 2015 at 14:38 , Anonymous Laila said...

I have to be open Ralph! I appreciate bigger things than smaller ones.

At 30 April 2015 at 15:14 , Blogger esit said...

Thankful for life, family, good health and this credit alert that just came in.

At 1 May 2015 at 01:35 , Anonymous samuel said...

@Anonymous please don't use religious differences and spoil this blog. Thank you. nawa for people o

At 1 May 2015 at 01:37 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol. I'm not a boss o! Far from it, if you see the salary you will laugh. Anyway I understand that love for party jollof rice, it is really something to look forward to.Lol. I hope the new month brings more opportunities to you and the rest of the bloggers. You are highly appreciated.

At 1 May 2015 at 01:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Oya igbo peeps, represent! Lol

At 1 May 2015 at 01:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol...well I guess everyone has their own character. Appreciation all the same is good.

At 1 May 2015 at 01:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Lol@ Credit alert....I am Thankful for you and the rest of the Askralph family

At 1 May 2015 at 23:53 , Anonymous mimi said...

Thankful for this ghost called Ralph, and thankful for a life that gets more beautiful every day...Me I'm sha waiting for alawee alert..:(

At 2 May 2015 at 20:28 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I appreciate things a lot and am grateful 2 God for that,with me,the little things of life counts..


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