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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Abdominal Development?....Cardiovascular workout?....Anyone?

    Good morning and a happy healthy Tuesday to you my people! Woke up late today and had to start hurrying off to work. A certain someone gave me something that could help me sleep better at night so i've been enjoying my nights more *whispers*, thanks Doc Esit *cough*....Anyways trust my boss, he made sure to point out the obvious...'Ralph! you came late!...again!' and i'm sure that won't be last time I'll hear that before the end of the day or week. I'm just glad he isn't one to easily sack a person for any little mistake, he recognizes potential, isn't quick to anger and knows how to manage've just gotta love that dude.

Secondly before I do the post I just want to thank everyone that participated in Yesterdays giveaway! You guys are awesome! I would announce the results later today so stay tuned.

Alright moving on!

This morning or should I say, this Tuesday it's going to be all about you and your health. As I keep saying, the way you start your day could determine the way the rest of your day turns out. So why not start today in a healthy way and have a healthy rest of the day.

If you didn't have a crazy start to your day like me and just in case you still have some time on your hands then I think you owe it to your body and conscience to start off the day with a good short burst of mild or intense workout. It could be anything from a 45 minutes jog around your compound, you could take a 30 minutes run around the same compound or a 30 minutes skipping in your room or outside. The fact that i'm mentioning your compound doesn't restrict you though, you could decide to take the workout outside the house. This workout is just to get the blood pumping and give you that energy boost that you require to ATTACK! the day. This little workout should take care of your cardio concern for the day.

Next is to attack those stubborn core muscles or in other words your stomach/ab muscles. You do not have to do 100 crunches or 50 bicycle runs if you do not have the time. A moderate number should be okay. Planks are also a great low impact/intensty ab workout. Here is a picture of how you can plank below...

Simply assume that position on the pic above and tighten your stomach then hold it for a set amount of time. You can start with 2 or 4 minutes then with time work your way up to 10 minutes or even more if you are feeling super. It looks quite simple from the pic right? but if you have never done this before you are going to find yourself shaking before the end of the 2nd minute or even before then. It's not as easy as it looks but you can do it.

When you are done with that then you can go take your bath and get ready for work. We wouldn't forget our healthy meal of cos so here is a suggestion for what to eat right before you head out. You need a good meal that would cover the important nutrients you will need to get you boosted for the morning so here, try this. Boil plantain (unripe if you are feeling adventurous) and Egg. Plantains are rich in Iron and potassium while Eggs are a good source of protein. Our months focus is also about appreciating nature so why not add some 'greenies' to your meal. Just right next to the plantain and egg, prepare yourself a healthy amount of a mixture of different vegetables. So with that you'll have boiled plantain and egg with mixed vegetables on your plate. That's a beautiful plate to look at right?...I know! Now all you have to do is wash it down with a glass of water or a glass of non-fat milk if you want some extra proteins in your system and you are good.

Even if you are already at work you still have the chance to do this tomorrow. Everyday is a day to be healthy so it mustn't be only on a Tuesday. A Wednesday will be just as good as every other day. Try out this start to your day listed above and watch your energy level for the day. Watch yourself laugh off any issues that comes up that would usually piss you off. There is just something about a healthy start to your day that just brings out the best in you.

Oh and before I forget, my Tuesday Tip is going to be for the ladies. I think you ladies are going to find today's tip quite useful especially if you have the scare of getting pregnant and loosing your shape. I've got a good tip that has been proven to work so check back later and see.

Good morning and a happy healthy Tuesday once again everyone...

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At 21 April 2015 at 09:42 , Blogger Omogbolahan said...

Just for the ladies? What have the guys done to you?

At 21 April 2015 at 10:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

lol...i've done quite a number for the guys in the past but don't worry i'll do a couple more soon enough. Welcome to the fam sodiq thanks for the participation so far

At 21 April 2015 at 10:56 , Blogger esit said...

I need abs. But I'm not willing to sacrifice that extra 2 minutes of sleep in the morning. Perhaps I'll have abs in two thousand and never!

At 21 April 2015 at 10:58 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Love this post,welldone mr ralph..
Will try this exercise,need to maintain my stomach abs for real..lolzzzzz

At 21 April 2015 at 11:49 , Blogger The other woman in marriage said...

That is good Ralph. But I am a hardcore Isoko man and I love my Starch and Banga Soup. What do you have to say that that when compared with your Plan10 and Plan12 you mentioned above.


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