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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tuesday Tip: Get your figure back after child birth

   As a lady, do you have a naturally slim physique? Are you one of those lucky people that never have to workout or go on any kind of diet to look good or loose weight? If your answers are yes then fine...let's move on. Do you have that fear of losing your shape or your body being stretched out of the usual shape and never returning after you go through the physical changes of child birth? Yeah I know!...lots of women have this fear and it is very understandable. However I have a solution to this, I actually sat down with someone a couple of years back and she explained to me how this works.

The solution to this is actually simply, the answer is EXERCISE. But before you start complaining of how I won't shut up about exercising let me just

And even if you don't have the natural slim physique this will still help you.

Did you see that picture that was circulating at a point of a lady that was about 6 months pregnant and  yet her baby bump was almost invisible. Only for her to resurface when she was 9 months pregnant and her stomach was looking like she was about 4 months pregnant. Well it's kind of the same thin but nothing that severe...nah! not at all! That type could cause harm to your baby, i'm talking of carrying the big stomach for the 9 months and getting back to shape in a month or less after delivery.

Naturally the body has muscles but they aren't quite pronounced or strong. The only way you build them is through exercising. Understand that your body is subject to change if anything as severe as child birth or any other thing stretches it or changes it's natural nature. Just think of your body as an elastic band, if it is stretched a little it still snaps back but if it is stretched too much, it looses it's elasticity. So how do you increase it's elasticity and have it resist a high level of stretch? It's by building the muscles of the target area. In this case that would be your stomach and well...your whole body size.

Now muscle toning and building exercises are able to make your muscles more firm and strong or in other words, they are able to make your muscles build a stronger level of elasticity. The key to returning to your figure on time after being stretched out of shape during pregnancy is to be regular with your exercises. You have to build your body and tone your muscles well enough for them to maintain their elasticity. The problem is that if you haven't been working out before the pregnancy to get your muscles to start responding in elasticity, you have to go for about 2 straight months of intense cross training or more. So what I mean is that you actually have to be dedicated to your workout long before you get pregnant and still stay active during the duration of your pregnancy. That is the best way to return to your shape right after child birth.
I as a guy can testify to how our body reacts to constant exercise. Before I started working out seriously, I would do very little workout and notice very small change and the moment I leave the workout , i'll have to start my exercising all over again to get back in shape. Then I bought a DVD called INSANITY by beachbody and it put me through about 60 days of straight intense workout. It helped beat the elasticity into my muscles. Now even if I leave my workout for a long time (not too long though), the moment I get back into it and work for about a week, I start noticing changes immediately. I can almost swear that the muscles are now afraid of me having to put them through INSANITY again. This is exactly the same effect that working out now will have on you. You can start now to workout intensively and beat your body into the shape you want it to be in. You might loose your shape during pregnancy but just give yourself a little time, it might not take up to a month of workout, you will get back in shape and your friends will ask you your secret. Trust, try and see.

The problem in this is staying dedicated for as long as you need to initially be. Give yourself about 3 straight months of intense workout without slacking off and keep at it for as long as you can after that. You will have nothing to regret after your child birth. Your body and muscles have a mind of their own, you just have to be willing to endure the pain, stay focused on that goal and work hard to beat that elasticity into it.

That's it for today's Tuesday Tip. Hit that gym today and get that killer body that you deserve tomorrow.

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At 21 April 2015 at 17:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Over to you my ladies in the house,because execise recreate your body gives you the best curved and body fit you we ever imagine. envious of kim this is another secret embrace it and see the instant result.

At 21 April 2015 at 18:21 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Hey Ralph, thanks for the giveaway, I just got an alert, glad to be a part of the AskRalph famiky...i'll just pass on this post.

At 21 April 2015 at 18:30 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

True talk mr ralph..

At 21 April 2015 at 20:23 , Blogger esit said...

Uuugh fitfam life sucks!

At 21 April 2015 at 21:36 , Anonymous Cyndy d gal said...

Interesting!thanx alot.

At 23 April 2015 at 15:03 , Anonymous Cho D said...

I have tried exercising a few times. I really want to be fit but I'm too lazy to see it to the end.

At 24 April 2015 at 17:29 , Blogger Anuoluwapo said...

I'm starting my fitfam journey tomorrow. Excited much.

I think a good/reasonable level of fitness should be maintained during pregnancy and women should not be pressured to lose the baby fast

At 24 April 2015 at 17:51 , Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Anuoluwapo, I'm glad to have you hear and also to hear your decision to stay healthy through exercise. We are thoroughly behind you. Welcome to the Fam and I hope to see more of you

At 24 April 2015 at 17:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

All you need is the determination and right kind of inspiration, trust yourself, you can do this

At 24 April 2015 at 17:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

Anytime sodiq....noo you are not passing on this one, even men have to exercise. Lol. Ask Esit, fit fame life sucks but you have to suck it in and get to it, if

At 24 April 2015 at 17:59 , Blogger Unknown said...

Suck it in

At 24 April 2015 at 18:00 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Cyndy

At 27 April 2015 at 09:34 , Anonymous Cho D said...

I will try my best. Thank you for the motivation.


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