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Wednesday 1 April 2015

Happy April!!...Appreciation

      Is it just me or did it seem like march was never going to end? I guess when your salary finishes earlier than you expected life tends to slow down and test your patience and sanity. I pulled through though and i'm sure you guys...well, some of you at least did. lol. So now that march is gone and all the election fuss is over, we are moving on. It's time to step into a new month, the month of April. A month that favors both nature and nurture. This month is the one that officially ushers in the showers from above (rain)....did I hear someone say blessings?  So just like the rains would pour down this month with little to no effort on our side to wet our crops and bring more favor upon us, I would like our months focus to be on embracing nature and appreciation! Appreciation for the things we hardly notice just because we put no effort in acquiring them. Appreciation for those overlooked luxuries that we enjoy without knowing.

Every single thing you are and you have today could be easily taken away from you. Your friends, family, work, opportunities and many more. Sometimes we tend to get caught up in chasing something so far from our reach that we do not stop to appreciate what we already have. It's not always easy but If you look around you with a heart full of content for the little or much you have, believe me you will find a whole lot to be appreciative of. I know sometimes it seems like things aren't going the way they are supposed to or the way we expect them to but we have to make it as a duty to first of all be thankful for what we already have.
   Take your time today and step outside for a while and put on a different set of 'eyes' (don't gouge your eyes out o! you get only one pair in life). What I mean is that you should try to look around a little more and remove your eyes from the things you are trying to achieve. Instead look at the position of others around you. Look at the beggars on the street and people who recently lost their loved ones, their jobs, houses or generally something or someone dear to them. Look at these positions and realize that you could have easily been there but you aren't. Believe me you, if you learn to be more thankful for what you already have, you will definitely live a happier and more content life. Just try this out and thank me later.

Another thing I would like us to focus on that is closely related to appreciation as I mention before is nature. Take your time to appreciate the environment around you. Just like 2face sang in his song "Dance in the rain"  he said "....and appreciate the simple things like the mountains and trees and the land the trees and the flowers and leaves, the air that you breathe, a wonderful world...a wonderful world..."
   If you can just take your time to recognize and appreciate the beauty of nature, this world would seem brighter to every single one of you. Let me ask this, when last did you sit down outside and admire the stars at the night like we used to do when we were younger. When last did you take a stroll in the evening to enjoy the fresh air?

So here is what we are going to do. We are going to name a couple of things that we are appreciative of. I'm going to go first and you guys can drop yours in the comment box.... cool? Alright awesome!

I'm appreciative of....Life, Love, Family, AskRalph family, new family and friends (TTT blog family), lessons, nature and most importantly I appreciate every single one of you reading this message.

Happy April to you all. I hope this month bring you everything good. Remember to always stay positive. Good morning Fam!... Oh and shout out to Esit! She is preparing for her exams, help me say good luck to her guys!

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At 1 April 2015 at 09:34 , Blogger Eniwealth said...

Yay! I'm first! Nice blog you have here Ralph. Happy new month. May the month usher in heavy down pour of blessings.

At 1 April 2015 at 10:12 , Blogger Unknown said...

Eniwealth...WTH!!!!....You won't even lemme be first to comment here eh?? You have forgotten I own a bazooka eh......Ralph **points at her** Punish her before I wipe out the Zooka!!!!......hehe....Happy New Month Papi!!...and to all ARBers!...This month shall bring forth lots of goodies for everyone (Amen)

At 1 April 2015 at 10:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new month my man ralph@esit goodluck to you as God has talking in charge.

At 1 April 2015 at 10:35 , Blogger Unknown said...

Eniwealth Welcome aboard! and a happy new month to you 2...Oh and quick heads up Watch your back...., I heard a rumour that Tibs has a bazooka. *runs away*

At 1 April 2015 at 10:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new month mami! How are yo...*ducks for cover* please point the bazooka upwards or somewhere else apart from my face. Lol. I think Eniwealth is in trouble. Wish you all the best this new month! Amen

At 1 April 2015 at 10:47 , Blogger Unknown said...

Happy new month freeborn!

At 1 April 2015 at 13:02 , Blogger Eniwealth said...

Passes by whistling*

At 20 April 2015 at 12:30 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

I love the month of April,its the 2nd best month fafter feb cos its short and comes fast unlike other month that takes forever to end...lolzzzz


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