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Friday 30 January 2015

Dear Ralph: My Circumcised Girlfriend

Hello Ralph,
       I trust you are doing okay today, quickly let me get to the point. I and my girlfriend have been together for 4 years and have been intimate for 1 year. We are very happy together and we do the best we can to tackle our problems when they come up. The problem is in our intimacy. You see, she was circumcised when she was born. I really don't know why people do this but she said it was predicted that she would be promiscuous. Anyway that has happened, the wahala is that there is nothing down there, no bud, nothing, it's just clean. I do my best with pre-intimacy by going down on her but she complains that she doesn't feel anything when I am down there. I haven't been able to hit the jackpot and the few times it has happened I wonder if she fakes it to make me happy or if it really happens. She is a really considerate person so she doesn't complain but I know it must be frustrating for her. Please, how do I solve this problem? How do I hit that jackpot and make her happy?


Dear Uche,
       I have a couple of tips that you could use to over come this, the fact that her "bud" has been removed means that she won't have any feelings there so don't waste too much time down there or else she still likes it either ways. It would still come in handy going down there but just read on and see how you can do it. What you have to do first is to concentrate on other parts that can get her heated up.

Your pre-intimacy should be redefined, you have to take your time to explore other parts of her. Kissing is very much underestimated when it comes to pre-intimacy, don't make the mistake of stopping this act or cutting it short when you both want to get down. Kiss different parts of your partner, from her lips, her behind, her busts ( tease around this part, don't just go straight for the nip**es),her toes, back and any other part of her that she responds sensitively to.
  Make sure to keep at it for as long as you can. Kiss slowly and take your time doing it, or else of cos it's a rough session then you can have a go at it as fast and as crazy as you want. I encourage it to be done slowly at first before diving in because it increases passion and acts as a teaser. The urge to just have a fast go at it and your mental resistance to gain self control and hold back would give you a huge boost. Plus its always good to start out slowly then usher the craziness in.

Introduce your fingers to the mix. This is the best way of hitting her G-sput. Make sure to start out slowly and with one finger. Only increase to more when she is  open enough down there to accept more, then you can keep going.  Play around with the "outer lips" of her privates and caress with your mouth if you wish, yes your mouth is still very useful. Make sure you have her juices flowing before going. Reach into her with your finger and when you are about 2 - 3 inches in, touch the roof of her inner walls. What you are looking for is a rough part of the roof, when you touch it she might jump or move a little in response. You have just discover her sweet spot, massage firmly and watch her reaction.

Try to explore different positions with her that would hit her G-sput better. The best position for this is to go in from behind her. The dept of penetration would help heighten her sensation if she likes depth and you would be able to hit the spot just right.
   Also, in the regular missionary position, prop her waist up by putting a pillow under it. This would help with depth also and in positioning you to hit the spot. This also increases sensation and hits her from a different angle

Finally I need you to concentrate also on the Vestibular bulbs. This is another part of her that would help. The problem with this is that most women do not know the presence of this in their body. If she can learn about it better and explore it on her own, only then would her sensitivity towards it increase. It also requires some serious patience so let me know if I should talk more on this.

Generally I just need you to spend a lot more time in pre-intimacy. Spend at least 20 - 30 mins to get things well started. If you play this out well, you would have her at the edge in no time. Read and understand these tips well because spending an hour without doing it the way you should wouldn't make any difference. Watch her reactions and you would be able to tell when you are doing the right thing.  There are a lot of ways and alternatives to getting her to reach the Big 'O' so don't worry about her losing her bud. Explore these first of all, you can let me know with time and ill give you other ways to go walk around this situation.


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At 4 February 2015 at 09:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ralph good advice.....


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