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Wednesday 18 March 2015

Why not change things you don't like?


      Self pity and a state of melancholy is very easy to fall into when it seems like everybody around you is looking down on you because of something about you. This could be because of a particular character or physical attribute you possess. For example if you are an overweight person or excessively thin looking person. Most of the time we stay complaining about the way we look and how people look down on us because of these things. But here is something most of us forget, we have the power to change the things we do not like. We do not have to sit and wallow in self pity.

Now I know that when it comes to ignoring people it isn't always an easy task to pull off especially if they are persistent in their attacks, so change is a better option. But if you really aren't comfortable for your own reasons with your physical attribute or otherwise then you should learn how to make a decision and change those things. The power to change you is always in your own hands. It's just that most times we underestimate our ability to change things about us. Most people do not even want to think about it and those who think about it believe that you can't do anything and that however you are is the way you are supposed to be.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying you should change your appearance or character simply because people criticize and talk down on you because of them. Take note of the fact that it is only when you are uncomfortable with your situation and you personally do not like it that you should change it. What people say has little to nothing to do with the decisions you should take in your life. The truth is that if you change simply because of what people say then the same people will find another fault and you will find yourself confused.

Forget about self pity, forget about dying deep inside you and wishing that people will just treat you differently because they won't. If you aren't happy then do something about the thing that is making you sad. Make sure that your priority is your own happiness and comfort (as long as it doesn't hurt your neighbour) and that your reasons for change are reasonable.

If you are big and you don't like it then make an effort to slim down. If you are slim and dislike it then gain some weight. If you get easily angry and it's affecting your general life then practice anger management. If you are too reserved and you do not like it then start with one person and learn how to be more open.  If you feel you aren't fit enough then start exercising. And if you find something that is not changeable, be it physically or emotionally, then learn to carry it so high, that those who criticize will become jealous. Finally if you love yourself the way you are, then remain awesome!

Whatever you do just make sure it's all done for the good of you. Love yourself.



At 19 March 2015 at 11:11 , Blogger The other woman in marriage said...

"The Quest" is one of my books - stressed on things like this. Read the excerpts below:

I often hear people say “I’ll be happy when I get that promotion”, “I’ll be happy as soon as I get married”, “If I can only pay my debts I’ll be happy” “I’ll be happy once I get that contract”. What happens in reality is that we postpone our happiness for an uncertain period of time.
We truly believe that while we comfortably sit at home, watch TV and eat Amala and Ewedu, Eba and Egusi, Akpu and Okro someone or something is going to come along, knock on our door and say “Hey, are you Mr. Ebikeme? Here, I made your boss give you a raise. Oh, and by the way, you won’t have to work any longer! Just stop by once a month and pick up your pay.” Or “Hello Miss Elu, I happened to run into a charming Prince on my way here, and he is dying to marry you” - Sounds rather unrealistic, but a lot of us still wait for some miracle to fall on our head and make us happy. And until this happens we refuse to be happy.

My dear friends, the truth is if you aren’t happy now you most likely will NEVER be no matter what happens. Instead of focusing on the fortunes they personally possess, these unhappy people concern themselves with the material possessions and successes of others.
Failing to recognize their own achievements and all the good in their world, it seems to these people as though everyone has it so much better than they do. People have a hard time accepting their life at face value, being grateful for what they do have and enjoying it.
A lack of confidence is ever present in the minds of unhappy people. These persons have insecurities with who they are, and thus, become introverted and strays from communicating with other people at all costs. They lack the self-esteem to motivate them in day-to-day life, which unfortunately can transcend into their social life – if they have one.

These people tend to remove themselves from social settings since they tend to be miserable and negative by nature. Other people also do not wish to include them in gatherings since they bring a negative, morose vibe into the group. Who wants to be around a sadist? No tell me. Negativity and complaints plague the minds of unhappy people. This mindset is detrimental to any future success they hope to attain. By constantly engaging in negative thoughts, negative thinkers place limitations upon themselves. Delivering poor work in the office, inability to envision future success and poor self-esteem are just a few consequences that hold negative thinkers back from their true potential.

You can get this book for N200 on


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