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Thursday 9 April 2015

Dear Ralph Day!


    Good morning my beautiful readers. How is everyone doing this morning. I am having one of those very lazy mornings and to make it worse, my work load just keeps piling up. Oh well...I remain ever grateful for the fact that I found a job in this maze that is called the labor market. 

Oh yeah! do you guys remember that pic above?!! lol.. Yes! that was my very first blog icon/logo. That represented AskRalph blog for a while before I got my logo. Those of you that have been with me for a while now or from the very beginning would recognize it. How time goes by right? It's just crazy! Anyways moving on....

 Well I have a couple of things to talk about today but first of all I want to say that today is going to be a 'Dear Ralph' day.  You see because of my absence during the Easter period I haven't been able to attend to some mails and even the ones I have replied I haven't posted. Well all that is about to change as I have decided to shove it all out today and of cos reserve some for tomorrow. lol. Please if I haven't answered your e-mail, try to understand with me, it's been a crazy week for me. I stay ever grateful for the fact that you guys are able to rely on an anonymous person to help you through your day to day struggles and be rest assured that I will never betray your trust. 
I also want to use this opportunity to remind you guys of our months focus. It's all about appreciation, nature and gratitude for the little things you have today. Never forget to always be thankful for those little things that are easily overlooked because they come so easy. It is easy to forget that they are blessings on their own but we have to learn to recognize them. 
   Also take your time today or during the weekend to take a stroll. Leave technology and gadgets behind and enjoy nature with your friends and loved ones. Learn to appreciate the simple gifts of life like the air and the trees. Take a dip in a swimming pool or better yet a river or lake as long as it's safe and you can swim. Just generally try to appreciate everything and everyone around you. That is the key to a positive mind state and we all know that a positive mind state practically affects everything around you.

Remember that we still have that poll on the left side of the blog (you have to be on a PC or laptop to see it). The topic is "what is the leading cause of failure in marriages today". You are to choose between Lack of communication, compatibility issues, cheating spouses and Lack of respect. This doesn't mean that these are the only causes of failed marriages but these are the ones we chose out of many to know which has the most effect. It's remaining about 21 days and tt the end of the countdown we will talk more on the one that people voted the most. So far about 7 people have voted Lack of Communication so it's leading. So I want to know your own opinions...what do you see as the leading cause of failure in marriage and why? Use the comment box below to discuss more and the poll to the left of this page to vote (right under the 'My Top Contributors' column).

Talking of the 'My Top Contributors Column. You guys might want to start contributing as much as you can via comments. I've been playing with ideas on what to do with that column. The top 5 contributors are going to get a sort of reward from me. I'm not yet sure of what it is though. So you guys should make sure to keep participating.

Before I go I want to say one final thing. You guys Rock!...yeap you do and don't let anyone tell you any different. Good morning again Fam!


At 9 April 2015 at 10:17 , Blogger The other woman in marriage said...

I love that piece of advice - take a stroll. See nature. I can tell you that for over 20 years now Ralph, I have not seen real nature. All I see is man made things. At my tender age, I remember seeing natural things, different kind of birds. They sing songs - I mean beautiful songs. I have seen monkeys and have played with live fishes. In fact, I started composing songs because of the natural places I have been to when I was a teenager. Now, all that is gone - I am after money, working working and working. Too bad. I will take out time to visit a place but I don't really where to visit. But let me think of it Ralph and I will get back to you hehehehe.

At 19 April 2015 at 18:03 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I love nature..
Love hearing the the birds sings..
Love the feeling of air against my cheeks..
Love seeing fields filled woth green grasses..
Love the solace and succor nature provides..

At 20 April 2015 at 10:33 , Blogger Amaka Hundeyin said...

You could also see it when you switch to Web version


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