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Monday 27 April 2015

What will you tell and do to Monday if it was human?

      **yawwns*...Good morning fam, how is everyone doing this Monday morning. I kind of did a disappearing act after my post on Friday and didn't even get to put up a Friday Fact for you guys last week *hiss*. This work, I have to say is the best and the worst thing that happened to me at the same time. It was quite stressful on Friday and on Saturday because of the whole presentation at the office. You see my presentation carried on till Saturday but be rest assured that I did very good, I showed them who's boss. So thanks to everyone that wished me luck on the presentation, your wishes helped...*high five*. The weekend was also quite fun for me, I got a lot of surprise visits from old friends, it was like an alarm somewhere in everyone's head went off and they all remembered me at the same time. I met with old friends and it was all really exciting. Well at least it was until I remembered that today was Monday *sad face*. I then had to leave my friends early and go back home or else I wanted to risk going on suspension at work today. They kept calling me to come back and had lots of stories to tell about the fun they had after I left. I still couldn't push my luck though, if I show up late at work this time i'll surely be penalized and I love my salary very much.

    You see my very kind boss has been pushed to the limit by me. I keep showing up late and simply because I am good at what I do *chest swells with pride* does not mean he would keep letting me off easy so I have to behave myself, at least for a week or two. lol. I just can't keep testing his patience by showing up late all the time so I had to leave my friends and rush home. My good old friends are leaving this morning if they haven't already left and I don't know when next i'll get to meet them again. I mean with everyone with their different jobs and families, this was a rare opportunity to have a good reunion and I missed all the fun. Now who do you think is to blame for this? It's not the beer, it's not my friends for visiting on a weekend, it's not me either, It's all Monday's fault. If Monday could have just waited one more day before showing up, I would have had more time with my friends. It just had to pop up right after Sunday. Of cos I would have pushed my luck a little more with my boss but then guess what Monday did. It had to schedule a visit with external auditors to visit my office. read that right, i'm kicking my week off with a visit from external auditors. I mean these guys are always thorough and brutal. I kind of admire them because they make everyone sit up. Because they are combination of relations and close friends of our "Oga Kpata Kpata" you can't have any funny business with them if you know what I mean. So here is a big well done to Monday, thanks for making my life miserable.

Advice: Y'all know I wouldn't leave you without a little word of advice this Monday morning so before I move on to my question here is what I want to say....

I want you to use my situation with my boss as a lesson. Make sure you don't push people especially those that take things easy on us, to the point where they take out drastic actions on you. Be it at home, work, among friends, your partner and even among strangers. Learn when a person is getting fed up of you taking advantage of their kindness and give them the respect they deserve by backing off. It's easier to push people that are lenient to us and respect those that are strict to us, meanwhile reverse should be the case. If a person cuts you some slack and tries to understand your situation or relate with you well, do not take the person as a fool. Do not over use your opportunity even if the person hands them to you freely. Always remember that we are all humans and everyone has so much that they can take before they break. Do not push your luck especially with your superiors but not leaving out your subordinates either, it's bound to run out and when it does you will see a whole 'nother side of the person you pushed.
     Finally i'll just like to say that no matter what Monday throws at you, just learn to turn it all into a joke and have a good laugh out of it. Trust me, being frustrated is never going to help so it's best you make it into something that would be beneficial to you. And what would be better for you than a good laugh?....yeap, nothing at all. So develop some sense of humor guys, it goes a long way to make thing easier for youl

So how is your Monday going so far? Is it as annoying as mine?...I really hope not but just in case it is, If Monday was a human being standing right in front of you what will you say and do to it?

I'll go first...I won't even say a single word to it, i'll just walk past it like I don't know that it's the one causing problems for me. Then as soon as I am a couple of feet away from it and i'm sure it's unsuspecting, i'll run right back and kick it in the nuts with all the strength I can muster. Lol... your turn.

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At 27 April 2015 at 09:37 , Anonymous Cho D said...

I actually love Mondays. For me, its the fastest day of the week. I am usually too busy to notice its a Monday. So I can say that my Monday is going on great. Have a lovely week ahead.

At 27 April 2015 at 13:43 , Blogger Unknown said...

**waves** Hiya Papi...sooooo I am on holidays....I do not envy you at all...hehe....and I agree with you on not taking peoples kindness for granted...Some lovely advice you threw out there Papi....

My Monday is beautiful so far...I slept almost all day and I ate a lot today **covers face** I am allowed to be overfed lah...Have a great day eh.

At 27 April 2015 at 14:24 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

I'll make sure to drop a cv @ ur office when I start searching for job, I want to av a boss that I can almost push to d wall and then turn right back and when he's far from d wall i'll push him again *evil grin*, joking o, I try not to push my luck anywhere i find myself too...i'll tell Mr. Monday to go on a never ending trip, i hate Mondays *arrrrgh*

At 27 April 2015 at 14:34 , Blogger Unknown said...

I pray so for Monday be a human,i love Monday thou is some how stressful because of my kind of work so if Monday is human i we advice it to make my whole week juicy fabulous and splendid.Monday is like a first son of the family if any thing happen to first son in terms of finance health etc, it may affect the rest so i we instruct Monday to obey my whole week wish with good health and success in every thing am doing withing the whole week.

At 27 April 2015 at 14:40 , Blogger Unknown said...

First, I will say that the advice is a great one.. As for you Monday, though you makes me look cuter and smarter but you are so so stressful ..because every Saturday evening my heart starts skipping

At 27 April 2015 at 15:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks joy, I appreciate the complement.

At 27 April 2015 at 15:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Cho D, Very good point you have about Mondays moving too fast, i just looked at my time and it's already past 3 with the day having a couple more hours to finish, it's crazy really. However on the down side, if you slack off a little then you won't accomplish anything. Thanks for the input

At 27 April 2015 at 15:06 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hiya Mami!...I seriously envy you, sometimes I wonder when the toture of work is going to end and at the same time if it ends then the real hurt will start. aaarrghhh....enjoy your hols and don't finish all the enjoyment before some of us. lol.

Glad you are having a beautiful day. I'll have to tell mofaya to lock the refrigerator't mind me dear. You can eat as much as you want, it's part of the break! Have a lovely day...

At 27 April 2015 at 15:08 , Blogger Unknown said... evil man, if you come to my office ill make sure to tell my boss to watch out for you. Anyway I stand with you on the never ending trip but won't that just make Tuesdays the new monday? *pensive*

At 27 April 2015 at 15:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice point Mr Freeborn...

At 27 April 2015 at 15:10 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Lolsssssss,mr ralph,ure really a comedian...LMAO@running back to monday at his buts with all ur strenght..lolzzzzzz
My monday is going well but very tiring,i dislike the fact am so up early just to please this proprietor of mine buh still yet na querry he dey dash person anyhow,lol.......
I cant wait to have a time-out with my friends buh its taking forever to see them cos we are all busy as bees...

At 27 April 2015 at 15:47 , Blogger esit said...

Screw mondays. But then again I get to sleep in on Mondays after having a 72 hour shift. Can't always win.

At 28 April 2015 at 07:42 , Blogger Unknown said... really can't always win. So nobody is joining me to kick Monday in the nuts, not even you esit.

At 28 April 2015 at 07:44 , Blogger Unknown said...

lool...honestly it seems i'm the only one that had an annoying monday. everyone is reporting good things on this silly monday. Anyway as esit said a while can't always win *sigh*

At 28 April 2015 at 09:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyday of the week is same for me except on I really don't see any difference


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