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Wednesday 28 January 2015

Would You fight For Who you Love?

So I want you to picture this, you are on an island and you can't really swim. There is a live jacket and you know that if you put it on, you would have just a little extra chance at floating towards you desired directions. Far into the water there is a huge amount of money, lets say about 500 thousand dollars, yeap! Dollars! It's just floating right there and the only option you have is to go out and get it. Would you fight to get that money? There is a chance that you would drown and there is a chance that you would survive, it's a 50 - 50 thing. I assume most would take that chance and get that money right? So my question is this, if you can risk your life to fight for money, why can't you  risk your emotions to fight for love?

A lot of people easily stop fighting once it is a problem that has to do with love or relationships. I need you all to understand that for things to work out, you have to be willing to put in your strength and energy, you have to fight. I think giving up is easy, the real strength comes from fighting, its in fighting for what you love. There are lots of display pictures and quotes that say how you don't need to fight for what belongs to you. I say, look at the successful relationships out there. They have all met their individual challenges and the reason why they stand today is because they found reasons to keep fighting. They didn't run at the first sign of trouble and neither did they run later, they kept fighting for what they have. Don't you realize yet? If you never fight, you will never stand a chance!

Every relationship out there has its problems and challenges. Now it is a fact that some relationships aren't worth fighting for but it is also a fact that you would never find out till you try. If your reason is for fear of regret, then you might miss out on some wonderful opportunities because of your fear. You need to learn to be stronger and give chances. Yes you might have a couple of regrets, but scroll through my inspirational section and you will find that there is no regret in life, only lessons learnt. Think I'm kidding? go and listen to "Someone like you" by Adele then come back and hug me.

So its all up to you now, my questions for you; Are you going to be that person that gives up easily? Are you going to be that missed out on a great opportunity because of lack of trying? Switch up your mind set now and learn to stick to what you love. Learn to fight for the things your love. It might not be easy but trust me, it is definitely worth it.  Remember, if you look for reasons, you will find them. If you look for excuses, you will equally find them. So focus on the reasons and give your relationship a chance at least before giving up. When it's time to give up, you wouldn't need to debate in your head at all.

As for that money out in the ocean? I will still swim and get that 500 thousand dollars, who says I can't have both...Lol

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At 28 January 2015 at 09:36 , Blogger Unknown said...

True talk,but is there oooo because of what am seeing happening this time arround?i we fight for the people and the thing i love because of the love nwantinti but is under probability oo i must profes.
Love is love why money is money oo.

At 28 January 2015 at 14:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of ladies have risked their emotions to fight for luv,but at the end it doesn't pay them well. My advice is be wise

At 28 January 2015 at 15:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mcheeeeeeeeew!!!! As if men havent also suffered from women. This anonymous you better be careful

At 28 January 2015 at 19:03 , Blogger Unknown said...

You are right Ralph. Not until it happens to you , then you can't say. I had been in that shoe b4 that I did what I never taught I cld . Love is sweet.

At 3 February 2015 at 12:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alot of times we fight for love and it all comes back to hurt us still. Cant deal abeg. I prefer to stay on the “easily giveup lane“ all this love thing sef..... Gift

At 3 March 2015 at 18:14 , Anonymous said...

Thank so much for this! I haven’t been this moved by a post for a long period of time! You have got it, whatever that means in blogging. Anyway, you’re definitely somebody that has something to say that people need to hear. Keep up the great work. Keep on inspiring the people!


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