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Friday 27 March 2015

What happened to fixing issues?

    Relationships and marriages are failing every single day in the modern world. Our elders tell us that is wasn't the same way with them. They say that back in the days, relationships had a longer life span but that now we know not what we do. I hear this all the time and I keep wondering what the problem might be these days. What changed? Where did it all go wrong. Is it because these days, we pay little to no attention to culture and tradition? Is it technology that's causing a rift between couples? What of pride, could it be responsible? Lack of respect for the opposite gender?
     These questions bug my mind almost everyday as I sort through problems in relationships and it's impossible to place a finger on what in particular the problem might be or if there is just one general problem that could put an end to the issues (highly unlikely). However I can say that there is one culprit that I have been able to locate. This is one of the major reasons why relationships break apart so easily these day.

      I have noticed in most cases that there is no genuine will to try and fix something that is broken. It's just out with the old and in with the new in this generation.  There is a general mind set of 'there are many fishes in the sea'. Couples concentrate more on proving who is tougher and who is weaker. It's almost as if couples wait for their partner to screw up so they can show them how better off they are without them. There is no eagerness to work on anything anymore. Having a partner these day is more like having a competition instead of a companion. Couples see themselves as rivals rather than partners. Problems are no more being worked on due to distractions and attention from other people. Any little issue that comes up causes a rift that is bigger than it should. Problem also is that the few who actually have in them to try and fix problems practically count on their fingers how many times they have fixed issues and their partner hasn't, if they are ahead in the count then they stop showing any concern or trying. The struggle to stay on the same level of concern seems to supersede the interest to keep the relationship healthy and alive.

     I read a quote today that said 'I hate you and then I love you, it's like I want to push you off a cliff, then run below and catch you before you hurt yourself'  You see how cute that sound? It shows that the couple has their issues and they get mad and even though they might hurt each other, they also want to be the ones to heal each others wounds or even stop them from getting hurt at all.
   Now let's look at the situation of things today. If the quote was to represent what we actually do these days, it would read ' I hate you and the I love you, then hate you some more, and then some more, it's like I want to push you off a cliff, then run below and make sure you land with your head you miserable f*ck'. Do you see the difference? It's like you can almost feel your partner wishing that something bad would happen to you so they can stand above you.

We need to start realizing that there will always be problems and issues. There will always struggles in relationships. Your partner will get on your nerves and make you want to just lock them up in a refrigerator till they freeze over. You will both be at each others necks at times. But once that time passes, for the sake of love you just have to learn to let go. You should learn to concentrate on fixing the problems.

Do not dwell on anything that your partner did to hurt you. If you notice things going wrong, all you should do is to try and fix them. I know there are many choices out there in the world. I know there are other people out there who will treat you better (initially) but you have to make a choice to fix what you already have. Do this not even because you don't know if you will meet someone worse out there, but because you can't afford to toss every broken thing away. If you can go fix your cell phone when it's broken then why not do the same for your love life.

So finally I look around and I wonder what the problem could be in the world today. I feel there are just too many problems but one that bothers me is this. I fear our pride has grown more than our love for each other.



At 27 March 2015 at 11:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is really an issue ralph,because most pipl justwant to ball out at the slightest problem....thanks for the encouragement.

At 27 March 2015 at 19:25 , Blogger Unknown said...

@Ralph, Sometimes some relationships does not worth killing one self over.

At 29 March 2015 at 07:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Adewale I think ralph is trying to talk of those that are worth fighting for and not those that are obviously aren't. What I gathered is that you shouldn't run from at the first sign of trouble. This post just helped me actually. Thanks you ralph

At 19 April 2015 at 17:27 , Blogger esit said...

You can only fix for so long till one gets exhausted and just lets it go. There's life after every relationship. I want to believe thay it's never that serious

At 22 April 2015 at 10:32 , Blogger Thelma's cake world said...

The word patience is missing in rships nowadays,the partied involved are so impatient and call it quit over little issues!!!
The popular slangs amongst peep is ,for better for stay,for worse for go!!


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