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Saturday 24 January 2015

A short Story: Mr Allen's Turmoil

     Alright so picture this, let's use a fictional character and name him Allen. So Allen works at a very popular company in the state that he resides. Everybody around him, family, friends, girlfriends and members of the society know this company and know that the company is worth billions. So when Allen was employed as the manager, he was expected to earn some serious cash and of cos act accordingly. Now Allen got into the company only to discover that the amount that they pay isn't up to half of what he though in his mind. If he thought they were going to be paying him about 300 grand monthly, he was being paid 50 grand each month.

       Allen started working at the company and managing the pay at first because he couldn't find a better job and the places he applied didn't have the "name" that his present company has and didn't pay up to the 50 grand he was collecting at his present job. He had no choice but to sit and manage what he was getting. The problem is that he had already and keeps painting a picture that he is earning some serious money from the company. It wasn't long before his parents needed new things and left him to start taking care of their needs, they retired. His girlfriend started demanding a better treatment because she had endured the bad years with him and she felt she deserved to enjoy since the good time where here and he had to respond because he didn't want to seem stingy to her. During outings with friends who hadn't found jobs yet or found jobs but where being paid very little, he was expected to always foot most of the bills. They didn't realize just yet that Allen was earning almost the same amount as they were. People who knew him from a distance bowed down when he passed and hailed him "Oga at the Top" while some closer ones called him "The able manager". The pressure started getting much on him and he had to find a way to cope, the problem was that he was already too deep and all these people believed in him, it was going to be embarrassing to come out and say things the way they really were, plus his ego wasn't going to have none of that from him. So he had to look for ways to compensate. He thought to himself that he couldn't afford to slack, I mean, he was a whole manager of a company worth billions. He had to do something to keep up his image, if not the town people might laugh at him and his girl might leave him. Not to mention his friends and families disappointment when they discover he has been living a lie
       Luckily for him or so he thought to himself, the director of this company was hardly around and only came round after 6 months to check on things or even worse. Allen was a very smart man so knew how to take money, cover up through records and get the papers in order before his directors next visit. The director or the external auditor would check through the records and see no trace of anything missing. So this was what he did and sustained his image. He popped bottles of expensive champagne whenever he hung out with friends and the cheers of his friends were like poisonous serum fed to his brain. The praises where hypnotic chants that tricked his mind and made him desperate to keep up his image.

Years passed and he had bought himself a car, a land, was building a house and was really a celebrity in his state. He was planning on surprising his girlfriend with a huge dream wedding and had added to his online shopping basket, a huge diamond engagement ring. Allen had big plans for the near future. He had forgotten his self discipline that kept his notorious acts at a moderate level. The need to impress was increasing and it wasn't long before he felt he needed to up his game and impress a little more. So he kept taking and taking from the company with the amount increasing each time.

A week after one of his directors occasional visit, he was at it again and really living his star like lifestyle. Life couldn't be better at that point, at least up until the point his phone rang and the caller I.D said "Director".

The story dey sweet abi? Don't worry I'll continue this soon enough...

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At 29 January 2015 at 10:54 , Anonymous enomo said...

ohhhhhh c'mon finish the story pleaseeeee

At 30 January 2015 at 05:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lmao...ralph wetin dey do u nah..finish the story jor

At 20 April 2015 at 17:14 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

Wooowww!!!,twas so captivating!!


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